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Reviews for Hook's Prize

By : tavington
  • From ANON - BunburysNurse on July 08, 2004
    Well, I'm glad to see that you added a notation about the name change. It should be edifying for future readers. I'm still not sure what the purpose for the alteration is, or what itomplomplishes. But then, it's not my story. As for my being obtuse, since you hadn't provided any notation before, I would've had to have been psychic to understand what mea meant. Particularly since I am only acquainted with the dictionary definition of "soundtrack". That being, the physical track on a strip of film onto which sound is recorded. I'm sorry that I didn't know you meant the private, unspoken, imaginary soundtrack for your fanfiction that involved the first few Chopin-inspired chords of a Barry Manilow song that were playing exclusively in your mind. Perhaps I should be flattered that you think me capable of such leaps?

    As to this not being your usual genre, I think that's evident. But, that's the problem. How very evident it is. It would not occur to me to write anything in any genre, however casual, without researching it adequately. Slapping an AU label on something, just because you can't be arsed to do the basic legwork is sloppy and annoying. It makes it insultingly clearthe the real fans and followers of that genre that you just don't give a damn...Beyond the fact that, in this case, Jason Isaacs looks like, totally hawt in leather boots and velvet.

    You appear to have a modicum of talent. That's why I wrote to you. But, you're lazy and you'd rather get defensive and make excuses than admit you made a mistake, correct the damn thing and move on. It's really a shame.
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  • From ANON - slytherin dragoon on July 04, 2004
    Well, even though knowing you are being deliberately obtuse here, I will explain. Of course, there is no PP movie soundtrack, it is "so"soundtrack" for my story alone. "Could It Be Magic" with the introduction from Chopin's Prelude in C Minor just reminded me of Hook while I was writing the story. No big deal.

    Your remarks catty? That's like calling a tornado a fresh breeze. Constructive criticism need not be condescending, patronizing, and sarcastic in order to be constructive. You were simply being self congratulatory on your supposed rapier wit at my expense. True constructive criticism is not properly dismissed as simply wanting "praise", nor is it ever at the expense of common courtesy. My story was also "AU", which means Alternate Universe, which is never meant to adhere to strict canon. Also, PP is not my main genre; it was merely written as a quick, fun piece for fellow Jason Isaacs fans. That's all. Nothing worth insulting someone about. It was just for ENTERTAINMENT; it was never intended to supplement J.M. Barrie. Do lighten up a bit. Enough said.
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  • From ANON - BunburysNurse on July 04, 2004
    Exactly what soundtrack would that be? I must con to to not owning the PP soundtrack, myself. So, I went to to look it up and found 18 tracks listed. None of which were written or sung by Barry Manilow. Which rather confirmed by memory of the film itself as being blessedly Manilow-free. Nonetheless, if you wanted to use this song as a reference, whatever the reason, you'd be perfectly free to do so. Still, wouldn't a note to this effect be nice? Just so it doesn't look completely random? Otherwise, why not call George "Irving"? Or Peter "Waldo" or Wendy "Hepsebah of the Eighth Realm" just use use you'd had a whim to? The point of canon and adhering to it, is that *that* is what makes a story and its characters recognizable and enjoyable. The names are the most basic things. I wasn't picking on that idly. It wasn't the only thing you got wrong. It was merely the most egregious of the many faults. And although my tone was admittedly catty, my criticism was valid. If you count only praise as constructive, you'll never get any better.
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  • From ANON - slytherin dragoon on July 04, 2004
    With all due respect, the name change was a purposeful thing. This was ecause one of the soundtrack songs was "Could It Be Magic" where Barry Manilow sings to "Sweet Melissa" -- although you might not be old enough to be familiar with this song. Also this is indeed an AU/PWP, so I was not overly concerned with canon. This story was meant for entertainment only, so lighten up a bit. It might also help in future reviews to couch que questions or criticism in CONSTRUCTIVE terms as no one responds favorably to hostility and self righteous judgement.
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  • From ANON - BunburysNurse on July 04, 2004
    Mary. Her name is "Mary Darling". Exactly how hard would it have been and how many seconds would it have taken out of your busy, busy day to look up the correct name for your female lead? Of course, that might have required you to actually watch the movie or read the book. Neither of which you appear to have bothered with, judging by the (cough) story (cough) you've written. I have nothing at all against PWPs, mind you. But, it is nice to think that the author of same knows something more about what she/he is writing than the source's title.
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  • From ANON - Evelyn on June 17, 2004
    That was really good! I'm soooo jealous! Interesting pairing as well... awesome!
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  • From ANON - Luna Riddle on June 14, 2004
    oh how i envy mrs darling getting to have hook! wonderful story
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