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Reviews for Black Angels

By : Provocateur
  • From LaurieBaker on October 04, 2005
    Another great chapter. Glad to see that you are back. I expect now we will all go through a lot of E/C angst now...and I suspect that Erik forgot about his "french letters" with that last encounter. LOL!
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  • From ANON - Tara on October 01, 2005
    I can't wait for the rest of this story to continue. As much as I love the movie, I really like the fanfictions also. I hope Erik and Christine stay together. I also love the way you have mentioned his wig! None of the other fanfictions do that.
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  • From ANON - Chelsea on September 29, 2005
    I found one of my favorite passages in your story so far in chapter 24:
    She succumbed to him, and in doing so found a freedom she never thought possible.
    The freedom to choose a lover. Not a mate, husband, companion, or friend, but a lover.
    * * *
    That is stunning - I love it :) I was so pleased with the chapter's ending as well. Everyone knows you need a proper 'bon voyage' before going your seperate ways! Your work is beautiful and I admire you so much for that.. I can't wait to see the next chapter. Please don't keep us waiting too long! TWO THUMBS UP
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  • From PhantomMiddleEarthLover on September 29, 2005
    Brava! A wonderful return, my friend. We've missed you. Fabulous story, I love Erik's "good-bye". I hope it's not near the end. They belong together - you've written them so well :)
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  • From ANON - Koda on September 28, 2005
    I didn't read the first part. :| Sorry. But. Greatgreatgreat.
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  • From nocturne on September 18, 2005
    oh, this is beautiful. hauntingly so. and absolutely perfect.
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  • From ANON - Koda on August 20, 2005
    Christine can't go back. : But no! If it doesn't, the story might end. DDDD= And that'd be awful.
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  • From ANON - Mademoiselle Meg on August 19, 2005
    Another wonderful chapter! Have fun in New York! I just saw the play last week and it was INCREDIBLE!! Enjoy!!
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  • From PhantomMiddleEarthLover on August 19, 2005
    Well done. I like what you've done with the characters and how you're bringing them along. I do find myself wishing for a happy ending after all they've been through...but it's your lovely story and I'll follow it to the end regardless :) I love the way Erik and Christine are growing together as a couple.
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  • From ANON - JT on August 19, 2005
    -runs around squealing- AGHH I LOVE E/C FLUFF!!!!
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  • From ANON - chelsea on August 18, 2005
    holy cow, i was so excited to that not only did you have one new installment posted today but TWO! you made my day. i'm very much pleased with the relationship that's growing between Erik and Christine. the eroticism is obviously something Christine will never share with Raoul. you're doing a great job in encorporating the various characteres into the plot, Madame Giry, Raoul + Phillipe etc. i'm very much excited to see where you go from here on out. but i'll admit i'm nervous as to what will happen when the time comes for Christine to leave Erik. on an unrelated note to the story, i'm going to see POTO this weekend in NYC :) i'm so pumped, i've never seen it before too. just thought i'd add my little two cents haha, enjoy your trip to NYC & keep up the good work!!
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  • From ANON - JT on August 14, 2005
    Omfg. I would cuss, but I don't think it would be appropriate.
    Omfg. Oh. My. dear foot gosh. This fanfiction has brought me of any other fanfics. I remember coming across your fanfic before, and did not wnat to read it...because I read the first chapter, saw that Christine had a daughter [OH what CONFLICTS that can bring up in the future ]...and immediately turned away, cause really, I can't stand imagining Christine with a daughter...with...Raoul. So I avoided it...until I grew bored, and read on.
    And omg. It's absolutely amazing. Your writing blew my mind away. It doesn't want me to write my own fanfiction, because really, yours makes SO much more sense. It described everything, from what happened afterwards, what Christine felt, missed, and the Phantom...oh man. I've never been so SATISFIED to read Ch. 21 I believe? Like, there are so many aspects of this fanfiction that I absolutely adore. Especially the heart to heart session, when Erik tells Christine of his past. The way you describe how they felt, the little touches...and oh man, that blew me away. And his reflections of what happened in Chapter 22. Very, extremely touching. It lets the reader dive into him...and just.... relive everything, exactly /how much/ Christine MEANS to him. And I also really appreciate how you display Meg in this fic, not an all understanding bestest buddy friend with Christine, but a woman who wants to understand why Christine chosee Erik. In conclusion, I apologize for my immature judgement in the beginning, and thank you so very much for making this fanfic so enjoyable, especially since the chapters are so long!! :) It's definately worth the wait. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. So please update soon! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Bella on August 13, 2005
    I have found this to be beautifully written, well paced, and accurate (imho of course) of the ways in which these characters would act. I beg for another update....grovel grovel grovel
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on August 10, 2005
    You updated!!!!
    Wonderful chapter again as always! I love the conflict of emotions Erik has as he mulls over his previous life with Christine. You've once again accurately captured all the angst and turmoil he feels. What a tortured soul! All this self reflection is good because it allows the reader to truly see that Erik is a very complex person and not really the monster we are first lead to believe.
    I enjoyed how Madame Giry confirms this as well in her description of how she found him and what had been done to Erik as a boy. Your descriptions truly make us feel deep compassion for him! What a wonderful character! BRAVO!
    I still say that Meg protesth a bit too much and about Christine and Erik being lovers! I think she has designs on dear Raoul and that is why she is so upset with Christine. Am I right??? :)
    Anyways, another beautiful chapter. You story is always the highlight of my day! Please be sure to update soon and remember what I "suggested" about the ending. I'd hate to have to pull out the plank and retract the chocolate chip cookie offer, saavy? Just kidding.
    Beautifully done!!!
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  • From ANON - Koda on August 06, 2005
    A nice long chapter, as always. I love Madame Giry. I think she's my second favourite character.
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