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Reviews for Black Angels

By : Provocateur
  • From ANON - Confessionsofasoul on August 05, 2005
    I like this story very much. It is very well written, you are very talented.

    Hope you update it soon!!

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  • From ANON - PhantomMiddleEarthLover on August 04, 2005
    Wonderful as ever. Thank you for updating :)
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on July 23, 2005
    I'M BACK!!!! :) Did you miss me? Sorry, life intruded for a bit.
    Good news! Not only has the plank been retracted but I have a batch of chocolate chip cookies for your wonderful chappie! Not very pirate-like I know, but very appropriate! :) Now, on to more serious matters! I'm speachless, truly speachless at the depth of emotions your chapter brought out. It was incredible! FINALLY, the chapter I've been waiting for and it was not a disappointment in the least! I don't think anyone else could have described the releasing of Erik's invisible chains with any more feeling than you did. I found myself feeling elated that Erik and Christine have found each other. This chapter brought feelings of turmoil, angst, desire, happiness, peace and sadness out of me and jumbled them into a wonderful mix! Pass back one of those cookies, I'm in such turmoil I need some chocolate, savvy? You write the most deeply wonderful stories where the reader falls into the tale and feels like the characters are people they know and can really relate to in one form or another. The wording you use is in a simple word, unbelieveable! Descriptive, yet poetic and with a great deal of feeling! I could not make any recommendations to change a word without ruining such a beautiful piece so I will just say, "BRAVO!!!" Please update soon and remember my request for a HAPPY ending for our love birds! Ta!
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  • From ANON - Chelsea on July 17, 2005
    what we've all been waiting for... BRAVO! well done :)
    (well worth the wait might i add)

    your language used to describe the whole scene with christine & erik was .. just perfect. you made the act of love-making all more the beautiful and poignant. i have no criticisms! i LOOOOVE this story.. keep it coming!
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  • From ANON - Kaimin on July 15, 2005
    This is a wonderful story! Rich in language, beautifully detailed, and just enough steaminess, angst, romance, discord, etc. in all the right spots. I read the first 20 chapters in one night, and then waited on pins and needles for the next. Chapter 21 was well worth the wait!!! I nearly cried! BRAVA!!
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  • From ANON - Phantomforever on July 14, 2005
    Oh my gosh...I am sitting here stunned....this chapter was so unbelievably wonderful, so magnificent...I can't even find all the right words to tell was so fantastic, I am speechless!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Koda on July 14, 2005
    It was *very* good. I love you, you know! Ahhh. I think I'll..go to bed..yeah. -disappears into bedroom, thoughts of Erik in mind-
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  • From ANON - Lady_DiMera on July 08, 2005
    Hmm? Which is better? The spanking Erik in 'Dance' or the Erik with the chains in this one? Decisions, decisions...LOL!
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  • From ANON - Koda on July 08, 2005
    -grins- Christine's getting a bit needy, isn't she?
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  • From ANON - Britt on July 08, 2005
    hell YES! This can only go good places from here.
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  • From carlanime on July 06, 2005
    Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying this fic, and looking forward to further updates.
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on June 30, 2005
    (Tips hat to author) Nice job on the chapter. Mind you, it is not my favorite chapter because it does not have Erik in it :( but it was still good.
    A break from all the steaminess is best once and awhile to keep the anticipation going. Just please don't make it a habit! :)
    I like how Raoul and Philippe are truly trapped in their situation; however, please don't make Christine go all "wishy washy" for Raoul because of this!!! It is unfortunate he is in this predicament but I think Christine would be reflected as not having any backbone if she stays with Raoul as a result of this. Please, please let her end up with Erik! (Still pushing for them to be together!) :)
    The discussion with Christine and Meg was great! I'm sorry to see their friendship so strained but it proves that Christine has deeper feelings for Erik and I also think Meg is beginning to reveal some hidden feelings for Raoul. Maybe? Hmmmm?
    Nice work as always. Please update soon. It is so hard waiting for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - chelsea on June 26, 2005
    ::sigh:: a new chapter -- yay! your storyline is moving along perfectly.. not too fast, not too slow :) FINALLY christine has admitted to being madly in love with Erik. goodgod, it's about damn time!! the conversation between Meg and Christine was so real.. i could feel myself getting red in the cheeks and flustered at all the harsh words Meg spat at Christine.. which obviously means you're doing your job! KUDOS
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  • From ANON - Lady_DiMera on June 24, 2005
    Good scene of conflict between Meg and Christine. I love reading this story.
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  • From ANON - Phantomforever on June 24, 2005
    Wow, an intense and emotionally suspenseful chapter -- it made me feel good that Christine's heart is finally softening to Erik's love for her. Meg's strong reaction took me by surprise, but it's completely understandable. I love the way you describe Erik in this story. So needful of Christine's love; so passionate; so determined to win her heart. Wonderful writing, this story is at the top of my favorites.
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