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Reviews for Black Angels

By : Provocateur
  • From ANON - Koda on June 18, 2005
    I only read chapters 17 and 18 and..oh my! Please continue very soon! I want them to do it. All the it, not just the foreplay! ^^; Meh, but I suppose the teasing makes it all the better than it actually comes.
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on June 16, 2005
    Ummm.....Well...(clears throat) That was truly impressive! I'm at a loss for words.
    Your details and overall flow of the story are better than most published authors! I felt a myriad of emotions reading this part. Christine and Erik's sadness and regret over life's cruelty is so heartbreaking it pierces the soul! When their passions "merge as one" :) , it is a beautiful, steamy, intense and RIGHT moment! They share something really special and I truly, truly hope they can complete each other not just now but always! (Still pushing for a happier ending!)
    I hope Christine will realize that Erik was actually being somewhat noble and unselfish by stopping that rather steamy interlude! Again, I feel Erik and Christine's relationship is based on a more mature foundation and is definitely more wickedly passionate ;) than the relationship she will ever have with Raoul!
    Raoul is too much of a "wet sock" when it comes to the emotions he inspires in her and his aspirations for life seen very weak. At least Erik appears more grounded considering he is musically talented, a craftsman with wood and an overall artist. Raoul's only talent seems to be whining, which is a very child-like characteristic I might add!
    This chapter definitely caused me to reconsider the plank but I don't know if you're completely forgiven for leaving us hanging once again! You will just have to update this phenomenal story soon to guarantee you won't have to walk it!
    Seriously, great job with this chapter and the overall story. I have read a lot of Phantom stories out there, but this one has pushed its way to the top as my #1 favorite! BRAVO!
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  • From ANON - Chelsea on June 16, 2005
    "The desire to love and nurture the sensuality in another seemed so very selfless and right, as if nothing in the world could ever feel more perfect than the touch of a lover’s bare skin upon your own."
    - That passage gave me the chills, it's so beautifully poetic and so real.. raw.. just perfect!

    job well done.. eagerly awaiting the next installment.. keep at it :) i love reading your work!!
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  • From ANON - Lady_DiMera on June 15, 2005
    Good chapter and worth the wait! I like that Erik has had some "practice" in lovemaking and yet feels like its all for the first time with Christine. Cruel author, I am begging you for the "climax" just like Christine begged Erik for hers...LOL!
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  • From ANON - Britt on June 15, 2005
    Boo Yeah!!!

    umm, yup, that's pretty much all i've got to say, lol. :D Nice Erik won out in the end, I see :D (you could bring Marquis de Sade Erik back... you know, if you wanted... might be fun... heh heh heh)
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on June 13, 2005
    (Jumping up and down) Bad author! Bad author! So evil leaving us with a cliffe!!!!
    You'd best update soon or my infamous plank may have to come out! I'd hate for a certain author to be forced to walk it!
    Seriously, a beautifully written chapter. There was so much pent up emotion in it! What a tragic life for Erik! You decribed it so perfectly I could picture every detail!
    Erik definitely has to end up with Christine! Please for the love of all that is decent!
    If Christine cannot forgive him after he had the courage to reveal his story, I swear I will have lost all respect for her!
    In case you haven't guessed, this chapter caused my emotions to run high. You've done a beautiful job with the progression of the story. Please keep up the good work and update soon!
    Still waiting for the chapter! You know which one I mean! :)
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  • From ANON - odoanna on June 12, 2005

    Great beginning of the story ! Love the way you described the opposites between raoul and erik. Lovely descriptions, none too long, great, Great choice of words ! I'm already loving this ! Wonder what'll happen... I just LOOOOOOVVVEE erik fanfic and yours is a winner !! Keep up the work and let us rejoice in erikicity..
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  • From ANON - chelsea on June 11, 2005
    ahhh, a cliffhanger of sorts :x update.. i wanna read more, i'm so enthralled!
    awesome job, such vivid use of language. your storytelling of erik's past was perfect.
    the way you write, i'm able to picture ALL this happening, moment by moment in my mind.
    killer job!!!

    gimme more :)
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  • From ANON - Lady_DiMera on June 10, 2005
    I love how in your story you have Erik and Christine feel such a raw need for each other. Looking forward to what happens after the kiss...
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  • From ANON - Britt on June 10, 2005
    Oh... god... update... soon... please... *gasping with indignation that you left it there*
    Lol! Well, as you can see, I liked that chapter lots! :D
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  • From ANON - EriksAngel on June 09, 2005
    Are you trying to give a person a heart attack!!!! I mean you cannot just leave us all hanging on like that...It's cruel! So please come back soon and post another chapter before we all die of anticipation. On another note, that was a freakin awesome chapter and so full of the angst you do so well. Great way to blend both Kay and elements of ALW and yourself all together and I loved the Erik and Christine :) :)

    Great work!
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  • From ANON - LoveGuardian aka AngelOfMusic387 on June 09, 2005
    That was a perfect place to end the chapter. I loved it! I feel so sorry for Erik, and I hope that Christine can help him to forget, or at least heal from, his tortured past.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 09, 2005
    oh, wow, so beautiful!! pleasepdate soon!
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  • From ANON - Lady_DiMera on June 09, 2005
    I have just about caught up with reading all of this story and have really enjoyed it so far. The Marquis de Sade chapter was brilliant. And I like the Sofia character a lot.
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  • From ANON - chelsea on June 07, 2005
    i just finished chapter sixteen, and i am dyyyying to find out more. like many, i'm really anxious for a racey scene between Erik and Christine, however inappropriate that might sound. i found a link to your site through livejournal and i must say i am hooked! i'm distraught over the fact, as of right now, there is nothing more for me to read. since i've dedicated the past 2.5 days to reading your work, and i might add i am supremely impressed! writing is a favorite hobby of mine, and i'm attending a nearby university this fall as a Creative Writing major. reading something of this caliber.. completely floors me! i wish i had such a beautiful way with words. one can only hope with practice and diligence, the impressive skills will soon follow. your author notes are helpful as well... and your language is.. amazing! i hope you will posting another chapter or two in the near future before i keel over in anticipation. pardon the repetitive remarks i've shared with you thus far. let me just say this: i've read plenty of fan fiction in my day (both erotic and non) and i must say, you're one of the best i've read! a compliment i'm sure you've heard many a time, but regardless - i felt it necessary to share. please let me know when/if you'll be continuing this story, i'd love to follow along. thank you for sharing!!!
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