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Reviews for Black Angels

By : Provocateur
  • From ANON - Jen on May 16, 2005
    Half-naked erik sweating out in the sun, drunk christine, i love it. I love the way you are writing your story, its one of my absolute favorites on this site. Keep up the good work, and thanks so much for the consistant updates.

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  • From Wwhatiwant on May 16, 2005
    I really loved your opening and the story line was very creative and kept me interested. I hope you continue to write other fics just as good or better.

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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on May 12, 2005
    (Does the happy dance of joy) Yeah I made it into the reviews! (Dancing even harder) Yeah Erik is naked from the waist up!!! :)
    (Smile changes to slight pout) No steamy chapters yet but I do understand having to explain things first. Anticipation is everything!
    Well, Erik had his drowned cat experience and now it is Christine's turn! :) It's nice to see our dear Phantom is not as immune as he would like when he sees her drenched. Did the book have to buy it though? ;(
    Seriously, I enjoyed this chapter for several reasons. Raoul will be stuck in London for awhile which will give our dear Phantom possibly more time to work on Christine. :)
    Also, it was nice to see Christine realize maybe she does not like Erik's indifference to her. Revelation time!
    They really are better for each other than Christine and Raoul. Their relationship is too child-like and as Christine is becoming more of a woman she needs a more adult relationship (and Erik is quite the adult!) ;)
    I'm still going to push for them to end up together in the end! Erik's life has been so horrible I don't think it is sugar-coating it to have all the coflict and still have them be together.
    (Sheepishly steps off of soap box) Sorry, got carried away.
    Nice writing. Please keep up the great work and update soon!!!
    I cannot wait for the steamy chapter!!!!
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  • From ANON - Britt on May 11, 2005
    Yay! An update! Hahaha, I just about died when it said he was working naked... to the waist. Oh. :D Dang, that's not what I was hoping for!

    Anyhoo... I like! Bring on the smut! (in your own time, of course. lol.)
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  • From ANON - Erik\'sAngel on May 11, 2005
    I just came across this story by accident and read all 13 chapters in one sitting! I really love the way you keep Erik a conflicted character who wants to possess Christine and yet is afarid to and I love that Christine has a backbone. Also, nice job keeping Raoul a likable character ~ so often in POTO fanfics he becomes just a crazy jealous man. Either way, I am loving the Erik and Christine action so far and bravo on the Sofia character as well; every good teacher must have had one before ;) Kepp up the great work and I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From maiafay376 on May 11, 2005
    I have not since enjoyed a "Phantom of the Opera" fanfic like this since Susan Kay. Which I truly thought she had captured the phantom in all of his glory.
    I like that fact Erik is not a weak sniveling dog, begging for Christine's slightest touch. I like the fact that he is still virile and passionate, and lethal at the same time. Not to mention I actually "like" the character of Christine...which is something profound, believe me! ( Always thought her to be a fool to pass up a dark and sensual relationship as she did.)
    Wonderfully written and I look forward to the next update.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 06, 2005
    All I have to say is... When's chapter 13 up? I can't wait!
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on May 05, 2005
    Chapter 12

    (Puts head in hands) OHHH! I thought this was going to be the steamy chapter! I am sitting here on pins and needles waiting for that chapter! Please update soon!
    (More humbly) I did enjoy this chapter because it showed the continuing conflict Christine is having with her attraction to Erik and her fear of him. It was also rather amusing to read that Erik was dashing to her door to avoid getting wet. I know it was supposed to be a more serious scene but I couldn't help having this silly image in my mind of him behaving like a cat that got drenched! :) Sorry.
    I truly have my fingers crossed that Erik and Christine can come together not only physically but emotionally. They really do complete each other whether they realize it or not!
    Great writing as always! Please, please update soon! :)
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  • From ANON - Britt on May 02, 2005
    Oooh this is fun! Promising to be lovely and steamy... Don't keep us waiting too long for those two weeks, now ;D
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on April 27, 2005
    Chapter 11

    OH YEAH! (SP fans herself harder)
    I don't think Erik has to worry about Christine not wanting him! :)
    Let's just hope that she can realize what she has with Raoul will never amount to what she could have with Erik!
    This story is wonderful! Please update soon with the start of the two weeks. Can't wait!
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on April 27, 2005
    Chapter 10
    (SP fanning herself vigorously) Whew! That was a steamy chapter!!! I can't wait for the two weeks to arrive. Please hurry and write that part. The suspense is killing me!
    You write Erik exceptionally well. He is very easy to imagine acting just as you portray him. Nice writing of Christine as well! :)
    It's a great day when there is an update for this story.
    Good job!

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  • From ANON - gv on April 26, 2005
    oh this is so good!! please update
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  • From ANON - Sparrow\'s Pearl on April 19, 2005
    Wow! This story is great!!! I stumbled across it and started reading and before I knew it I'd blown through the first nine chapters!
    Excellent detailing of Erik. I think you've captured all his nuances very well! I recently read some of your other stories and I do have one suggestion. Could you possibly write a story where he actually ends up with Christine?
    I know that may not be your writing style but Erik can still have all the suffering and torment but not the complete loneliness maybe. Just a thought...
    I don't want to step on any toes and I do love the way you write your stories. Erik just had so many hard breaks it seems like he should have some happiness to break the cycle of despair.
    You write him and the rest of the characters beautifully and it is easy for the reader to fall into the story!
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  • From ANON - Jen on April 19, 2005
    ooooooo **tingles with excitement** i love this story... i can't wait to see what happens... update soon!

    "will u be a gentlemen?"
    "yes." no.
    ahahaha i loved that.
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  • From ANON - eric\'s tenting pants on April 18, 2005
    I don't approve of people having one-night stands or affairs or flings. Sex should always be between two people whom love each other, and maybe, if all goes well, will eventually marry, or stay together forever (for gays, bys, and heterosexuals). However, I agree that it would be nice for both people, or one of them, be experts in love-making. Interesting turn of events. Will Eric stay with the widow or continue pursuing Christine? Hmmm...
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