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Reviews for Is It Scary

By : Idolhands
  • From CuxW on May 28, 2008
    This is honestly one of the best fanfics we have ever read...The time and effort you put into this story really shows. In every historical, literary, and pop-culture reference you make, you make a brilliant example of the skill and dedication required to make VERY good fanfiction. It isn't just references though. You have a very unique and readable voice in your work that makes it able to be read over and over. (That's very rare lately) There's more, but we couldn't possibly think of it all.
    We're proud to call "Is It Scary" our favorite fanfic of all time. Thank you.

    PS: We know how it is to live off reviews. Hope you find the inspiration you need to continue making this one of the best there's ever been.
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  • From alleycat88 on April 15, 2008
    Oooo! update soon please! I was afraid you had forgotten this story!
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  • From xSlightlyxSanex on January 12, 2008
    OMG!!! So I don't know how late this review is gonna be because I'm too lazy to check the date...I LOVE this story!!!! I started reading it a while ago and then sort of forgot about it (mostly because I stopped reading CatCF) but I found it again and I got to read all of it (well what you have) and seriously this is the bomb! I really hope that you update soon!! Seriously though...
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  • From Wilder on December 23, 2007
    My word this is fabulous! This is the best Charlie/Wonka story i have ever read, and it is so detailed and well thought out. Every once in a while i catch a nuance or hidden meaning thinking that it is just a coincedence but it ends up being intentional everytime... i love your little notes at the bottom explaining everything and i find the back tracking interesting, it took me a while to catch on the the fact that we were in the past not still with kidnapped Charlie... threw me off. Thank you for this amazing writing and i look forward to more! your characters, situations and reactions are the most believable and "real" i have read in a long time!
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  • From Kip on December 11, 2007
    Just found this - and you're already on chap 21 ... but it's good. Except for the 'little problem' with the latter chapters being out of sequence, which did throw me for a while - about half of a chapter actually (some days I'm not that bright). Love it though, please keep going. Purr
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  • From SicTransitGloria on August 23, 2007
    Well, I own the entirety of Blood on the Dance Floor now. I've faithfully read the whole story thus far, laughing and clapping my hands at particularly dirty scenes, following all of the links at the end of each 'volume,' and eagerly running back upstairs to piggyback off of the neighbor's wireless and read the next chapter (This has been my bedtime story of choice!). I think the story is very well-written, and that the plot has been thought out carefully in advance is very obvious. There are some things that I feel I have to mention, however..
    One of the things that has annoyed me a bit is this 'wolf' side of Wonka. I know that you're combining all of the Wonkas for this story, and I greatly appreciate that, but anytime Wonka becomes animal-like and lustful I'm like, "Dammit! Honey, whatever!" Perhaps it just feels too common for the adult in slash-shota (does that phrase even work?) relationships to lose his head when aroused by the child, and become violently sexual. Don't get me wrong, it certainly makes the story spicy and that much more wonderful to read! I'm just sort of picky about the 'normalcy' of my abnormal interests---that is, if a situation has been written about more than twice, I can't stand anyone else to write anything like it. When I consider it (especially whilst listening to "Is It Scary"!), though, I understand why you've made Wonka this way, and I know that it wouldn't work for him not to have this trait---whether or not it 'annoys' me. And now, the other thing that bothers me: Charlie's personality. All of it. I know he's growing and maturing throughout the story, I know he's a mature kid to begin with. Whatever. I just think that his love for Wonka is a bit too mature, the way he thinks of him and all that. In the more recent chapters, he seems closer to his parent's ages than anything else! I think that in reality, a child wouldn't think of 'love' in such strong terms---I'm not saying he wouldn't want to be with Wonka, but---I feel ridiculous saying this---I think that sexual attraction should have played an even stronger part than it did. Awful, no? Perhaps I don't mean that there should be more sexual attraction---just that there should be less love involved, initially. But what am I saying? I can see the reasoning behind that aspect of the story, too. And you've made up for Charlie's more adult behaviour (in what he says when he comforts people, for instance) by making him naive when it comes to the children at his school, and his family's knowledge of his relationship with Wonka (though I suppose that one doesn't matter much anymore!) Anyway, sorry for the lengthy, void-of-indentation review. Just know that I enjoy the fic very much so far, and I'd love to see more, even if I find the longest ways possible to say so!
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  • From HouseofDeValle on August 16, 2007
    This whole story has been one fascinating discovery after another. I've never really...considered Willy Wonk in this light at all, and only having the first movie under my belt, this seems exceptionally professional. It practically comes to life every time I read it, and such lengthy chapters to boot! I do hope you'll continue soon, all things permitting. I suppose what hooks me most is the amount of research you put into each chapter, giving it this...sense of character that is distinct and potent. Whatever and however it is you make this magick happen, I'm addicted to it, trapped trying to get to its end as one might an Everlasting Gobstopper.

    At this point, there just ain't no gettin' offa this train.
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  • From shoujokitsune on August 16, 2007
    I really love this fic! You have an amazing talent to describe things in such a visual manner. I look forward to whatever happens next. I feel sorry (but not too bad) for whatever will befall the “kidnappers”. But, don’t make it too easy, since the drama of a captured Charlie and distraught Wonka is fantastic. While I would prefer that Charlie’s age was at least past puberty, your manner of writing about their relationship and highlighting Willy’s childlike qualities makes it an interesting pairing. I almost feel a bit guilty for liking it so much – giggle!
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  • From on August 06, 2007
    Man, this story rules!! I can't wait for more! You and your trademark cliffhangers... :)
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  • From SailorAurora on May 13, 2007
    Man, I can't wait to see what happens! I'm glad you started updating again. :)
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  • From mikuplantman on April 24, 2007
    It's good to see another chapter up. xx I can sympathise with being too busy to update. Well done xx
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  • From LisaJane008 on April 23, 2007
    Ah! So happy you updated. And I understand about not having time, it's great that you update at all.

    I loved this chapter, but was mildly confused. You always portray Willy as this great Magikal being, with impossible strength and speed... he was very "humanized" in this update. Perhaps a reason for this..? Or maybe he's holding out...

    Or maybe I'm reading too much into this. lol. I tend to get carried away with such wonderful writings/authors such as yours/you.

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  • From sodapop0006 on April 23, 2007
    Oh, another wonderful chapter!! It's really nice to see a bit from Wonka's past, even when I'm really anxious for Charlie's present. The scene really feels like a connection to Charlie and makes it a lot easier to see Charlie's sympathy for the chocolatier as a boy and it's a nice reminder that dear sweet Wonka WAS a boy himself once. :D Poor Willy. Anyways, I feel for you and all of the schoolwork. I'm in the same position, where I feel like I don't have any time for the fanfics that I've started. It has certainly led to late hours and some procrastination, but it makes the moments I can spare for it all the sweeter! I hope your studies are going well and wish you the best of luck. I'm excited to see where this goes and I promise I'll try to be patient! ^_^ À bientôt, Sayonara, Auf Wiedersehen, Bye Bye and Good Luck! (Reading the German prompted this, btw, thank you!)
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  • From LisaJane008 on February 17, 2007
    Update soon! Please! It's been 6 months! I miss me some WIlly and Charlie
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  • From LisaJane008 on January 26, 2007
    Update soon please! Your work is my addiction and I'm going through withdrawl!
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