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Reviews for Timetables

By : TwilightScribe
  • From lordoberon on January 12, 2011
    GOD this was HOT!! It was fast and at first I was thinking, "oh no too fast" but then...mmm, it got really hot. I loved all of it. Yum yum yum. I love Caspian's accent turning Peter on and I love Peter abandoning his fussiness to just being horny. I also love taht they're on a train and could get caught any second.

    Oh and this bit:
    "Their wedding night was still a very vivid memory in his mind; he hadn't been able to walk without limping for days. And since they hadn't had any actual time for a honeymoon, the two of them had to make do with stolen moments and being incredibly horny around the castle. It was a surprise that no one had walked in on them screwing each other silly."

    It made me laugh, and it made me wonder if there's a prequel fic to the mistletoe one? If not, PLEASE PLEASE write a fanfic for the above paragraph! I want their wedding, their night together, their captured honeymoon screwing moments...PLEASE! It sounds so good! And there aren't enough good, really hot, well written narnia fics on here, especially not Caspian/Peter. They're so good together!
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