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Reviews for Payment

By : tehuti88
  • From motorboatmoaner on April 20, 2019

    :D I love Sokar! I like his personality. Loving these Egyptian stories. 

    You're great with not over saturating the scene with too many descriptions where I'd end up skimming down ahead. You set the pace and the scene perfectly as well as the tone and little insights into the characters. Not many find that balance and I've been digging all over this site into all the archives. There are some that just over do it or don't bother to set up much of anything other than th basics and just dive right to the smut. I prefer yours, you mastered erotica, it satifies. That's why I prefer erotica over porn. Porn gets repetitive and quickly becomes all about the 'what goes into where', and I don't mind certain words people use in writing, like ass, cock, pussy, cum and all that, but there are writers that don't use variety and others use the terms I'd find distracting like vagina and penis - seeing those words all over the place makes me think I'm reading some sex medical article lol. Erotica sets the mood and uses the 'less is more' with subtly but still pays off, I find even better. Your works fit the erotica genre brilliantly. Good work.

    I hope I explained that well enough because I don't write lol but I read when I got the time :) I wonder if you have an interest in Greek/Roman mythology? You could have some fun mixing and matching those horny deities up ;) but only if you're interested. 

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