Harry Gives In | By : Datalaughing Category: A through F > The Dresden Files Views: 13115 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own The Dresden Files, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
(Sometime between Proven Guilty and White Night)
It had been sort of a long morning already, and I hadn’t even left my apartment yet. I was toweling off after my morning ice shower and trying to decide exactly how bad the consequences would be from the decision I’d just made. I say ice shower because I swear the water that comes out of my shower is just a couple degrees shy of being cube shaped. I don’t have a water heater. It’s one of the many concessions that I’ve had to make for being a wizard.
Modern technology tends not to get along well with magic. So I didn’t have a water heater, or a TV, or even electric lights. I make do with candles and a nice fire. Then again, it seems like a reasonable price for being able to manipulate the basic forces of nature. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself as I climb into that freezing shower day after day. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked into my bedroom. My little basement apartment in the middle of Chicago wasn’t what anyone would call roomy. My bedroom was about the size of a walk-in closet in a nicer part of town, and most of that space was taken up by the bed. It’s definitely not much, but I like it. The rent is reasonable, the location is convenient, and I get plenty of privacy, well, when zombie hordes aren’t trying to break down my door, at least. The sound of the door opening drew my attention. It always does. I fixed it myself after the aforementioned zombie attack, and, well, I’m not exactly an expert at that sort of thing. Calling up blasts of fire and gusts of wind, sure. Making sure a door is set perfectly in its frame? Not so much. So it makes some noise when it opens and when it closes and sometimes when it’s just sitting there not being touched at all. I’m not a carpenter. So sue me. I opened the door to the living room and saw Molly Carpenter standing there, the door closed behind her. The daughter of one of my closest friends, Molly had been my apprentice for a couple of months now. Her progress had been really impressive. She had an incredible gift for magic. I didn’t make a habit of telling her that though. She was a teenager, recently turned 18 to be exact, and they already thought they knew everything. I remember what it was like. No point in feeding that delusion, not with the stakes we were playing for. “Molly,” I said by way of greeting, not nearly as embarrassed as I might normally have been if someone had caught me in just a towel. “Our lesson isn’t until this afternoon.” “I know.” She replied, fidgeting a little. “I just wanted to talk to you about something first.” Nervousness always looked a little odd on Molly. She was almost six feet tall and built along the lines of a Greek statue, tall, fit, and beautiful. She would have looked like a bikini model if it wasn’t for the piercings in her nose and eyebrow, tongue and lip, and several other places I won’t mention along with the black lipstick, too-much-mascara and, of course, the cotton candy colors in her hair, half blue and half pink. So, yeah, the nervous Amazonian Goth look was kind of a strange combination. On top of that today she was wearing a black cut-off t-shirt so tight that I was surprised her generous bust hadn’t ripped it apart and matching black jeans that might well have been painted on. The look contrasted completely with her demeanor and just screamed innocence wrapped up in sin. I glanced over into my kitchen and saw Mouse, my wooly dogasaurus look from me to where Molly was standing by the door and back, cocking his head in an inquisitive fashion. “It’s fine.” I told him, and after another moment he gave what I could have sworn was a shrug and put his head back down on his paws to continue his morning nap. I took a few steps closer to Molly. “What is it that you want to talk about?” “Well,” she began, casting a nervous glance at me, then looking away toward my large bookshelves. “Do you remember the night I became your apprentice?” “It would be kind of hard to forget. Days when someone almost kills me tend to stick out in my mind. Then again, at the rate I’m going those will probably outnumber the other kind before too much longer.” The joke drew an annoyed glance from her. “Do you remember what we talked about?” “I remember my new apprentice getting naked and me dumping a pitcher of ice water on her head.” She flushed at that. She’s so fair-skinned that I could see the flush travel all the way down her neck, contrasting with the snake tattoo that began there, and disappear beneath her shirt, but at the same time the recollection seemed to give her some confidence. “You said that you and I would never happen.” “That’s what I said.” I confirmed. “You knew how I felt.” She accused. “You knew before I even said anything.” She stepped up until we were practically nose-to-nose. Well, I’m quite a bit over six feet. So it was more like nose to chin with her looking up at me like that. “You told me we couldn’t be together, and that was that, but I’ve seen inside you. I know how lonely you are. I know how long it’s been since anyone touched you.” She reached up and pressed her warm hand against my chest. I reached up and grabbed her hand, but didn’t pull it away. The contact really did feel good. “We’ve been through this.” I said, though not with quite as much conviction as I might have had under other circumstances. “I’m the teacher. You’re the apprentice. You don’t get to decide how this goes.” She looked up at me with a lascivious grin I’d never seen on Molly’s face before. “Oh, I don’t have a problem with that, sensei.” She said, putting both of her hands on me now, getting close enough for me to feel the heat of her body. She leaned in like she was whispering a secret. “But you have needs, and so do I. There’s so much that we can’t share with anyone but each other. What’s one more?” Then she pushed herself up on her tip-toes and pulled me into a kiss. I had to fight my immediate impulse, which was to shove her away. I’d known Molly Carpenter since before she’d needed a training bra. Though, if the little metal barbells I could feel pressing against my chest through her shirt were any indication, there were no bras involved here today. Instead of pushing her away, I pulled her close, reveling in the first romantic kiss I’d had in years. She tasted and smelled like something sweet. Honey maybe, and I lost myself for a moment in the taste. It seemed to last for quite some time, but when we finally broke apart, Molly’s face was suffused with another dirty grin. She looked down at the considerable bulge in my towel. “I knew I could get you to come around.” She reached for the towel. I grabbed her hand first. “I told you I would never take advantage of you.” I said quietly. “I don’t think I’m the one being taken advantage of here.” She said, and then her other hand snaked around, beneath the towel, and took hold of me. I groaned involuntarily. Stars and stones, it had been a long time since I’d felt that. “Besides,” she continued, “the first thing you did after telling me we couldn’t be together was to send me home and tell me I wasn’t allowed to be with anyone else. I think this is what you’ve really wanted all along.” It wasn’t true, of course, but I wasn’t in the habit of arguing with someone who was doing such agreeable things to me. Well, ok, maybe I have been known to do that on occasion, but I’ve always had good reasons for it. So instead I reached down and unwrapped the towel from my waist, letting it fall to the floor. Molly looked down, eyes widening appreciatively, and without a word she sank to her knees and took me between those black painted lips. As I felt her tongue caressing me, the cool metal of her tongue stud doing surprising things, my knees went a little shaky. “Hell’s bells.” And for just a moment, all of my reservations about this came back to the forefront. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.” But even I didn’t think I sounded very convincing. Molly pulled away and looked up at me, speaking with an insincere sweetness. “Oh, come on, sensei,” she’s started calling me that just recently, but never in quite that tone. “We’ve gone this far. Don’t you want to sample the whole package?” And with that she reached down and with a motion that had to have been practiced swept the small shirt up over her head and tossed it across the room. Then she just leaned back a little, giving me this innocent look that clearly said, “Your move,” while at the same time putting those large breasts on display, creamy skin with candlelight glinting off the metallic studs passing through each nipple. The perfect picture of corrupted youth, or maybe youth begging to be corrupted. “Hell’s bells.” I said again, and then my resistance broke. I reached down and pulled her to her feet, kissing her hard, warm globes of flesh with cool little metal points pressing into me again. I’ll freely admit that I haven’t been with that many women, and Molly, young as she was, had the biggest pair I’d ever been up close and personal with, well, on someone who wasn’t a devious sex vampire trying to seduce me to drain my life force away. Long story. In any case, the thought made me want to try them out. I broke the kiss, and, taking one of them in my hands, wrapped my own lips around the nipple, the metal and flesh once again creating a surprisingly erotic combination. Molly let out a small moan as I sucked on one nipple for a moment and then switched to the other. Then she wrapped one hand around my member again and with the other drew me into another kiss. “I think I should finish what I started, don’t you?” She said when our tongues stopped their dance. She walked me over to one of my comfy old beat up couches and pressed me into it. Then she got down on her knees again. I spread my legs a bit to give her access, and then, to my surprise, instead of wrapping those black lips around me again, she engulfed me with those warm round breasts. The surprise must have shown on my face, because she laughed a little. “New for you, sensei?” She asked, teasing. “I think you’re in for a treat.” Then with a look of concentration, she began moving up and down, using her hands to keep them pressed up against me. She kept the pressure on for a while, moving up and down, periodically making use of her tongue as well. I’d never really understood the whole tongue piercing thing before, but when she leaned down and took the tip in her mouth, lashing me with that little piece of metal, I totally got it. Learning the answers to life’s great questions, that’s what the wizarding thing is all about. I hadn’t been with anyone in over three years at that point. So I guess it’s fair to say that I was a little pent up. The feel of those soft breasts wrapped around me, the incredibly lusty look on her teenage face, and of course the whole forbidden fruit angle, they conspired against me. Basically what I’m saying is, I didn’t last very long. After five minutes or so of her attentions, I swear that’s not even close to my average, I leaned back hard on the couch and closed my eyes, finishing with an inarticulate grunt. I heard a quick gasp and felt her pull away. When I opened my eyes again, she was sitting on the floor, eyeing me with a wry smile. She appeared to be covered with, well, me, I guess. It was on her face, on and between those firm, milky-white breasts, and even a bit in her cotton candy-colored hair. She scraped some from her cheek with one finger and looked at it, the white standing out against her black nail polish. “You could have warned me you know.” She said, with nothing like rebuke in her voice. Then she slipped the finger in between her obsidian lips and held it there for a long moment, throwing me a challenging look well beyond her years. It made for such an erotic tableau that I felt myself getting hard again. This did not escape her notice, and she laughed as she began to stand up. It was a girlish laugh, and it made her look younger than her 18 years. Well, it would have if she hadn’t been half naked, impossibly well-built, pierced, tattooed, and covered with the evidence of her recent sexual encounter. Once she was back on her feet, she leaned over and kissed me again. This time it was a short, playful kiss. Then she said, brightly “I think I should go wash up.” Then she turned and headed for my bedroom, her deliberately exaggerated walk making it clear that she expected me to be staring at her ass as it strained against the form-fitting jeans she wore. With one final impish grin over her shoulder, she disappeared into my bedroom. I sat for a moment and debated with myself about what I should do from here. The reasonable part of my brain, the part furthest from my penis, said that it should end here. I was pretty sure she’d stepped away to give me just that opportunity, and there was no way that she could say I hadn’t lived up to my end. Not to mention that there was now a mess on my relatively new carpet that was going to need cleaning. On the other hand, there was a very large part of me saying that it would be best to make sure that there would be no room for debate after the fact. Besides, I thought to myself, in for a penny, “In for a pound.” I concluded out loud, and I got up to follow her. The only way into my small bathroom is back through my equally small bedroom. When I strode into the bedroom I saw her standing in the doorway to the bathroom, clearly waiting for me. Most of the mess was gone, there was nothing left in her hair, and just some small traces on her face and chest, enough to indicate that she’d hurriedly wiped herself off. “Wash up already?” “Well, I was going to hop into your shower, but then I remembered that it’s so cold in there.” She glanced back at her shower with a look of mock concern. Then she took a step toward me, putting her arms on my shoulders. “I thought maybe you’d like to join me. I know it’ll be a … tight fit, but we could keep each other warm.” She kissed me again, and I kissed her back, grabbing her ass with both hands and pulling her toward me. After a long moment, I broke the kiss and turned her around so that her naked back was pressing against my chest. Then I reached down and began to unbutton her black jeans, kissing her neck at the same time. She responded to this with a noise I’d never imagined hearing from Molly. It was almost a growl, and she leaned into me, eyes shut tight and a smile on her dark lips. The pants slid off surprisingly easily, considering that they’d looked like a second skin when they were on, and a pair of delicate, dark panties accompanied them. The boots she’d been wearing on her arrival were gone, though I’d never noticed her taking them off. So when she stepped lightly out of Levis and turned to face me, she was completely naked. I could see the entirety of her serpent tattoo now. It started on her neck, ran all the way down her side, and ended just below her waist, with its tail pointed suggestively at her … well, let’s just say it seemed to be trying to send me a message. She was also completely shaved and had several more piercings in places that looked, to me at least, like you’d probably want to avoid sticking needles, just as a general rule. I must have stared for a little longer than I’d intended because after a moment she laughed and came over for another kiss. Our lips stayed locked for a while, our naked bodies pressing against each other, my hands roaming over her supple flesh. I hated to admit it, even to myself, but it seemed like Bob, my perverted lab assistant/spirit of air had known what he was talking about when he told me that I should move quick before anything started to droop. Molly’s body felt every bit as incredible as it looked. We did an awkward sort of spin, neither of us wanting to break contact with the other, and then we fell. I ended up on my back, on my bed, with her on top of me. She smiled a teasing little smile. “Now this is interesting.” She shifted her legs a bit so that she was firmly straddling me. I didn’t say a word. I just pulled her up a little higher and then took one of those pierced nipples into my mouth again, tugging on it gently. She gave a little yelp and then laughed again. “Oooh, that’s nice. I guess we’re done with the small talk.” I just squeezed her some more by way of reply. She made a motion with her hips, grinding against me with an unmistakable air of anticipation. “Oh, God, Harry, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” As she said it, she reached down behind her and grabbed hold of me, maneuvering herself until my manhood was pressing right up against her entrance. She held that position for a long moment, the very tip of me poised against her, so that the slightest movement on either of our parts would sink me into her body. Molly’s eyes gazed into mine, her face hanging in my eye line just above those amazing breasts. “Is this what you want, Harry?” She asked quietly, her voice husky and inviting. “If you want me, I’m yours. All you have to do,” her hand was still wrapped lightly around my member, and she gave it a little squeeze to emphasize her point, “is take me.” I believed her, and I knew it had to be my choice. I’d been setting the rules for this relationship up to this point, and if they were going to change, I had to be the one to make the decision. I had just a moment of uncertainty, but I’d already made my choice. I’d made it before even getting out of the shower, and as dangerous as that decision was, there could be no turning back from it now. I pressed into her, feeling her warmth engulf me, and soft gasp escaped her dark lips. I could feel her pressing back against me, eager but clearly trying to savor the sensation, the moment of finally crossing that line, the moment when I finally gave in. She took me all in slowly, pushing down on me with an evil little grin, and when we were locked together completely she leaned down and kissed me. “See, Harry,” she whispered after, “that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Then she started in in earnest. She lifted herself up and then came back down, slowly the first couple times, letting me feel every movement, every contour of her, and all I could do was lie there and take in the site of my apprentice and her incredible body riding me. When she began to speed up, the sight of her breasts bouncing was almost hypnotic, and I couldn’t resist reaching out and pulling her to me so that I could feel one of those nipples in my mouth again. Now it was just her hips moving in an unstoppable rhythm while I toyed with her breasts, they felt so soft, so warm, so real. I lasted longer this time, though I’m ashamed to say not by all that much. I played with her breasts and even smacked her ass a couple of times, which resulted in a resounding fleshy sound and squeal of mixed pain and pleasure from her, but as I started to approach my second climax I was too focused in on the sensation of thrusting up into her to do anything else, and in response she only rode me harder. “Give it to me, Harry,” she gasped, in an out-of-breath voice. It was almost, but not quite, drowned out by the sounds of two bodies meeting one another. “Give it all to me. Come for me, my –OH!” The last word was lost in an inarticulate yell as she seemed to climax at the same moment that I did. I thrust into her one final time, spilling my second orgasm of the day. I felt the tension in her body as she experienced her own, and then she collapsed against me, breathing heavily, the metal of her nipple studs pressing into my chest. We both lay there for a few moments, just breathing, and then she gave me one final, firm kiss and rolled off of my body, though the bed didn’t move in response. I continued to lie there for almost a minute before looking down. My chest and belly were covered with my own seed, and all of me was covered in sweat. I sighed in between deep breaths. “I’m going to have to shower again before I meet Molly for our training session this afternoon,” I said out loud. I wasn’t looking forward to it. I looked to the side. Molly’s form was still there, still gloriously naked and standing beside my bed, looking down at me with an amused smile. “That is hardly my fault, my host. You could have chosen to use a contraceptive. I believe that is generally considered the courteous approach to these situations.” I snorted, somewhat derisively, “A condom for sex that I was having in my head? For sex with the mental shadow of a fallen angel role playing as my apprentice? Is that the situation you’re referring to?” Lasciel smiled at me with Molly’s lips. “For a casual sexual encounter with a beautiful young woman, my host.” The real Lasciel was an honest-to-God (though maybe not honest to Him, since He’d kicked her out) fallen angel that was trapped in an ancient Roman coin buried under several inches of concrete down in my basement. When I’d picked up the coin, though, I’d gotten a permanent house guest in my own brain, her shadow, the travel-sized version. She couldn’t effect anything but me because she was just in my head. I was the only one who could see her or touch her or … well, do any of the various things I’d done with her in the preceding hour or two, I guess. She’d spent the last year or two trying to tempt me into taking up the coin and letting her big sister in. I wasn’t going to let that happen, not matter how much knowledge or power the fallen angel brought along with it. So for now, she was content to seem helpful and friendly, trying to seduce me by inches. In some ways, it was working. This morning I’d given another inch. I lifted myself up off the bed. “The only reasons I did this was so that you would stop badgering me. We had a deal, remember?” “Indeed, my host.” She said, moving Molly’s body with deliberate sensuality. “You agreed to one sexual encounter, and in return I agreed to refrain from offering you services which you have not requested. I will honor our bargain.” “Good, now I’m going to shower. I would appreciate it if you weren’t still standing there when I got out, particularly not looking like Molly.” Lasciel could appear to me however she chose. She wasn’t really here, after all. When we’d struck our deal while I was in the shower this morning, she’d suggested the apprentice role play thing, and I’d agreed, because … well, Molly is a really attractive girl, and the more time we spent together, training in various magical basics or running and going over fighting basics on our physical training days, the more of a distraction it was becoming for me. I thought she was probably doing it on purpose, but when Lasciel had made her proposal, I thought maybe it would help to get it out of my system. You know, kill two birds with one stone and all that. Instantly Molly changed into the form that I more normally associated with Lasciel, a beautiful, statuesque blonde woman, with very defined and attractive features, who, in this case, was also totally nude. “Would you prefer this appearance then?” She asked with an oh-so-innocent smile. That was the first time she’d appeared to me like that, and I’ll admit that it was distracting for a moment. She was gorgeous, but I quickly got over it and shook my head. “You know what I meant. Just disappear to wherever you go in the back of my head, ok?” “As you wish my host,” she replied, her smile never wavering. I turned to go into the bathroom, but turned back before I’d taken a step. “Later, though, maybe we’ll try Murphy.” Her smile widened and she bowed to me before vanishing completely. “Inch by inch,” I warned myself. It didn’t get you there fast, but if you let it, it would get you to the same place, nonetheless. Then again, I thought, in a classic moment of patented Dresden fatalism, if I could hold out on every inch before giving in, maybe I’d last long enough for something else to kill me first.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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