Hook's Wendy | By : MarianTheBlackadder Category: M through R > Peter Pan > AU/AR Views: 4220 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Several days passed. The two unhappy newlyweds did not see each other at all during these few days. The young Caitlin stayed alone, dressed still in her nightgown she’d been wearing when she was imprisoned in the brig below. Thinking quietly to herself, and wondering why her heart seemed to ache since from not having seen her pirate Captain in so long. As if just the few days below decks, had been all of an eternity in itself.
The Captain, angry and frustrated beyond words, launched several champagnes on the island, in search for his nemeses. The leader of the lost boys, Peter Pan himself. Even though Hooks reckless attacks on the Indians, the fairy groves where the pixie’s ran free at night, an several other small settlements of lost souls caused damage and devastation, there was no trace of the insolent youth to be found.
It was no wonder, as the young boy had found a new fascination that lay below the decks of the pirate ship. With most of the men on shore, Peter could slip onto the ship easily without being seen and down into the brig where the one called “Cat” was held. He peeked over a large stack of supplies seeing the woman sitting on the rack that served not only as a bed but a bench. Her eyes were down cast, and she had a very sad look on her face. Curious, pan flew over the stack of supplies and walked up to the bars. She didn’t even seem to notice she was not alone.
“You must have lost the ‘wedding’ game you were playing with the pirates.” His voice caused Caitlin to jump as her eyes moved up towards the cell door. Now she could get a good look at him, and see what she couldn’t in her closet located in the Captains cabin. He wore very little, and what little there was, was made out of leaves and vines. He carried a sword at his side, and always seemed to take a stance that said, ‘I can take you. Just try and mess with me.’
Caitlin just sighed, not feeling very talkative today. Instead she just decided it would be best to cut through the chase. “You are not a Cabin boy, you are not part of this ship. Peter Pan, what are you? And why does a crew of grown men want to kill you so badly.” He threw his head back and laughed before looking at her.
“Because their grown-ups. They do not like to think that a boy is smarter, faster, and much more cleaver then they are.” He said, his fists going to his hips and a grin stretching from ear to ear. “I battle and fight the crew, as well as my mortal enemy himself, Captain James Hook!!” He shouted drawing his sword and taking a stance ready to attack.
Caitlin just frowned at this, was everything a game to this boy? “How can he be your mortal enemy, your just a child.” She said shaking her head in disbelief. What sort of strange place had her betrothed brought her too, that children run about with swords.
“Because, I always wish to be a boy and have fun. Hook always tries to ruin it, but when he tries to capture me that’s even more fun!!” He grinned at himself as he recalled his favorite achievement, “Once a very long time ago, we fought and a large tree had fallen and landed on Hook’s arm. While he lay helpless trying to reach for his sword, I chopped off his hand and fed it to the croc! And now it hunts him, licking it’s lips for the rest of it’s meal!!” He said triumphantly.
Caitlin could hardly believe her ears as she listened to him and watched the expressions on his face. There was absolutely no remorse or regret in his eyes what so ever. “You evil little wretch!!” She shouted, moving her pillow from off of her lap she slammed it down on the bunk next to her as she stood. Marching up to the steel bar doors of the cell so quickly it caused Peter’s expression to change as he backed up away from the cell reaching for his dagger. “How can you STAND there and laugh about your dismembering a helpless man like that!! You’ve crippled him for life and condemned him to running from a giant lizard, and you still find the ability to stand there and laugh about it?”
His brow furrowed as she stood scolding him, not knowing how to react to her sudden attack on him. Most laughed along with him and congratulated him on his defeat of the evil pirate. This lady was completely different. “I’m a great warrior! I defeated my enemy and took my prize!” He shouted back in his defense.
“It does not sound as if you defeated him it all. It sounds as if the tree did the dirty work for you and you took your chance to cheat while he was pinned and couldn’t defend himself.” The boy’s jaw dropped slightly as he looked this woman up and down, he couldn’t understand her at all. Caitlin looked at him and slowly shook her head, “You are a heartless child, and have no place here. Leave . . . and never show me that face again.” Her voice had grown as icy cold as the Captain’s himself. Peter just stood there in shock for a moment, he couldn’t understand it. He couldn’t understand any of it.
Just then the sound of a boat coming along side of the ship could be heard as the man on deck called out. Peter ducked before rising from the floor and disappeared. Leaving the ship the same way he’d entered it. Caitlin watched and listened for another few moments, sighing she let her hands fall from the bars and turned to walk back and retake her seat on the bench like bed. “CALL FOR THE DOCTOR, THE CAPTAIN’S BEEN WOUNDED!!!” She heard a voice shout, from the boat that had pulled along side. Feeling her heart sink at this she turned walking back to the cell door trying to see up the steps.
Above, the Captain pushed the men away as he climbed up the rope ladder, stepping onto the deck. The doctor hurried towards him wanting to see the wound so it could be treated. However, their wrathful commander caught the man’s collar jerking him closer, “Get away from me you mindless buffoon, it’s a scratch not another lost limb.” Throwing him out of his path, James made his way to the stairs that ascended upward to his cabin. Going inside and once again slamming the double doors closed. Smee and the others on deck flinched at the noise.
“The captain sure is bad spirited these past few days.” Smee nodded hearing the crewmen’s observation.
“You can’t blame the man, he all alone in his cabin and his bride three decks below. She’d rather be cold and uncomfortable then stay with him. Tragic isn’t it.” He shrugged and shook his head walking away.
Caitlin couldn’t hear another thing, she found it difficult to breathe as her fear crept up deep inside that he’d been mortally wounded. All sorts of grizzly images entered her mind of what might be going on upstairs, and her body started to shake. “hey . . . . Hey . . . HEY!!!! SOMEONE!! ANYONE!!!” She began to shout and scream kicking at the metal door that held her captive. Gripping the bars tight she threw her weight against and away from the door causing it to make an ear shattering clatter.
Two sailors came down rushing to the cell looking at her, “Oh hush now! What’s all this racket?” They said looking at her, their pistols drawn.
“Let me out of this cell, you LET me out of this cell right now!!” She demanded her face pressed between the squares that the bars made when they were wielded together. “My place isn’t here, it’s up there with him. With my husband, LET me out!!” She shouted starting to shake the bars again.
“Now miss, MISS if ye don’t calm down right now we’re going to have to put ye in irons, MISS!!” But she didn’t calm down, his threat caused her to become even more desperate to get out. The Sailor shook his head and looked at his counter part, “Go fetch some irons, I’ll hold the little wench down.” Taking his keys from his belt, Cat moved back from the door waiting quietly. “Alright ye little hell cat, ye asked for it. . .” He said as he began to approach her, her eyes narrowed as she backed up next to the bunk and reached behind her. His hands came out as he prepared himself to jump on her, but before he could she picked up the feather pillow smacked him hard across the face with it.
Had it been a cotton filled pillow, it would not have made any impression at all. But feather pillows were heavy, and when swung around can deliver a powerful blow. Feathers rained over the entire cell, and Cat quickly pushed passed the crewman and out heading up the long stairs. Using her shoulder she shoved hard against the door, running out on deck. It took her a moment for her blue eyes to adjust to the sunlight, looking around trying to get her bearings back.
“STOP!! Someone stop her!!” Hearing the crewmen she’d just beguiled below shouting after here, caused her to bolt towards the stairs that led upwards to the Captain’s cabin. The pirates’ eyes went wide as he started to bolt after her, “STOP you can’t go up there!!” He shouted. Smee quickly stuck his foot into the path of the keeper who’d let his only prisoner loose. He hollered as he flew threw the air landing on his face. Turning over he looked up at Smee in disbelief.
The little old man looked down at him, “Let her go.” He said, before his eyes moved back towards the woman who seemed as if she could not get her feet to carry her face enough to her destination. “The Captain will be wanting to see her.”
Reaching the doors, Caitlin’s hand quickly found the handles throwing her weight back to open the massive doors that were so heavy from the wood that was used to make them. She stopped as her eyes had to adjust to the darkness again. Moving in a few more steps, as she looked about searching for her fallen Captain.
Hook stood his back to the door behind his desk, pouring himself a glass of wine and taking a long drink from it. His hair was a mess, his white undershirt untucked and his black vest unbuttoned. She could see a dark tint of blood on his shirt and her eyes went wide. “James. . .” she said breathlessly as she starred at him. He turned around looking at her, a bewildered look crossing his face.
“Caitlin. . . . what are you doing up here?” His voice wasn’t angry, just very confused. Her eyes stayed on the blood stain that adored his shirt as she moved up towards him quickly.
“Oh God. . . .James your hurt.” She said in a whisper that was drown in pure and utter horror. Moving around the desk walking strait up to him, and reaching for his shirt. Hook was completely at a loss as he watched her, taking a step back.
“What do you think you are doing woman!?” Caitlin stopped looking up at him, James wasn’t sure what to make of this and growled at her, “You are a prisoner of my ship and you escaped.” Caitlin looked at him for a moment, before her eyes moved back to the wound. The bloodstain was growing larger on his shirt, and her look became determined as her eyes moved back up to his.
“I’m your wife.” She said reaching for his wrist and pushing him back, causing him to sit down suddenly on the fainting couch as he raised his glass trying to prevent it from spilling. “Does it hurt very much James?” She asked worriedly carefully pulling the cloth of his shirt away from the wound and up so she could see.
“Of course not, it’s only a. . . .” He stopped short seeing the look in her eyes, and thought quickly before moaning loudly laying back on one elbow, “Oh yes, it feels as if all the devils fire burns in my chest . . .” Caitlin’s expression grew even more terrified reaching up taking his glass of wine from him setting it on the floor as she helped him to lay down. Pulling a pillow up underneath his head, trying to make him as comfortable as she possibly could. Wanting to relieve his pain however she may.
“It’s alright James, I’m here now. I’ll take care of you, I promise.” She whispered pushing herself up off of the floor and rushing to the dresser, she’d watched him go to when her wrists were wounded. His eyes just watched her in silent disbelief as she rushed over picking up the clothes, bowl and the pitcher of water bringing it back to the couch. Caitlin moved her nightgown so she could kneel beside him, gently pulling up his shirt to see the cut that ran along his side just under his ribs.
Hook, had to suppress a smile as he played his part of suffering as if he lay on his death bed from a scratch extremely well. He watched her face silently. Caitlin didn’t stop or slow her hand as she poured some water into the bowl and dipped a cloth before carefully placing it against the wound. It had been burning a bit before then; his eyes closed as he grit his teeth together. It was not a very deep wound, but it was extremely tender.
Caitlin held the cloth there for several moments, before dipping the cloth into the cool water once more slowly and carefully cleaning the cut that marred his flesh. James just lay there silently watching her, letting her tend to his injury. The look in her eyes seemed so concerned, and the touch in her fingertips seemed . . . . dare he dream it, loving. She was so careful, and gentle.
Finishing her task of cleaning the wound she placed a clean cloth over the cut, putting pressure on it. Unconsciously running two of her fingertips over the rib that the cut had almost revealed. The touch so near the wound, caused his body to shiver slightly. His eyes closed, just reveling in the feel of her soft hands against his skin. The willingness of her touching him without being forced seemed to make it feel as if she raised him passed the clouds and into heaven itself with her small hands.
His eyes opened as he looked towards at her once more, reaching out slowly and carefully resting his fingertips against her soft shoulder. Caitlin’s eyes shifted suddenly up to him, but quickly returned to her task. As if afraid to look up at him after all that had gone on between them. A small smile tugged at the edge of his mouth, slowly reaching up with his good hand he stroked her soft cheek a few times, letting his fingers slide back into her hair slowly turning her face up to him. A touch telling her that it was alright, and he’d missed her the few days she’d been away from him. Her eyes moved to meet his, the blue eyes that had watched over her in her dreams.
She did care for this man, it was so obvious to her that she did. Why would she have panicked so when she heard that he’d been injured, why else did she think that boy was the most horrible thing alive. Her eyes seemed to shine as she looked up at him. Slowly her free hand moved upwards, as she touched his cheek. Her hand moved to caress his handsome face as her blue eyes stayed locked on the crystal pools of sapphire that seemed to call out through all of her time, whispering to her heart.
It was amazing how much was being said between the two silent voices. James fingertips slowly moved through her hair and over the softness of her porcelain skin, as it seemed he was dreaming once more. His eyes closed as he leaned his face into the palm of her hand, wanting this feeling of her touching him to last forever. Deep within, it seemed to close the cavernous empty hole that resided inside his being. It seemed to echo over and over that he would be alone always, and there was no one for him. Who could ever care for a man who was old, alone, and done for.
Her fingertips caressed the lines of his handsome features over and over again, as they had wanted to do for some time. Slowly, James eyes opened meeting her gaze once more. Gently his hand moved to the back of her head, carefully pulling her closer to him as his body lifted to meet her half way, “Caitlin.” He whispered against her lips, kissing her tenderly. Perhaps she did not love him yet, but he could show her the love he held for her the only way he could truly express it.
Cat didn’t pull away this time, finally, she wouldn’t regret pulling away and running as she had done so many times in the past. This time she stayed, there was no need to run any longer. A shutter of pure joy seemed to run down his spine, as he quickly moved to sit beneath her, the kiss never breaking but becoming more passionate. His hungry arms dropped to wrap around her waist, pulling her onto the fainting couch beside him, careful not to cut or harm her with his hook.
Pulling back for a moment he looked into her eyes, not wanting to have yet another episode as they’d already repeatedly suffered. He couldn’t take it if she changed her mind and took flight again. Caitlin could see the questioning in his eyes, feeling his hand continue to slide through her hair. She was very unsure, very scared, but remembered all that she had learned today, her courage would keep her until the end of whatever might transpire between them this night.
Softhearted hands found their way to either side of the apprehensive Captain’s face. Closing her eyes, she timidly gave him the first kiss of her entire life. She’d been kissed many times before, but never had she given a kiss to anyone. Not even her own parents cheek when she was a child. A second passed, before she kissed him again letting her lips taste and touch his savoring the strange feeling it caused deep within her.
Words didn’t belong here in this time between them, neither of them would dream of breaking the silence for fear of severing this new found connection between there hearts. Their lips parted from each other’s company again, as her hands slowly moved down to his shoulders pushing the black vest over his shoulders, letting it slide down his arms and fall behind him. Their gazes never moving, never blinking, never wavering as if it was impossible to turn away from each other. His good hand moved from the side of her face, down to the laces that held the cloth that hid her from him. Both of their lips sought each other out once more, their kisses growing more passionate as the seconds passed.
James couldn’t explain it, what he felt right at this moment was more wonderful then all of his dreams and fantasy’s combined together. The feel of her lips, the taste of her tongue, the warmth of her soft body in his arms, and her finally yielding to her desires. This place of comfort and safety he’d found, the bliss of the moments as they passed, he wished he could keep forever. He wanted to stay in this moment and never awake to the cold and harsh world of reality ever again. Consuming her mouth yet again greedily wanting more of the same.
His eyes opened suddenly, causing him to pull back away from her this time. He’d felt her hands reaching for his shirt and starting to pull it up wanting to remove it. Quickly he moved his arms up, carefully moving her hands away from the cloth until she let it go. Moving them to where his one good hand could hold them and caress the backs of her soft hands with his thumb. The bruises there had become considerably less since he’d bound her wounds days ago. He couldn’t believe it, it was him who stopped them this time.
“No Caitlin.” He whispered, his eyes staying firmly on her hands. Caitlin’s heart sank again as it had earlier when she’d heard crewmen say the Captain had been hurt. The Captain for the first time since he could remember, was actually finding himself very self-conscience and incredibly ashamed. The rigging he wore underneath his shirt that held his artificial limb in place would terrify her for sure. Remembering the many reactions he’d already seen her go through before, he couldn’t risk her turning away from him again. Even if the rigging was removed first, he still had only one hand. The other had not been chopped of with one clean blow, it had been cut off by a child’s hand and strength. Not a very pretty sight even healed as it was.
Caitlin’s lip began to quiver as it felt as if he was turning away from her, when at long last she’d committed herself to the righteous conduct of a wife. “James forgive me . . .” She whispered, pulling one hand away from his as she reached up caressing his face once again. “I didn’t know what I was saying before . . . I didn’t mean to hurt you . . . I heard the words come out, and I felt as if I would die . . . . . it hurt so much knowing that I hurt you.”
His eyes shifted up to hers, hearing her words. How could she even dream that this had anything to do with her, when she meant more to him then even his soul. “I can not let you see me in such a way.” Caitlin could not understand what he meant by this, and her eyes started to tear. Releasing her hand he reached up and cupped her face carefully. “You are the most beautiful woman in this world, an any world, that ever existed.” He whispered to her, not wanting her to shed any more tears. “ . . . I’m a broken man Caitlin. A monster, . . . not fit for eyes such as yours to look upon the ugliness that my form has been molded into over the years.” He whispered, wanting her to understand.
“James . . .” She whispered, as a tear escaped her eye and moved slowly down her cheek. The pain that this man before her suffered, because of the limb a boy had laughed about removing earlier, was soul crushing. He closed his eyes moving his hand from her face to cover the gentle touch to his cheek. Cherishing the feel of her heart opening up to him as he’d always dreamed. Nothing could ruin this, nothing could take these few moments they shared together away from him. He wanted them to last a bit longer before something was done to make it all come to an end.
His heart felt as if a few of the pieces had been mended, however he didn’t know just how extensive the damage was until the struggle between them had ended. He felt her finally submitting and giving herself to him and all of his fears, doubts, and pain had overcome him like a merciless wave of the sea onto the beach of his heart. He loved her, and only now when he could see her true beauty that dwelled within, that perhaps no one else had ever had the privilege to see, he felt so inadequate. Not all the compassion in the world could let anyone see past binds and straps that bound his very soul. The leather ones that held the mechanical appendage on his arm, or the ones on the inside of his being that weren’t visible to the eye.
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