Hook's Wendy | By : MarianTheBlackadder Category: M through R > Peter Pan > AU/AR Views: 4220 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
It takes a lot for one just to nod and accept the wishes of another, knowing that it was for their own hearts sake. Even if you don’t understand fully their reasons for wanting to pull away from your arms, and your affections you give so willingly. Caitlin was very inexperienced in such situations between men and women. All she had to go by was what her heart told her. Right now her heart was telling her all she could do was be there for him. Whatever the cause may be that he might call her to his side.
They stayed together most of the night. However Caitlin could see the exhaustion in his eyes, he’d gone for quite sometime without a moments rest and the wound in his side was not helping the situation. Finally, she gently pushed him back to lay on the couch, making sure he was comfortable. When she stood to leave him be so he could rest, he quickly grabbed her arm, not wanting her to leave him. There was no possibility of her pulling away as she look into his eyes. Reaching for a blanket, she walked around to his left side and knelt on the floor next to the couch, pulling it over him to keep him warm.
This was a very rare occurrence indeed. It was certainly true that his first mate, Smee, had assisted the Captain on a daily basis. Helping him dress, locking his arm in place, and serving whatever meal was being set on the table. But never had he ever let anyone tend to him as Caitlin did now. A few had tried, but none were successful. If they persisted, their remains would be thrown over the side when he finished explaining himself to them. Hook was a very strong willed man; even more so once his hand was stolen away from him. He could fend for himself and needed help from no man. Something he strived to prove each day. Yet being cared for and tended to by this woman, was the most wonderful feeling in the world.
Moving to sit beside the couch, Caitlin reached up placing her hand on his chest, resting her head to his side. Her eyes moved up to gaze upon her Captain’s face once again, never growing tired of the sight. There was something so soothing about stroking her spun red and gold curls that hung about her face framing her lovely features. Caitlin moved her fingertips in gentle slow circles over his chest, closing her own eyes and resting a bit. The gentle caress of her hand comforted him greatly as his eyes slowly closed, allowing himself to drift off to sleep settling back further into the pillow.
Some hours later, Caitlin woke first. Lifting her head she looked about, she never seemed to be able to wake up in the same place twice. When her eyes fell upon the sleeping Captain, she remembered everything and moved to kneel again leaning over moving the blanket so she could check his wound. It was already healing, and the bleeding had long since stopped. Picking up another cloth, she changed the bandage for a clean one making sure that it would not get infected or fester. Putting his shirt back down, she covered him back up with the blanket, leaning down to look at his face more closely. There were so many unseen depths to this man. As the Captain of this vessel and a leader to the crew, it’s no wonder he could never let them show. The lines of his face did show the long hard years he’d lived through, but they didn’t diminish his handsome looks. If anything they seemed to add to his attractiveness.
Carefully reaching up she used her fingertips to move his hair back from his face, wishing there was someway to ease all the pain and anguish he’d suffered. He needed rest, as much as she could earn him. Quietly rising to her feet she picked up the bowl, the pitcher of water, the cloths and his empty wine glass putting them away. When she put them back in their respective places she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Dear god.” She looked absolutely frightful. The cell’s below where incredibly dirty, and her face and nightgown where testament to that. She sighed and went strait to work getting clean again, and presentable once more.
By the time she was finished and dressed in clothes again, she came out of her closet and saw the Captain still fast asleep on the couch. The shining metal of his hook seemed to catch her eye, and she wanted to examine it more closely. She didn’t dare ask James while he was awake; it seemed like such a sensitive subject to the Captain. Quietly she walked up to the couch kneeling at his right side. Her eyes moved up to his face for a moment to make sure he was asleep, then went back to the sharp single metal weapon that was now the Captains hand.
On closer inspection, it made her stomach twist up into a small knot and press against her spine. It was sharp to the point, but even more impressive was the dullness of the rest of the weapon. It was not meant for clean, quick cuts. It was specifically designed to inflict most painful ripping and gashing. Closing her eyes she shook her head, trying to move those thoughts from out of her mind. Of course he didn’t kill people with it, a hook had many practical uses she guessed when taking the place of a hand.
Suddenly there came a knock at the door, “Capt’n? Capt’n, Are you alright?” She heard the voice say before another knock came, even louder this time. James brow furrowed and he started to shift around a bit at the noise. Caitlin couldn’t let him be awoken yet, he needed more time to rest. Another knock at the door came but was cut off abruptly when the doors were jerked open. Caitlin shushed them holding her finger to her lips, “Will you be quiet! He’s trying to sleep!” She hissed at Smee in a harsh whisper. He blinked a moment in surprise and tried to look around her to make sure the Captain was alright. Sighing, Caitlin stepped out of the Cabin closing the doors behind her. “What is it that you want?”
“It’s getting frightfully late in the day Miss, he’s missed breakfast and now almost lunch to boot.” Turning back towards the door a moment Caitlin thought about what would be better before looking back at Smee.
“Let him sleep, just make sure it’s an extremely good supper you serve him tonight.” Caitlin’s eyes moved down towards the deck of the ship before looking back at Smee, “What’s going on? Why is everyone looking as if their bored out of there skulls?” She asked curiously, thinking that all ships had countless things to do. Chores and such that the sailors had to tend to daily so they earned their keep.
Smee looked to see what she was talking about, “Oh . . . because Miss. All the chores have been seen to today already. So they’re just waiting for something else to do, in between the duties and our searches for Pan on the island.” He looked back at her, “’tis the way with every pirate ship, miss. A lot of our time is spent just waiting for what ever adventure might come next.”
Her eyes turned to the man again for another moment, the look in her eyes a mischievous one. She had an idea, for truth be told, she was just as board as the rest of the crew. “Tell me . . . is anyone in the crew very good at sword play?” She inquired curiously.
“Oh all are skilled with a blade miss. But there is no one better then the Captain aboard this ship.” She smiled a bit stepping around to where the ascending staircase was found.
“But there are others aboard no doubt that are good, right?” He nodded a bit with a smile to let her know it was true.
She grinned from ear to ear, “Call them on deck, and point me to your armory.” Caitlin said as she turned pulling up her skirts so she could hurry down the steps without falling. Smee’s expression changed into a look of shock as he moved to quickly follow her. Not sure what on earth she could possibly be up to.
A few hours later, Hook turned on the couch reaching for Caitlin’s hand that had rested on his chest through the night. When his fingers started to search and found no trace of it, his eyes opened. Looking down expecting to see her still sitting beside him, he saw nothing. Sitting up quickly he looked around the Cabin, “Caitlin?” He waited a moment hoping for a response but found none, throwing the blanket off he quickly stood going to her closet. Only finding it dark and empty. “Caitlin!” He called out again, looking about.
His attention was capture as he heard a loud cheer from the crew out on deck. This was strange, it wasn’t often he heard such a sound as nostalgic as the entire crew was on such a regular basis. Going to the door he pulled them open walking out onto the upper deck looking down below. His brow arched at the sight his eyes beheld.
Surrounded by the crew stood Caitlin, wielding a sword with quick and precise skill, a large smile on her face and a glimmer in her eyes. Her opposite however, looked rather unamused and angry a woman was out doing him in front of the entire crew. Leaning against the railing, the Captain watched in silence. This was a new aspect of his bride that he’d not known of, and it intrigued him greatly.
Another cheer went up as she knocked the sword out of her challenger’s hands and it fell onto the deck. Holding the sword towards his neck to let him know she had him. Money exchanged hands and they call applauded and cheered the newest addition to their crew. She turned and raised her arms triumphantly having the most fun she’d had in quiet a long time. Hook smiled at her victory, she was really quiet good. A deep sense of pride welled in his chest that his wife had just won what seemed to be a series of challenges.
However, while her back was turned the man she’d defeated had gotten to his feet. A murderous look in his eyes, unsheathing a dagger that was hidden from sight and he’d not put down before stepping into the circle to fight with her, as were their rules for this game. Before anyone could stop him he lunged forward wrapping his arm around her chest lifting her from the deck putting the point of the dagger to her throat. Hooks eyes turned dark, standing up strait his smile disappearing. How dare he lay a hand on her in such a manner.
“Lets see how good you are with a cut in ye’re throat!!” He yelled in her ear. His breath was foul; if ever he had an encounter with a toothbrush it was not evident. The cheering crew went dead silent, as they watched not making a move towards them. Caitlin’s hands had moved to grasp her attackers arm, trying to prevent his arm from choking her.
She closed her eyes as the way he was pulling her, put a large strain on her neck and back that was very painful. “You don’t have to be such a sore loser! . . . . it was in good fun that’s all!!” She said quickly to the man trying to pull his arm from around her.
The man actually growled at her as he leaned towards her ear, “It’s bad enough ye’re aboard this ship, ye and all the bad luck ye bring with ye. Maybe I’d be doing the Capt’n a favor!” He took the knife away from her throat and used it to cut down the back of her dress clear through to the skin, before replacing it against her throat. Caitlin had just about enough of this humiliating scene.
Hook had already started his decent down the stairs his eyes starting to glow. Caitlin’s teeth grit together hard as she kicked him in the shin hard with her heel. He hollered in pain releasing his grip that found her feet to the deck again but still he did not let her go. Quickly, she elbowed him in the stomach, and stomped on the instep of his foot with her heel causing him to release his arm from about her. Bringing her elbow back again, it struck him hard across the face, spinning around her knee found his groin.
The man fell to the deck on his knees, his hands cradling the most sensitive part of his anatomy that had just been brutally assaulted. Caitlin took a step back away her eyes wide, having surprised even herself.
Not one of the men had seen nor heard the Captain come down the steps. But their attention was suddenly called to the infuriated man as he jerked a pistol from the nearest man, pointing and firing without even so much as a word. Caitlin’s eyes went as wide as saucers and jumped at the sound of the shot. Smee quickly reached over turning her away seeing the look in the Captains eyes. Hook dropped the now empty pistol, as he moved to the dead crewmen plunging his hook into the man’s chest, hooking it around his breast bone dragging him to the railing and throwing him over the side with no care at all.
Turning around he glared at all the men, knowing he had gone over this with them already. He’d warned the lot what would happen to the next man who dare mention that foolish curse of a woman on board the ship. Their eyes lowered not wanting to look at him, but it seemed as if the ones left had learned the lesson. Not another would think it much less whisper it. “Get BACK to what ever your supposed to be doing, you worthless pack of maggots!!!” He roared. They once again scrambled to get anywhere else other then the path of the Captains wrath. Stepping forward seeing the trail of blood along the deck where he had drug the corpse, “and CLEAN UP THIS MESS!!!”
It was as if he was the Captain of a bloody grammar school. He continued to scan the deck scowling at the pirates. What he wouldn’t give for a group of men who had at least a whole brain between them. His eyes fell on Smee who was watching the Captain keeping Caitlin’s back to him so she couldn’t see how he’d meat hooked the man’s body. Her dress had been torn in such a way it was nearly falling off of her body. However that was not what caught the Captain’s eye first. Hooks anger was forgotten a moment as a large scar spanning down her side near her spine on her back at least 12 inches in length held his attention. It wasn’t a strait cut; it was a jagged mark that resembled that of a lighting bolt when it tore across the sky.
His eyes moved up to her face, which she was trying to turn to look at him. Moving behind her, James removed her from Smee’s grasp pulling her against him. “I do believe it’s about supper time, if you weren’t to busy gambling away your gold, Smee.” He growled. Smee turned quickly to get back to work. James looked down at Caitlin a moment before sweeping her up into his arms and heading back up to his Cabin. Not wanting her to be exposed to the entire ship as her dress was just barely hanging on by a few threads. They were hard enough to keep under control without their minds being sparked by the skin of a beautiful naked woman.
Once in the Cabin he set her to her feet, turning and closing the door behind them. Turning quickly she began to apologize, “I’m sorry James, I didn’t mean to cause trouble. Everyone just seemed so incredibly bored, and I was bored. It was my fault, I shouldn’t have humiliated him like that.” She said again, worried that he was angry at her for starting such a game.
“Oh Caitlin stop.” Turning towards her, “I’m not daft I saw what happened with my own eyes. It was bad form on his part and he got what he deserved. It was a contest of skill not a life threatening battle with pan and his lost boys.” He smiled remembering watching her before things go out of hand, “Not to mention it would seem that my lady is just bursting with surprises. Where on earth did you learn how to wield a sword with such masterful skill?”
Thinking a moment as her eyes narrowed looking at him she sighed, “I don’t know. Perhaps . . . perhaps my father taught me?” She questioned thinking perhaps he would know weather or not her father had been skilled and took the time to pass on his knowledge. His eyes shifted downward, forgetting the elaborate story he’d made up on the spot until just then. He just nodded silently and smiled back up at her.
“And a fine teacher he was too.” She smiled looking into his eyes, he seemed to glow with pure and utter delight and pride as he gazed at her. Caitlin could feel her heart flutter at the look he gave her, it made her feel wonderful from the inside out. Pulling her close he kissed her forehead and looked down to her, “Go on, change into something that does not leave a draft from behind. Dinner seemed to be late but on it’s way.” Still grinning up at him, she turned heading for her closet.
James smile faded as his eyes was drawn to the horrific scar that adorned her beautiful back once more when she turned. Looking towards his desk remembering that he had not finished his ‘reading’ in the journal she spent so much of her time writing in. It was a thick ledger and he’d not gotten very far in it. Mostly he had just been flipping through the pages and looking at her drawings and photographs. Perhaps there was some clue to her talent with the weapon he’d seen her use so well, and the mark that marred her flesh. His eyes moved back towards her closet door when he heard the click of the latch.
Starting to move towards his desk he stopped suddenly. If he were to pull it out now, she might catch him and see the journal and remember everything that she’d forgotten. Shaking his head he couldn’t risk that, he would just take it out later, perhaps while she slept and investigate these mysteries.
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