Not Old, Alone, Or Done For | By : onecelestialbeing Category: M through R > Peter Pan > Het Views: 9425 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Peter Pan, books, movies or any of its characters, and make no money from this story. |
Wendy's body thrashed slightly in bed, the sensation of a pressure on her face making her feel out of sorts. Her hand came up to the offender, trying to pry it away from her face. She felt something now shaking her slightly and groggily opened her eyes. Through the dark blue light of approaching dawn, she saw James hovering over her with his hand gently pressed upon her mouth.
Motioning for her to stay quiet, James removed his hand from her mouth. "Get dressed," he ordered in a hushed tone.
All thoughts of the previous night were erased as Wendy noticed the familiar dangerous glint in his eye. Knowing better than to ask questions Wendy immediately slipped out of bed, trying to ignore the frigid morning air that rudely greeted her still sleep warmed body.
Her discarded shirt and breeches was the closest thing on hand, and Wendy too distracted to worry about propriety shucked the gown off her body and hastened to dress. James hadn't blinked an eye at her brief nudity; Wendy noticed that he was already dressed and was now slipping his weapons sash over his body.
After Wendy shoved her feet into the kidskin boots, James came over to her with the small dagger that he'd given her when they first arrived at the Black Castle. After gesturing for her to take the saber that he'd been training her with, James picked up his long pistol and in his stealthy manner bade Wendy to follow him as they walked out of the room.
Quite alarmed by now, Wendy found it hard to breathe as she wondered why James had woke her up so suddenly and shoved a weapon into her hand. James' hand suddenly shot out in front of Wendy as they walked through the dark hallway, a glimmer of pale blue light floating in at the end of the hall.
"I think that damned boy is up to something," he told Wendy under his breath. Pausing as if listening for something, James held his pistol out in front of him as the two made their way out of the castle.
Once they were standing outside of the ruins, the two stood back to back looking around at the seemingly empty jungle.
James waited patiently as he peered around to see what was amiss. Early that morning he'd been asleep with Wendy still curled into his side when his instincts told him to wake up. His blue eyes stared up at the canopy in the dimly lit room, his ears trained to hear outside movement. It was the sound of a small branch most likely being stepped upon, the weight of the animal inhabitants of Neverland too small to produce such a sound, that had James ease out of bed and hurriedly dress.
Weapons still drawn James and Wendy were still peering at the area around them when the young woman suddenly found herself being roughly yanked off her feet, her hair being painfully tugged at the roots.
James heard the screams behind him and was horrified to find that Tinker Bell had grabbed Wendy by her hair and collar and was easily hoisting her up into the air. Her saber clattering to the jungle ground, Wendy's arms and legs flailed about as her body was taken higher and higher.
James immediately tried to aim his pistol, but the wayward fairy had flitted about so hastily that he was unable to get a clean shot. Swearing out loud, he realized that the demon firefly had taken Wendy so high up that even if he wished Tinker Bell dead that the young woman would fall and most likely break most of the bones in her body or worse.
Too preoccupied with saving Wendy, James stumbled back when something or someone whirled past him. Sneering when he realized that Pan had used Tinker Bell to snatch Wendy as a means to distract him, he spun around looking for the boy.
With his metal claw anchored on the pistol's trigger, Hook held the firearm up ready to take aim at a moment's notice.
Wendy was still hovering painfully in the air, unaware that she was being held up by a mere four inch high fairy. Her body was suddenly being thrashed around violently, causing her head to snap to the side. Now able to look down, Wendy saw that she was much higher than she realized. Suddenly feeling the grip on her clothes going slack, her heart felt like it was in her throat as her gravity began yanking her back down.
Screaming shrilly, her cries were suddenly choked back when her body stopped mid-fall, and then was gently led back down to the ground. Heart pulsing, Wendy looked around to see her miniature savior, Maila hovering in front of her face.
Wendy was still unable to understand Fae, but she didn't miss how the dark haired fairy was wildly gesticulating towards the trees. Looking up between the leaves, Wendy didn't miss the streak of light that was partially exposed.
Maila angrily flew towards the light, and grabbed a fistful of Tinker Bell's hair. The two began tussling, the thin branch teetering under the weight of the small fairies. Maila was stronger and pulled on Tink, flying down to bring the wayward fairy in front of Wendy.
"You are evil!" Wendy told the blonde creature that angrily looked up at her. "You're lucky Maila is here else I'd-"
A piercing scream suddenly ripped through the air, causing Wendy's blood to turn cold. It was then that she realized she didn't know where James was. Maila still clutching onto a struggling Tinker Bell, she flew towards the scream with Wendy following in behind.
Branches and leaves smacked into her body as she ran through the jungle. The screams stopped; the silence nearly deafening. Her heart thudding painfully against her chest, Wendy found herself growing frantic with worry. The screams rent the air again, and Maila jerked her small body towards its direction.
Racing behind, Wendy stopped short when they reached a small clearing. She was horrified when she saw James on the jungle ground, blood dripping down from his head and covering his face. His shirt had cuts on it, blood soaking through the material. Peter was hovering over the ashen faced man, a thinly bladed dagger in his hands.
Not once had Wendy seen the captain looking so terrified; his body paralyzed with fear as he looked at his left hand that was covered with his own blood.
Peter knew that James was deathly afraid of his own blood and stood over the cowering pirate captain, a man that never lost the inclination to kill who was now futilely trying to find purchase on the jungle ground to get away from the boy. Evidently he'd lost both weapons as his sash no longer bore the lengthy sword.
Emblazoned with anger, Wendy's eyes hastily scanned the ground until she found James' pistol that had been dropped during the scuffle. Rushing to pick it up, she cocked the firearm and ran behind Peter, who was so busy pointing his dagger at James that he didn't notice the movement.
"Leave him alone!" she told Peter.
"Wendy!" Peter cried, turning around with a cocky grin on his face.
Wendy could hardly believe that Peter had the gall to smile in the midst of attacking someone. His smile faltered slightly when he saw the pistol that was aimed at him.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked, lowering his dagger.
"What's wrong?" Wendy echoed her voice full of disgust. "You are a horrid boy! Whatever is the matter with you?"
Peter continued smiling peevishly, oblivious to the severity of his actions. Hearing leaves being crunched beneath approaching footsteps, Wendy side stepped while still keeping Peter in her eyesight with the pistol aimed at him.
The Lost Boys stood silently a few feet away from the three, swords clutched in hand with their mouths gaping open as they stared at Wendy holding a pistol against Peter as she hovered protectively over Captain Hook. "Go back home!" she shouted at them.
"Mother?" Tootles asked, sounding confused.
"What did I say!" she screamed, the fury obvious on her face. "Go!"
Looking like the frightened little children that they really were, the boys scampered away. Maila was still fluttering midair off to the side, her little hands still clutched firmly around Tinker Bell's arms.
The pistol still aimed at Peter, Wendy slowly moved over to James and knelt beside him. His blue eyes were wide with fear as they moved from his bloodied left hand to the red tipped dagger in Peter's hand.
Swearing inwardly, Wendy leaned over the man to push his left hand down out of his vision. At that moment she had nothing but venomous thoughts towards Peter, and wanted to thrash some sense into his thick skull. It was a dirty trick and terribly bad form to use someone's worse fears against them, and then still attempt to attack them while they lie helpless and unarmed.
Still clutching the firearm still, she ineffectually tied to rip off a piece of cloth from her shirt. She didn't want to put the pistol down, but knew that there was no other way.
"Don't move," she threatened Peter who now stood wide eyed, watching as Wendy fearlessly tended to the injured pirate captain on the ground.
Wendy then picked up James' right arm that felt like dead weight and used his metal hook to slice through the fabric of her shirt. "Ssh, it's alright darling," she bent down towards his head to whisper. After successfully ripping off a portion of her shirt, she picked the pistol back up and aimed it back at the golden haired miscreant. "Close your eyes," she quietly told James, feeling his body trembling slightly against hers. "Trust me darling, close them," she gently urged.
Closing his eyes, James rested his head against Wendy's knees. Brushing back the blood soaked curls, Wendy balled up the torn fabric and placed it firmly against the still bleeding gash by his right temple.
"Why are you helping him? Peter cried, stamping his foot on the ground. "He's a pirate! He's going to kill me and then kill you, you can't trust him!"
"Oh will you stop it!" Wendy yelled, feeling as if she was reaching her breaking point. "If anything you're the pirate, Peter! You've already corrupted those innocent boys, filling their heads with your stupid ideas. You've made them leave their families, tried to convince me to leave mine when I was only twelve!"
"So what's wrong with that?" he asked carelessly.
"It's amazing how nonchalant you are about wanting to separate everyone from their loved ones. You are still sorely lacking, Peter Pan."
"The Lost Boys don't care, we have fun! You should have stayed with us."
"Peter, have you any morals whatsoever!" Wendy spat. "Does this look like fun to you?" she gestured to James' bloodied head in her lap.
"That was his fault," Peter offered petulantly. "He's a grown-up, and we hate grown-ups!" He then began edging back towards James, raising his dagger. Peter jumped when a shot rang out, whizzing past his ear.
Looking at Wendy who held the smoking pistol, she looked up at Peter with a dark countenance. "If you come closer, I'll kill you Peter, so help me I will!"
"Mother! You-you tried to kill me!" Peter wailed, the smirk completely gone from his fact.
"Not yet I haven't," she promised, feeling the adrenalin rushing through her body as she cocked the firearm again. "Now, be a good boy and listen to me when I say to leave us alone. Because if I have to fire this pistol again I won't miss. Do you understand?"
Wendy enunciated each word of her last sentence clearly, watching as a shaken up Peter stared back at her as if seeing her in a new light. Gesturing with the pistol for him to his leave, Peter flew away before she was able to make good on her threat. "Tinker Bell? That goes for you too," she added, looking up at the subdued fairy still being held in place.
The blonde fairy nodded her head and followed behind her friend after Maila let her go.
The realization of what Wendy had just done suddenly hit her, and her hands trembled causing the pistol to fall to her side. "James, are you okay?" she gasped, looking down at him and smoothing her hands through his hair.
"That damned boy," he groused, trying to sit up and instantly falling back as a wave of dizziness washed over him. "Miss Darling, my little wildcat, just when I think I've seen it all you surprise me," James said, chuckling weakly.
"Well…" Wendy trailed off, now trying to clean the damp blood off James' forehead. "He's always tried to make me leave my family, he's not going to make me leave anyone I love ever again," she stated fiercely.
James blinked dazedly, the throbbing in his temple ebbing as her last words stunned him. Wendy on the other hand was still leaning over him, her face crumpled up in concentration as she tried to clean the remaining dried blood from his cheeks. "I'll have to wash the rest of this off," she said, removing the bloodied cloth and surreptitiously tossing it behind her. "Do you think you can walk now?"
Nodding, Wendy put her hands beneath James' shoulders and helped him to sit up. After making sure that his head was no longer spinning, they both stood up. James steadied himself a tree, watching as Wendy retrieved his sword and pistol from the mossy ground.
"My saber!" she said, hissing in annoyance as she crossed over to James and shoved his own sword in the weapon sash's holster.
James now took notice of the dark haired fairy that was fluttering next to Wendy's head.
"Maila says she knows where it is," James replied translating the tinny sounding Fae words.
"Can she carry it?" Wendy asked in confusion.
"Yes, and much more than that. Fairies are stronger than they look; remember it was Pan's nasty little fairy that picked you up and carried you off just to distract me," he replied.
Nodding her head in remembrance, Wendy watched as Maila flew away. Shortly after she returned with Wendy's saber, the sight almost comical as the length of the weapon dangled easily between her little fingers.
Taking the saber in her own hand, Wendy thanked the fairy again. She and James then slowly made their way to the Black Castle, Wendy making sure to keep James' left hand out of his line of vision.
Once they were back inside of the room, Wendy eased the weapon sash off James' body and made him sit down on the chaise in front of the bed. After starting a fire she ordered him to close his eyes again to which he made no protest, allowing her to slip the bloodied white shirt from over his head.
Knowing that there was no way the blood would come out of the garment; Wendy tossed it into the fire. She walked back in front of James, surveying the damage inflicted during the fight. James sat silently as Wendy pushed back his curls, examining the cut on his head. She then looked at his arms, the left bearing slashes with congealed blood. "Well they don't appear deep but they'll need to be disinfected," she said.
"I have a flask of whiskey in the trunk," James said. Seeing the look on Wendy's face, he continued. "It will have to do for now."
Sighing, Wendy walked over to the trunk and kneeled before it, pawing through its contents until she found the small bottle. After finding a rag she tipped half the contents of the bottle and pressed it onto James' wounds, remorse tearing through her when he roared in pain.
"I'm sorry!" she apologized, watching as his muscles tensed up when the alcohol set his skin ablaze. "I'm done, now where did you put the tub?"
His wounds still smarting, James pointed to an area across the room. "It's heavy," he warned Wendy, impressed with her moxie as the young woman tried to lug the stocky thing across the room. Chuckling, James got up from the chaise and helped her lug the tub across the floor and place it in front of the fireplace.
After it was filled with enough hot water, Wendy helped James remove the harness from his body. He was about to remove his breeches when he paused. "I'll be a gentleman and give you enough time to close your eyes," he told her with a wicked smile.
"Get in the tub!" Wendy huffed, her cheeks suffused with color.
Smirking as he heard her mutter something about an incorrigible man under her breath, James unsnapped his breeches and stepped out of them. Averting her eyes, Wendy set about fetching him clean garments only daring to look up when she was sure he was in the water. After placing the clothes on the bed, Wendy knelt behind James in the tub and taking up the soap, began to wash the dried blood from his hair.
When his body was finally clean, James stepped out of the water and dried himself off. After putting on the clean breeches, he let Wendy bind his right arm and head. After being ordered to lie down, to which he did all the while mumbling that he wasn't a child, James lay back among the pillows and listened as Wendy moved about the room.
James dozed off, listening to the sound of splashing water. He didn't know how long he'd been sleeping when he felt Wendy crawl onto the bed next to him, her hair damp as if she'd just bathed.
Wendy did in fact bathe; she'd had a good amount of James' blood on her breeches where his head lain, the remaining stains on her hands washed off when she helped him with his hair.
"There's my little wildcat," James mumbled drowsily, lying on his stomach with his face buried in the pillow.
"I'm sorry I woke you," Wendy softly replied, laying her head next to his. Reaching up to idly stroke the black curls tumbling down James' back, Wendy felt him relax beneath her caresses.
It had been a shock for her to see the look of terror on James' face back in the jungle, an image she wished that she could obliterate from her memory. Wendy knew what it was like to be scared frozen; she'd experienced that when she was nearly raped. It was a feeling that she wouldn't have wished upon anyone.
Peter had attacked James without being provoked, and then set forth to kill him even as he lay in Wendy's arms. It was still surreal that she'd shot at Peter and missed; to which she was bluffing the entire time. James had taught her to fire the pistol but she still didn't have years of practice underneath her belt to be the sharp shooter that he was.
She then wondered if she had the ability to take another's life, even in the midst of her own livelihood being threatened. As it were, it seemed that she'd been threatened more times as of recent than she'd been previously in all her life.
First she was being forced to marry an obviously cruel and calculating man who made no attempts to hide his intentions. Then after foolishly running off from James, she was held down by Laurie who'd planned on forcibly taking her innocence in the most barbaric way. To add insult to injury, Tinker Bell held her high up in the air by the mere threads of her shirt, with no regard to what would happen had Wendy taken a fall.
Peter had seemed just as blood thirsty, standing over her and James with the dagger still dripping with the captain's blood. It seemed as if wherever Wendy turned, misfortune never ceased to escape her. At that moment she realized that he was intent on stealing James away from her, and without a second thought she'd hastened to protect him.
Her own blood suddenly boiling, Wendy fought back the urge to scream. She looked at James who'd promptly fallen asleep at the soothing ministrations of her small fingers running through his curls. Feeling as if the room was suddenly too small for her to breathe properly, Wendy found herself easing out of the bed and yanking on her muddied kidskin boots. Uncaring that she was wearing only a nightgown; she picked up James' pistol along with extra ammunition and found her way out of the castle.
James woke up a few hours later to the sound of gunshots ringing through the air. Lifting his head he noticed that Wendy wasn't next to him in the bed, nor anywhere in the room. Hurriedly getting out of the bed, he looked around for his pistol remembering that he'd dropped it on the floor when they came in after fighting Pan, and found that it was gone.
His instincts told him that nothing was amiss at the moment, but James knew that he needed to investigate further. After easing his feet into a pair of black leather boots, he made his way out of the castle.
Stepping out into the afternoon sun, he immediately found the source of the fired shots. Wendy stood in the middle of the grassy clearing, her curls in a single plait and clad only in a white nightgown that hung down to her ankles. He quietly watched as she shot his pistol off in the distance, reloading and cocking the firearm just as he'd taught her. He vainly noticed that her stance was even proper, another morsel that he'd shared.
She seemed like a woman possessed as she repeatedly locked, loaded and fired the pistol. James stood with his arms across his chest, until he decided to intervene.
"As cathartic as that might be, perhaps we should save some for another day," James suggested, slowly approaching Wendy while making sure to make enough noise.
Wendy whirled around to face the shirtless captain who was looking at her with an unfathomable expression. Her face was wet and her eyes red as if she'd also spent part of her time crying outdoors.
"I'm sorry," Wendy whispered with a lowered head, offering the butt end of the pistol to James. Remnants of tears made their way down her cheek, something that James noticed instantly.
Unable to use his left hand as it was holding the pistol, James lifted his right arm and wiped Wendy's tears away with the stump. The young woman didn't flinch; and James then pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Come," he said, putting his arm around Wendy's shoulders and leading her back to the castle.
Wendy allowed James to remove her boots, and now sat curled against his body on the bed, her head buried in his chest as she fought to gain control over her emotions. "I'm sorry," she hiccupped, her tears leaking onto his bare skin. "You must think me silly for crying like this."
"I'm not completely detached, Wendy," James reassured, pressing a kiss into her messily plaited hair. "It's perfectly alright for you to let it out, I daresay with all that happened today you've held up even better than some men I've come across."
Wendy sobs finally tapered off as she felt James gently run his fingertips through her tangled curls and over her cheek.
"There's my brave girl," he whispered, pulling Wendy's shuddering body against his. James then shifted their weight on the bed, lying back on the pillows. He kept his arms around Wendy, holding her until she was marginally calmer.
"I thought I was going to lose you," she murmured, one finger idly tracing the warm skin on James' bicep. "I saw Peter with the knife…and you on the ground and I just couldn't let him-"
"You're a little fool, but for your actions I'm grateful. Although pray tell what would you have done if he came at you also?"
Wendy shook her head, closing her eyes while trying to focus. "I don't know," she admitted, her arm tightening around James' torso. "But I wasn't going to let him take you away from me."
"My sweet little hellcat," James mused. "She has the gumption of ten men. Did you mean what you said before?" he then asked.
"Which part?" Wendy asked.
"The part about Pan trying to take you away from everyone you love," James answered." Might I be included in that percentage?"
"Yes," Wendy answered without hesitation. Another thought then came to mind, one that made her tense slightly as she was almost too scared to vocalize it. "I'll understand if you don't feel the same way…"
James laughed throatily, his hand soothingly rubbing Wendy's back. "Despite the risk of sounding like a fop; I do love you. And as long as you'll have this one handed villain I'm yours."
Wendy's body relaxed again, relieved with James' answer. She knew it wasn't his nature to love anything or anyone, and if he did not to admit to it freely. Undeterred by the fact that he might not have returned her feelings, Wendy shared hers anyway.
"James?" she then said, something else coming to mind.
"Yes love," he answered, his fingers still idly massaging her neck through the nightgown.
"Remember last night, when you…" her voice trailed off, feeling the heat flooding her face. "I was wondering if there was more."
"Aye love, a plethora. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want to enlighten you but you fell asleep. And of course this morning we were interrupted."
Feeling her body growing warm at the memory of his touch, Wendy found herself craving those nimble fingers on her skin. Working up the nerve to verbalize her request, Wendy suddenly found herself being rolled over onto her back, James hovering above with his hips pressed against her.
"Your coyness is endearing," he said, pressing a kiss at the corner of Wendy's mouth. Resting his weight on his right arm, James slid his left hand down to Wendy's thighs, which she parted without hesitation.
Just as before he pulled the nightgown up to her hips and spent time tracing his fingertips along her inner thighs. Already reduced to slight trembling, Wendy felt between her legs slightly throbbing in anticipation.
His fingers delved between her folds, starting at the small line of tissue between her clenched buttocks and gliding up to her clit. Sighing breathlessly, Wendy arched involuntarily arched her hips up, becoming lost in the delicious sensation.
Wendy then felt James move from beside her, shifting his body between her legs. Growing shamefaced she realized he was now eye level with her sex. She found herself about to protest when her train of thought was thrown off, the feeling of his tongue tracing up her inner thigh and stopping in place with a kiss.
To Wendy's dismay James suddenly paused his movements, causing her to cry out in frustration.
"Take your gown off," he said.
"Why?" Wendy hesitantly asked, propping herself up on both elbows to look down at James.
"You asked me if there was more; and I fully intend on showing you," he responded, his head pressed against Wendy's thigh.
Unable to avoid the pair of blue eyes that were intently focused on her, Wendy pushed herself up completely. She slid both arms out of the sleeves and then grabbing the hem shucked it up and off her body. Too reserved to completely expose her body to James, she wrapped her arms round her torso, the crumpled up nightgown still in her lap.
James had previously seen portions of Wendy's unclothed body before, yet each time was incomparable to what he saw at the present. Save for a few bruises and scratches, Wendy had the loveliest form he'd ever laid eyes on. The single messy plait containing the honey brown curls hung over one shoulder, barely concealing her right breast.
Unable to take his eyes away from her chest, James realized that Wendy was breathing slightly faster. He looked up to see her staring back at him, a trace of fear lingering in her widened blue grey eyes.
Feeling her heart beating rapidly, Wendy watched as James' pushed himself up to move back over her body. Gentle fingertips worked the curls free from Wendy's half undone plait causing them to tumble down and graze the tips of her breasts. James then stroked Wendy's cheek with his left hand before moving to the back of her head to gently fist the wayward curls.
Bringing Wendy's head toward his, James proceeded to kiss her as if he was a dying man in search of a cure. Gasping at the suddenness of the kiss, Wendy was unable to protest when James untangled his hand from her curls to slip it between their bodies, grabbing the nightgown that divided their closeness and casting it aside.
James then urged Wendy to lay back, his arms beside her head as the length of his body covered hers. She felt warmth spread throughout her body as James' bare chest pressed against her breasts, the light mat of hair rubbing against her stiffened nipples in a most licentious manner.
Every wit that Wendy possessed was becoming addled as James began an exploration of her upper body with his mouth. Eyes closed and hands clutched onto his shoulders, Wendy was unable to contain the breathless sighs that escaped her lips as James kissed and nibbled on her neck, making his way down to the unknowingly sensitive nipples where he gently caught one between his teeth before capturing the whole rosy peak with his mouth.
Wendy's slim fingers dug into James' sinewy muscles as his ministrations sent a jolt throughout her body. Unaware that she was involuntarily undulating her hips against James', Wendy moaned in dismay when his cloth trapped erection pressed against her clit, the friction not nearly enough to quell the gnawing ache.
Growing frantic with arousal, Wendy wished that James would hurry and reach down between her legs, stroking her to completion with his wonderfully dexterous fingers. Perhaps it was the fact that she now lie completely naked beneath James, utterly vulnerable yet writhing her body against his, but Wendy found that she was suddenly too reticent to voice her desires.
"There's no point in being taciturn; I won't do anything until you request it," James murmured clairvoyantly.
Hissing in annoyance, Wendy lifted her left hand to James' head and impatiently tugged on his curls. "Are you really going to make me beg you?" she nearly whined.
Humming in approval, James laved his tongue over Wendy's throat. "How perceptive you are," he purred.
"Do you enjoy taunting me?" she hissed between moans.
"As long as it ends with you making those sounds, then yes," James answered lasciviously.
"You are a wicked man," Wendy scolded, pulling his head down for a kiss. "Touchez-moi s'il vous plaît," she then whispered her mouth a hairsbreadth away from James'.
"Avec plaisir," James replied shifting his weight to his right arm.
His hand traversed down Wendy's body, gliding his fingertips across her stiffened nipples, down her soft stomach, until he reached the soft brown triangle of curls atop her womanhood. Sliding his fingers down to Wendy's already lubricious entrance, James collected some of the slippery fluid on his fingertips before gliding back up the engorged bud nestled at the top of her folds.
Wendy's hips unintentionally jerked at the contact, her body stilling again as she felt James move from her clit to slowly press a finger inside of her moist channel.
Wanting to see Wendy become completely undone, James slid his body to rest between her spread legs. Hooking his right arm beneath her leg, James traced kisses along her inner thigh all the while withdrawing his finger from her body to gently hold the other left leg in place.
Murmuring contentedly at the feel of James' lips on her thigh, his curls brushing against the sensitive skin, Wendy lie passively relishing the sensations. Before she could predict his next move, Wendy felt a soft, moist heat engulf the very place where James' fingers had previously been.
Daring to look down, all that Wendy found herself able to see was the back of James' head, the black curls draped over her thighs and stomach as he delicately licked and kissed her dewy flesh. He then moved his mouth up, his mustache and beard pressing against the damp flesh as his lips encircled the stiffened nub.
Pressing both heels flat on the bed, Wendy's hips thrashed uncontrollably against James' mouth. Without moving from her clit, James gently plied her sopping wet passage with one, then two fingers. Wendy released a low cry of pleasure, feeling as if her body were being turned inside out.
Feeling the young woman's snug walls fluttering around his fingers with her impending orgasm, James kept his movements steady until her body became wound tightly as a bow string. Inhaling sharply, Wendy covered her eyes with both forearms, her body jerking violently as her climax crashed down upon her body.
Wendy's sweet juices running into his mouth, James kept dashing his tongue against her clit with fervor. Shamelessly crying out his name, Wendy's hands found her way to James' hair, her slim fingers entangled in the curls beckoning him to keep going. Her body then shuddered violently and unable to take anymore, Wendy gently pushed against his head.
With one final delve of his tongue into her moist folds; James released his hold on Wendy's thighs, her legs immediately falling slack onto the bed. He then crawled back on top the young woman who now lie boneless and in a stupor.
"Don't go to sleep yet," his deep voice rumbled in her ear.
Dazedly opening her eyes, Wendy looked up to see James' face right above hers, a carnal glint in his heavy lidded blue orbs. Feeling too spent to talk; Wendy slid both arms around James' waist and pulled him closer towards her. Finding herself wanting to touch James' intimately in the same manner he did for her but not yet feeling daring enough to do so, Wendy settled with tracing her fingertips over the lean muscles of his back.
Never could James remember being touched so gently by another, and he nearly wept with joy. Despite Wendy's obviously shy embrace, as she was stroking him almost as if she was scared, her touch was soothing. Burying his head into her neck, James nearly purred like a sated lion at the feel of the soft hands caressing his back.
Feeling his weight settling further into her body, Wendy was amazed to find that the usually tempestuous man was growing quite tame beneath her touch. Even though she was still inwardly battling with a fit of nerves, it seemed that the more she caressed James the less nervous she felt.
"Those sweet hands of mine; may they never let me go," she heard James mutter underneath his breath.
Wendy uttered a small laugh, reveling in the feel of James lying completely still atop her body, his curls splayed about and tickling her cheek and shoulder. The silence in the room was deafening, and after a second she realized she was able to feel and hear both of their heartbeats.
"Maybe it is I who should be telling you to not fall asleep," Wendy then said teasingly.
James stirred slightly, his head lifting from beside Wendy's. After planting a short kiss on her lips he got up and shifted alongside her body, pulling her to face him. Meekly avoiding the eyes that settled firmly onto her face, Wendy placed a hand on James' chest, sliding her palm over the firmly muscled contours.
A baser desire kicked in, causing Wendy to then trace her fingers down to the thin line of hair on James' stomach. Looking down she saw that the front of his breeches were tented, the material straining around the snaps. Daring to go further, Wendy followed the trail on James' abdomen until she reached the waistline of his breeches.
When he made no moves to protest, she slipped her hand inside, her fingertips brushing against hair that felt coarser than the ones on his head.
By now James was painfully hard, and he silently cursed the material imprisoning his manhood. After wanting Wendy for so long, he was willing that if her next move was to wrap her soft, little hand around his cock that he would erupt like a novice lad. Prying her hands away from his waist, Wendy looked at James with slight confusion on her face as he suddenly moved to kneel on the bed, his left hand deftly undoing the breeches' snaps.
Her eyes widening slightly, Wendy quietly watched as James pushed the material down his narrow hips, then completely removing it. Swallowing hard at the sight James completely disrobed before her, her eyes went directly to the thatch of dark hair between his legs, a substantial erection pressing up against his stomach.
James fought back a chuckle at Wendy's innocent gawking. After shoving his breeches off the bed and onto the floor, James pushed the pillows and heavy coverlet out of the way and pulled Wendy's body beneath his. Kneeling between her thighs he bent down to capture her bottom lip in his mouth.
His erection brushed against her abdomen, the tip of the hot, heavy flesh weeping and leaving slick, dampened trails on her skin. Wendy slid both hands down to his cock, noticing how his eyes closed when she encircled the rigid flesh.
"I should warn you; I'm a gentleman but I'm still a man. If you don't stop me now I fully intend on having you completely."
Musing over his words, Wendy gave a small nod.
"Be sure love," James said. "There's no going back once you say yes."
"I'm sure," Wendy promised without hesitation.
"Bring your hands here; your touch is going to be the death of me," he replied, patting the area of bed above her head.
Doing as James requested, Wendy released her hold on his manhood and drew both arms over her head. Using his left hand to adjust Wendy's hips with his, James slightly rested his weight upon her body. His left arm then found its way above Wendy's head, his hand gently capturing both her wrists.
He was so achingly erect that it took a mere shift of his hips to align himself at her entrance. Planting his mouth over Wendy's, James caressed her tongue with his.
Too enthralled with the kiss, Wendy took slight notice of that fact that the blunt head of James' cock was making its way into her body. It was when he reached that unyielding barrier that her blue grey eyes snapped open, her body quaking slightly when she felt the burning intrusion.
Her moans of discomfort muffled by James' lips, Wendy thrashed about, desperate with the need to hold onto something.
As if understanding the silent request, James slid his hand up from Wendy's wrists to her hands, which immediately gripped onto his. Breaking their kiss, Wendy turned her head unable to keep from crying out in pain.
James was repentant knowing that he was the source of her discomfort, hence the reason why he didn't tell her that when he took her for the first time it would hurt. Her delicate channel was already narrow enough; and he didn't want her more tense than necessary.
"James, it hurts!" Wendy whimpered, her nails digging into his hand and knees tightening around his waist.
"I know love," he murmured, pressing a kiss against the now damp curls that were sticking to her temple. "I'm going slowly so I don't rend your insides."
James wished that he was able to make her pain disappear; but judging from how snug Wendy felt around his fingers he knew it would be hell trying to fit himself inside of her body without some difficulty.
Despite her discomfiture, James fought to hold his body in check and not plough through her maidenhead too roughly. It was not an easy task; her walls clamped down almost painfully and viselike around his shaft, causing him to grow heady with lust.
Lowering his left hand from Wendy's arms, James slid his right arm beneath her head and bent down to nuzzle his face against crumpled up features. Pressing soft kisses against her cheek, James ran his fingers through her curls in an attempt to soothe her sweat dampened, trembling body.
Desperate for the pain between her legs to end, Wendy clutched onto James' shoulders with both hands. Nearly biting through her bottom lip, she was beginning to wonder if she should have declined James' offer when she had the chance.
Without warning his hips suddenly surged forward, breaking through the last vestiges of Wendy's innocence. James felt her nails scoring his shoulders as her keening wail of agony rent the air.
"Stop!" Wendy shrilled her entire going body rigid as her knees dug into James' side. "It hurts too much!"
Feeling the tears leaking down her face and onto the bed sheets, Wendy wanted to pound her fists against James' chest, but the burning, stretching sensation between her legs wouldn't allow her to move any part of her body. As far as she was concerned, James had lied when he said that he would never hurt her.
Rent between the impulse to shove James off her trembling body and the need to cry, Wendy opened her eyes and look up at him through tear dampened lashes when she felt his fingers brushing against her brow.
"Just give it a second, I promise I'll make it better," James told her in a strained voice.
Although dubious to his reassurances, Wendy nodded her head slightly. His right arm still beneath her head, James brushed his lips against Wendy's, softly kissing her until her legs loosened its grip around his waist.
Her entire body then relaxed, James surmising that the pain had already begun to diminish. He took that opportunity to withdraw slightly from her body before pushing back in.
Gasping at the sensation of him moving within her, Wendy realized that she still felt the stinging of her newly torn flesh being agitated, but beneath the pain lay a mounting pleasure.
Feeling Wendy's body quivering with each slow thrust, James noticed that the look of discomfort that previously graced her features had disappeared, a look of pure want now on her face. Groaning at the sensations sweeping over her body, Wendy reflexively arched her hips towards James', trying to catch his slow rhythm.
With his ruthless nature as a pirate, patience and moving at a moderate pace was not something James was used to doing, especially when it came to sex. Previously he'd have a perfunctory shag with the whores he visited, taking them hard and fast only seeking to slake his lust.
Now beneath him lay an innocent young woman that openly and trustingly gave herself to him, and James found that he was unable to be anything but patient, taking painstaking care to not move within her too roughly.
Heaven help him; his own body was trembling as it took every bit of self control he had to not do what he'd wanted for the longest; which was to ride her body into the mattress until she screamed his name.
It was Wendy's turn to be seemingly clairvoyant, as her hands moved from James' shoulders down to the small of his back. Her little hands pressed and dug into his skin as if urging him on.
"More," Wendy cried franticly, her body thrashing beneath James'.
Bracing himself, James lowered his body until his chest was flush against Wendy's, his head next to hers. Feeling his waist ensnared by Wendy's legs and her arms firmly clasped around his back, James hastily propelled himself and groaned at the tight, warm heat surrounding him.
Becoming lost in the snug crevasse that squeezed his cock in all the right places, nearly to the brink of pain, James cursed inwardly when he found that he wasn't long off from spilling himself inside Wendy's body.
Looking down he saw that her face was now flushed and damp, her countenance that of heated bliss. Plunging fiercely into her womanhood, James released a feral cry when he felt the head of his cock slip beneath her sharp cervix, the tight friction squeezing him too perfectly.
Wendy screamed out at the overpowering sensation and James thought he'd plunged too deeply. It would kill him to unsheathe himself at this point but if needed be he would. It was soon apparent to James that Wendy wasn't hurt as her arms and legs latched more firmly latched onto his body.
Feeling James delve deeply as before, Wendy's moans culminated to a scream, her body clinging onto his for dear life. Her body felt as if it was burning from the inside out, and she hoped that he would keep moving within her at the same urgent pace, never moving from that spot deep inside her body that made her walls involuntarily clench around his hardness.
Clawing at James' back, Wendy let out a shrill cry as his movements pushed her to the precipice, her body shuddering violently as she helplessly screamed out his name.
Her sudden climax set off James' own; his head buried in her neck and left hand fisted in her curls as her name fell from his lips in a feral moan, his cock throbbing and pulsating harder than he ever felt in his life as his seed spurted furiously into the hot depths.
When the tremors from the aftermath of his orgasm finally subsided, James withdrew from Wendy's body with a hiss, her now slackened limbs falling from around his body and onto the bed. Looking down at the young woman whose chest was still heaving, he saw that her skin was covered in a faint glow from head to toe.
Still breathing heavily himself, James reached out to run his hand across Wendy's face. Brushing back the wet curls from her forehead, she still didn't respond to his touch. Vain creature that he was; James chucked when he realized that Wendy hadn't fallen asleep right after; rather she'd fainted from the overwhelming pleasure that he'd given her.
Coming down from his proverbial high, James realized that all he wanted to do at the moment was sleep with Wendy pressed against his side. After righting the pillows at the top of the bed, James sliding his arms beneath her Wendy's supine body and positioned her on her side.
Shifting his body in place next to Wendy's, James pulled the coverlet over both of them. He then wrapped a possessive arm around her waist, pulling her close until her soft behind pressed against his flaccid manhood. With his lips nearly brushing the back of Wendy's neck, James fell asleep breathing in her sweet scent.
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