Complexity | By : TwilightScribe Category: Twilight Series > Slash Views: 3862 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or make any money from this story. |
Title: Complexity
Fandom: Twilight series
Pairing: Marcus/Seth
Part: XVIII. Remembrance and the Dreamscape
Prompt: 012. remember
Words: 4642 words
Summary: Volterra was his prison, an entire city, but it didn't make up for the fact that he was alone and tortured. There had to be something to make this death sentence worthwhile.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight series, and I don't claim to own it either. It belongs to Stephanie Meyer, and I only write these things to satisfy the muses and make nothing from it.
When Seth woke up the next morning, he was a little surprised to find Marcus sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. It didn't take the vampire long to notice that he was awake, and when he did, he gave the young wolf a warm smile and a very welcome kiss to his temple. He couldn't think of any better way to wake up then this.
“Morning,” he greeted, stretching as he sat up. He felt just a little uncomfortable with the sudden change their relationship had taken, but he'd always taken things in stride and played them by ear. This didn't seem any different; he slid his arms around the vampire's shoulders and returned the smile with a giddy one of his own. “You didn't sit there all night did you? That's got to be boring.”
“Unlike you, Seth, I've been around a very long time,” Marcus replied softly. “After so much time, a single night is nothing but a blink of an eye. Time flows differently for those of us who have existed for so long.”
“And you're avoiding the question.”
Marcus smiled and lifted Seth's hand from around his shoulder, pressing his lips to his wrist. “My apologies. I had other things that I needed to take care of; I haven't been here for long.”
“Good.” Seth remained perfectly still, but grinned, as Marcus leaned back and he pulled him forward so that their lips could meet in a very sweet kiss. It sent sparks through him just as the first time they'd kissed had, and Seth let out a little involuntary whine when Marcus pulled away.
Marcus smirked and left a short peck on the other's lips before pulling away, “You've slept most of the day away and we did promise Sebastian and his wife that we would join them for dinner tonight...”
Hearing that, Seth pouted, “That's not fair!”
“You did promise we would go, Seth,” Marcus replied with a chuckle. “We still have a few hours until we're expected at their home. Is there anything you would like to do until then?”
Their conversation was interrupted by Seth's stomach making its presence known with a loud grumble. Seth blushed at the noise, and sheepishly answered, “I think I could use something to eat...”
Already one step ahead of the young wolf, Marcus gestured over at the dresser where a tray with a light lunch was resting. He'd obviously had the time to stop by the kitchen and have something made for Seth for lunch since he knew that the young man would be hungry when he awoke. He laughed when the wolf crawled over him and got off the bed, bringing back the tray and settling back on the bed before he started eating.
Much to Marcus' embarrassment, he noticed that what Seth had worn to bed were his own clothes. Now, he had no problem with this, what really got to him was the fact that his clothes were a little too big for the young man, and they were slipping off his frame, revealing tantalizing planes of tan skin.
The shirt that Seth was wearing was one of Marcus' older collared shirts that he hadn't worn for years, and it kept slipping off his shoulder. And every time it did, the vampire could feel the desire pooling low in his abdomen; it was all he could do not to press Seth into the bed and just... but no, he had to keep himself in check.
It was getting progressively difficult to keep his mind off of decidedly inappropriate thoughts involving the shifter. Especially since Seth was obviously very ignorant of the effect that he was having on the vampire as he pulled the collar of the shirt back up, covering himself up again.
Once he was done, Marcus took the tray from his lover and while he returned it and the dishes to the kitchen, told Seth that he should get cleaned up for their outing later.
It didn't take much prodding from Marcus to get Seth out of bed and looking through the clothes that Heidi had bought him to find something presentable and slightly dressy for their dinner that night. Marcus wouldn't be eating, but Seth would.
As he took his shower, Seth thought about what he could wear. Usually he didn't particularly care about his appearance, but he'd basically signed on as... he wasn't sure. He didn't actually know how Marcus would define their relationship, but he knew that it was serious. After all, vampires didn't get involved with humans – even shifters like himself – unless there was something deeper underlying their connection. He wasn't as well versed in the ways of vampires and their significant others as he was with his own kind, but he was sure that the connection was just as deep, if not more so.
Vampires had the potential to live forever if they weren't destroyed; which meant what bound them to each other had to be deep, maybe deeper then the connection between an imprinter and an imprintee.
Seth thought about that some more; he'd been surrounded by happy couples. He'd seen so many who were happy with their imprints, despite the work that had gone into them becoming a reality. And through the link that he shared with his pack members, he'd experienced a ghost of what that happiness and those feelings were.
Did he feel that way for Marcus? He wasn't too sure. He loved Marcus, of that he was sure, but did that mean he'd imprinted?
From what Seth knew about imprints, the feelings aroused by it were usually immediate. But... with Marcus, the only thing that he'd felt was an instantaneous draw to the other, but nothing else. All of his feelings had grown from that draw, but he wasn't sure if that meant that he'd imprinted. He really wished that he had his sister there, or even Jacob, to tell him if this was what it was.
When he'd finished his shower, Seth stepped out and dried himself off. He left a towel around his waist as he went to dig out an outfit from the closet. And just like before, he felt like he needed to make sure that he did Marcus justice; and now even more so, since they two of them were involved now. Now it mattered because he desperately wanted to reflect well on Marcus.
He wanted to make his vampire proud.
What he wound up choosing was something a lot more casual then he would have preferred, but given what Marcus wore everywhere he figured that it would be fine; it would be a contrast. Well, then again, Heidi had been the one to pick it out, and she'd given him absolutely no choice in the matter.
Obviously Marcus was staying away until he was presentable. When he actually gave that some thought, he'd been blushing when he realized that it saved them both an awkward conversation. They hadn't talked about sex; it hadn't come up, though it had been implied just a little. Seth was sure that they'd have to have a conversation about it at some point, but he wanted to put it off for as long as possible.
Definitely his virginity was thinking about that. He was more then a little nervous about what it would be like since all he knew was what little he'd heard from the others. Or what little he'd stumbled across on the internet.
And Marcus didn't seem anxious to broach the subject either, but then again, Marcus seemed to have what seemed like endless patience when it came to anything. The vampire would probably wait for as long as Seth needed, but even Seth knew that he couldn't put it off forever because even Marcus' patience would eventually wear thin.
Heidi was grinning like the cat who ate the canary, “Wow! I can't believe it! You and Marcus!”
He gave her a sarcastic look, “Stop acting so shocked Heidi; you saw this coming, I know you did. You're not fooling anyone.”
“As true as that might be, I still never expected that it would happen so suddenly! I thought this was going to be a bit more gradual. See, I originally thought that the tension between the two of you would just grow and grow until one of you finally snapped and then, well, you know.” She waggled her eyebrows at him suggestively with a smirk.
“Heidi, you're terrible.” Seth was blushing the same color of the tomato; he knew exactly what she'd been implying. “And your 'hints' weren't appreciated.”
“Really? I thought you'd find my little gift very useful. Maybe not now, but in the future.”
“I... that...!” Seth took a deep breath. “We're nowhere close to that!”
“Psh, details!” Heidi waved her hand at him dismissively. “And besides, I'm sure that the two of you will get there sooner then you think. Trust me, Seth; I know you'll love it.”
“C-can we stop having this conversation?!”
“What?! Are you embarrassed Seth?”
“Shut up Heidi.”
“Oh, touchy are we? You know, getting–”
“Finish that sentence and I'll gut you.”
“That's not very nice.” Heidi pouted. “And here I thought I was your best friend; I just have your best interests at heart.”
“And I'm asking you to drop it. It's not something I want to talk about; especially not with you.”
“Oh, so if it was with Marcus, you'd be more open to it?”
“Heidi! Stop it!” Seth smacked his best friend's arm, and just wound up hurting his hand. He glared at the vampire, who just laughed at him in response. But she did drop the subject, which was a great relief to Seth.
“Well, are you looking forward to your date tonight?”
“It's not really a date; we're not going to be alone.” Seth flopped back onto the bed with a sigh; he sort of wished Marcus would come back and chase Heidi off because as much as he loved her, there were sometimes where he longing for gossip and inappropriate subject matter really got to him.
“With some of Marcus' human friends?”
“Yeah; Sebastian and his wife. They invited him and extended it to me too; and since I said I'd go, he's coming with me.” He noticed the thoughtful tone in her voice. “There something on your mind?”
“Well, you know, there was a lot of controversy, I guess, about Marcus' relationship with the family. He'd always gone to that book store, and since it's family owned, he exposed a bit of his nature to them. Aro really wasn't happy about that, and it wasn't until they had a promise from the family never to expose us, they can expect to have the Volturi's continuing patronage.”
She'd glossed over the incident; it had been really tense and they'd come close to actuallylosing Marcus for once because of his own stubbornness regarding the issue. It had been those unvoiced threats which had eventually resolved the situation to Marcus' benefit. And Aro was still pretty sore over the issue; there were times when there were subtly worded threats directed towards the family, but Aro would never actually act on them since Marcus would never rise to the bait.
And there was still the chance that it could possibly drive a wedge between Marcus and Aro. That was something that the vampire couldn't afford to do.
Luckily, though, Seth seemed to grasp that it wasn't something that she wanted to go in depth on. Heidi hadn't been very old when it happened, she'd only been with the Volturi for a decade at that point, and she didn't occupy the same position that she did now. All young vampires occupied the lowest ranks of the guard; now, she held one of the more coveted ones.
“Aro was pretty displeased earlier,” Heidi added softly. “I'm pretty sure that Marcus told him about his intentions towards you...”
“How is that any of Aro's business?!” Seth snapped, now feeling angry.
“To protect you from another misunderstanding,” Heidi replied. “He knows that unless Aro knew beforehand that you and him were together, that he would have let Jane torture you whenever. As it stands now, you're pretty much untouchable, even for her.”
Heidi sighed, “Marcus is one of the leaders of the Volturi and you're his mate. Obviously you're going to demand a lot more respect because of that.” She held up her hands, “I know, I know, you don't really expect that to happen, but I know you'll like this next part. It means that they can't touch you; hurting you would mean hurting Marcus, and that just won't be allowed. Aro won't dare try and hurt you now. It's too risky.”
Heidi's words stuck with Seth, and he was a little distracted when he finally met up again with Marcus in the sitting room. But he shoved them out of his mind when he saw how happy the ancient vampire looked to see him.
He was sporting a warm smile when Seth came in, and immediately moved to make room for him on the couch where he'd been reading. Taking advantage of that, Seth flopped onto the couch and cuddled up next to Marcus, using the vampire's thigh as a pillow. Marcus smiled and carded his fingers through Seth's hair once he was settled down, and resumed his reading, content with just having the wolf there with him.
“What time is it now?” Seth finally asked after several long moments of silence.
“It's quarter to five right now.” Marcus' fingers didn't stop their caressing of the young man's hair, and he never looked away from his book. He was perfectly at peace with both himself and his life, and that contentment passed over to Seth as well.
Seth yawned, he was still a little tired from all the excitement of the night before. He snuggled a little closer to Marcus before drifting off for a little nap before they left for Sebastian's place. There was nothing he needed to worry about right then because he knew that Marcus would wake him up when it was time for them to leave.
It didn't take long until the only noises in the sitting room were the sound of Seth's breathing and the steady beat of his heart along with the crackling of the fire. Marcus couldn't help but smile at just how peaceful his young love was as he slept; everything about him radiated peace and life, and it spilled over into him. It was a very new feeling for him, he hadn't ever felt like he did now. Not even with her, but... he didn't want to think about that.
He'd promised himself that he would let his past go and move on – or, at least, as best he could – for Seth's sake; he wouldn't impose his past on his new love. Seth deserved that from him. He wouldn't let him live in the shadows.
Would you be happy with this? Would you be alright with how I've moved on?
It was a little disconcerting for him to realize that he hadn't thought of her for months, really. Ever since Seth had come into his life, his thoughts had all revolved around him. She no longer held dominance over his thoughts. He had never thought that possible; she'd always lingered in them before. Everything had reminded him of her.
“I would like very much to spend my eternity with you.”
“As would I, but Marcus, eternity is a rather long time to spend with one person. Perhaps we will be happy now, and perhaps we will happy for decades or centuries down the line; but I do not believe that we will always be together in happy. No matter how much we may love each other.”
He smiled at the memory. Yes, he had been happy with her, he had been happy through the stretches of decades that they had spent together as a couple. And she had possibly seen this coming; had she still been with him, he knew that she would have been happy for him – happy but at the same time sad that their time together had come to an end – and would have encouraged him to find his happiness.
“I do love you Marcus. I would always want you to be happy, even if that happiness does not involve me. So please, remember that if nothing else.”
She would have been happy for him, she was always happy and bright and cheerful. She always had a kind word for everyone and was always so good to everyone who she might; mortal and immortal alike. Marcus had never believed that she was meant for a life of darkness and filled with blood. No she was meant for a life in the light where her kindness could always be rewarded and recognized.
And Marcus had always lingered on his memories of her. She had brought a pinprick of light into his darkness and had pulled him out of the dark cruelty that his life had been with the Romanians. With her, he had been content with the Volturi.
Until her death, he had known no better happiness. Except for his memories of his mortal life with his sister, the time he had spent with her had been the best of his eternal life. And now, he had found something... which brought him back to that light, back to it and intensified it.
Seth made him happier then even how she had made him feel. And Marcus loved him; loved him very much. He wouldn't give Seth up for anything, but he wanted to give him everything. Marcus didn't want to keep him trapped in the darkness which was his life; he wanted him to be able to experience the day that he had grown up in too.
Everything was different now.
Seth was pretty sure that he was dreaming. For a number of reasons.
For one, he knew that he'd been asleep in the sitting room with Marcus and not in a meadow which he didn't recognize; it certainly wasn't one that he'd seen growing up around Forks and La Push. It was too pretty and idyllic, there was none of the rugged qualities that he knew.
That and the fact that the sky was purple of all things. He was pretty sure that wasn't normal.
Looking around, Seth couldn't see anyone else in the clearing with him. He was resting in the grass in what he assumed was roughly the center of the clearing. There didn't seem to be trees ringing the clearing either, just a light grey mist which swirled endlessly at its edges. It set him on edge, but he didn't feel afraid; just anxious, like something was about to happen.
Seth hadn't been sitting there long when he noticed that there was something in the mist. At first, it was just a darker blur, but as it made its way into the clearing he realized that it wasn't an it, but a young woman.
She probably wasn't much younger then he was; and even with her dark hair and crystalline green eyes, they were far too wide and innocent. As she came closer to him, Seth could make out more details about her. She was very petite and looked rather delicate; she was thin but didn't look particularly ill. The only thing she was wearing was a thin summer dress that was a very light shade of lavender; she wasn't wearing shoes or any other accessories.
Once she was only a few feet away from him, she stopped and smiled at him, “Hello Seth. It's good to finally meet you.”
“I'm dreaming, aren't I?”
She giggled; it was a sweet, musical sound. “Yes Seth, you are dreaming. But you know, dreams can be a funny thing.”
There was a knowing tone to her voice as she spoke that only confused Seth more. Obviously she knew what was going on, and she knew who he was, which was kind of weird. Seth didn't recognize her, although, there was something about her that was familiar.
“It's alright if you don't know who I am,” she smiled. “I guess the family resemblance isn't as strong as it used to be.”
Family resemblance? That just confused Seth even more. He would admit that the girl looked familiar, but he couldn't find the reason for why.
Very surprisingly graceful movements, she came over to him and sat down beside him, “I've been watching you for a while now. I was... a little surprised, but now that I've seen you and my brother together... I don't think that anyone else is better suited for him.”
Brother? Wait... “You... you mean Marcus?!”
She blinked at him, “Of course, who else would I be talking about?”
“Oh, ah, um...” Now this was awkward. Seth wasn't sure if it was just his mind hallucinating or if this was actually happening to him. But having the long deceased sister of his love appear in his dreams in a rather trippy looking meadow was definitely not something that had ever happened to him. And he was really hoping that it would never happen again.
Katia smiled again; it felt a little like she was reading his thoughts, “Like I said, dreams are strange things; it's one of the few times when the lines between the realms where I exist and where you live can be crossed. I've been waiting for this chance for a while.”
“I've been waiting for Marcus to come to you with his feelings. I didn't believe that it would be appropriate for me to come to you before then. And now that he has, I cannot describe just how happy I am for him, for the both of you.” And her smile seemed very genuine; her happiness was radiating out of her in waves. Her eyes were practically glowing. “You're a very lucky person Seth. I hope you know that.”
He couldn't help but blush, “Yeah... I know.”
“Marcus is very lucky to have you too. I don't think that I've ever seen two people who are better suited for each other,” Katia continued, her voice growing more emotional as she spoke. “And for what you have done for my brother, I can never repay. Thank you; thank you so much.”
As she was finishing her little speech, Katia threw her arms around Seth's shoulders and sobbed a little. The young man was so startled that it took him a few seconds before he was able to return the embrace, letting the younger girl sob into his shoulder, silently listening to her mumble out her thanks over and over again.
He was so distracted by her, that he didn't notice the arrival of another person.
This woman was older, probably in her early or mid twenties, and her hair was a rich chocolate brown that cascaded down her back in gentle waves. Her face was heart-shaped and there was a warm and welcoming smile on her face as she slowly approached them.
Much like Katia, she was dressed very simply. And like Katia, the dress she wore was rather dated; the only difference was that hers was a deep burgundy color that brought out the paleness of her skin and the deep blue of her eyes. Very slowly, she approached the two teenagers.
It wasn't until she was only a few feet away that Katia gently pulled away from Seth and wiped her eyes on the back of her hands. When she noticed the older woman, she smiled, “You actually came.”
The older woman returned the smile, folding her knees and sitting down just a little ways in front of them. “Of course. I would not want to miss the chance to meet young Seth.”
As she said that, she turned her attentions to Seth, smiling warmly at him, “It is such a great pleasure to meet you, Seth.”
“Uh, it's nice to meet you too...” Seth replied, somewhat awkwardly. He had no idea who this woman was, but Katia obviously knew her. He shook her hand when it was offered, noting that it was cool to the touch which was very much unlike Katia's, which had a warmth to it.
“Do not worry, or fear me, Seth,” the woman replied. “I just want to speak with you.”
“Um, I don't mean to be rude or anything but... who are you?”
The woman smiled, a glint of amusement in her eyes, “Oh, right. I suppose that you have no inkling of who I am. My name is Didyme.”
It wasn't a name that Seth was familiar with; he hadn't heard anyone use it since he'd been in Volterra. The differences, though, between her and Katia were huge. Katia's touch had been warm, human; whereas, Didyme's touch had been cool, like the vampires he was so well acquainted with. He wasn't sure what that meant, or what the dream was about; although, he was catching on quickly.
Didyme reached out and took both of Seth's hands in her much cooler ones, “Ah, you are so warm... it has been too long since I have felt it; the warmth that comes with life.”
In Seth's mind, something clicked. “You were a vampire.”
“I was,” Didyme confirmed. “But that is not why I have come to you. Katia came for the same reason.”
The young teen smiled, “We wanted to congratulate you, and wish you luck. But we also wanted to tell you that we've got no grudge against you from taking Marcus' focus away from our memory; he deserves to be happy.”
Everything seemed to click together in Seth's mind; these were the two women who had been in Marcus' life, the ones who had been the most important to him until he had come along. It was a little surreal to be confronted with this, because he had heard of Katia – who was always spoken of with terms of endearment and love – but he had never heard of Didyme before. The memory of her must have been too painful for Marcus to speak of.
“You will take good care of him,” Didyme added. “You have nothing to fear; I have never seen him love as he does you. Not even I could ever arouse so much passion in him, and I always knew that he would find the one who could.”
Katia was still at Seth's side, taking one of his hands from Didyme and giving it a comforting squeeze. “Trust us Seth. We know Marcus; we've watched over him for so long and we knew him before. I have never seen my brother love anyone as he does you. It's alright, you have my blessing.”
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his cheek with a warm smile. Dimly, Seth realized that she was fading away, as was the scenery around them. Did that mean that he was waking up?
Just as Katia had done, Didyme leaned forward and pressed her lips to his other cheek, “And you have mine as well. I was right all along; you are his mate.”
Trippy dream sequence. Hope it was enjoyed.
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