Paths of Madness | By : LadyOrion Category: M through R > Peter Pan > Het Views: 4204 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: I don’t own Peter Pan
A/N: Bit more familiar feel from now on…sorta hehehehehhehheeehheeheehe
Oh the chapters should be a bit shorter from now on. I just needed to get all the set up and back story out of the way in that first chapter and I thought it was too important a segment to split into two chapters. I may do so later just to keep people from freaking out over the length but not for now. Sorry about the monster chapter, hope people continue to read after such a weird and unusual beginning. Oh if any one is still confused about what the HELL happened in chapter 1 please ask me about it I’ll try to clarify it.
Chapter 2
The Killing Game
Sailing the Jolly Roger through the clouds Peter brought the ship into the skies of Never land. The dark clouds began to break up, the heavy thunderheads turning rapidly into giant balls of white fluff as he sent the ship sailing through the air. Crossing his island home he pointed the craft toward Skull Rock knowing the ragtag lot of pirates he had tossed overboard before his journey to return Wendy, would eventually find it there.
The tumbled ruin gleamed glossy black under the smiling sun as the ship touched down in the deep cove before the fanged island. Tossing the anchor over board the boy looked one last time at the vessel that had carried Wendy away from him before the rose from its wooden deck. Flight came slowly as the image of sparkling blue eyes filled with the tears of farewell flashed before him.
Dashing the dampness form his own eyes he took to the sky zipping through the rigging of the Jolly Roger tying complicated knots in the maze of ropes. Tinkerbelle flew around him, her tiny shimmering light trailing a fine mist of fairy dust. She flittered about him in dizzying patterns chitterling, her voice filled with a thousand adventures. He knew she was trying to cheer him up. Peter smiled at his friend nodding absently.
Dashing up into the blue sky Peter spun in a circle arms wide as he shed the dark mood that had plagued him since he left Wendy’s window. A flash of scarlet caught the corner of his eye causing the boy to halt his spiraling accent. Hanging in the air Peter floated forward, towards the man who stood atop Skull Rock.
One foot clad in a knee high black boot was raised to rest on a tumbled stone of the ruin around him. The dark waist length hair that fluttered in the light breeze obscured and then revealed his hard face. A lace covered hand rested casually on the hilt of his cutlass making the blade angle away from his lean body where it hung low across his slim hips. The thigh length burgundy velvet jacket flared around him as the skies darkened with Peter’s mood. The black lace trimmed cuffs of the jacket shivered in the wind sweeping across the island revealing the shining sliver hook that graced the man’s right hand.
“I didn’t manage to kill you this time Old Man?” Peter yelled down from the top of a ruined wall. Hook stood upright and glared at him his green eyes shining and bright in the dim stormy light.
“No Boy, it seems our dance is not yet up.” Bowing in a mockery of civility Hook drew his sword raising the tip in challenge.
“Next time then you old codfish, next time I’ll kill you for sure.” Peter replied as the dark clouds again cleared from the skies.
“Now Peter you forget it is my turn to kill you. Fair is fair after all.” A cruel smile graced the captain’s lips as he jumped onto one of the low walls surrounding him.
“You can try Hook you can try!” Peter laughed taking to the sky. The look of frustration and rage that filled James T. Hook’s face as he flew away from Skull Rock filled the boy with delight.
The deck rocked gently beneath his feet as the Jolly Roger cut through the waters of Never land. Green eyes, glowing an unearthly golden hue in the light of the lantern that hung from the foremast of his ship Captain James T. Hook stared out at the black waters. The stars reflecting off the calm dark sea wavered before him as memory obscured his view.
*******The burning darkness crashed into him tearing away the vision of blue eyes framed by soft brown hair. Moaning his pain Hook peered around him trying to identify the source of the reeking damp that surrounded him. Moving blindly in the consuming darkness he reached out his hand searching. Hissing in pain the man snatched his hand away for the burning slick wall he found. Rubbing the palm of his hand gently with his fingers he felt the skin blistering from the quick contact.
Confusion rocked him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The memory of Pan closing ice cold blue eyes, dismissing him as ivory fangs obscured the boy after he lost hold of his happy thought, flashed across his scrambling mind. Growling in rage and disgust he extended his hprespressing the silver blade against he moist wall his guess was confirmed. He was with in the belly of the beast.
Rising to a crouch Hook slashed at the yielding flesh before him. “Pan!” he screamed. Imagining he was tearing the imp limb from limb he clawed at the flesh in front of him. The beast roiled around him trying in vain to avoid the pain that rippedugh ugh its guts. Sliding on the sickening surface of flesh Hook felt the acids of the creature’s stomach burn across his face. Pulling himself out of the pool of digestive fluid he moved closer to the coppery tang of blood that welled from the rents he was creating. Sluicing the hot liquid over himself he hoped to the sun and moon that it would protect him from the slow death waiting behind him.
Raking at the animal’s body once more the captain felt the leathery hide stretch and then his arm emerged into the cool night. Slitting a long gash into the skin of the barely moving croc he pulling and pushing his way out of the bleeding wound he slid past steaming entrails emerging form he monsters belly trailing a stream of bile.
Crawling from the bleeding crocodile Hook dashed at the blood and gore covering his face wiping the thickening liquid form his eyes. In the cool wind of the night the horrific mix of fluids coating him began to harden into a reeking crust. Struggling to his feet Hook kicked the light pink, blood smeared intestine that was wrapped around his half dissolved boot.
Limping towards the water of the underground cove the crock lay in he spun at the defining roar behind him. The maimed reptile spun its huge head clamping massive jaws around him. Screaming in pain he lashed out at the dying beast plunging his arm up to the elbow in the creature’s eye he twisted his hook with in its skull. Warm liquid gushed down his arm and he mentally recoiled from the yielding resistance of the destroyed eye. A shudder ran down t he armored body and then he was rolling free of the deadly teeth as the beast fell, slack jawed to the sand.
Panting on the beach Hook pressed his sand and blood encrusted hand to the gushing wound that crossed his torso. Crawling to the water he knelt on hands and knees in the lapping waves. His hair hung around him in matted tangles, dripping with gruesome liquid. Rising to his knees the silvery moon shone down on him from the half circle crevice in the cave roof bathing his bleeding body in pale light. His once fine velvets hung in tatters from his lean body.
Caked in gore and sand he fell back onto his heels wrapping his arms around his wounded middle. By the sting of salt water he knew that the gleaming daggers of the crocs teeth had torn into his back as well. Crawling into deeper water he soaked the repugnant remains of the crock off his body shedding the rags that were left of his coat and shirt.
Bathing in the waters of the cove James T. Hook watched as the blood flowing from the deep wounds running down his ribs and across his hip slowed and then stopped. Scowling at the wounds he knew that in a month’s time the life threatening gashes would be little more than an elaborate set of scars.
Hook stood gazing at his defeated foe the muscles of his broad back gleaming wetly in the moonlight as he held his shoulders tense. The demon beast had stalked him for centuries since the boy Pan had feed the thing his right hand. Now looking dow the the hook that had been its replacement he realized the boy had unwittingly given him the instrument of his own rescue. Amusement lit his green eyes as he stared at the still corpse. *********
The memory faded from his minds eye and Hook ran his hand across his abs tracing the scars that laced his torso. The pale pattern carved across his body bearing witness to the battle that had freed him from the lurking danger that had haunted the waters hunting him. Grinning he stared into the moonless night gazing at the familiar patterns that spun above him.
Hook’s smooth baritone rumbled into the night the note of his words sending shivers down the spines of those among the crew who happened to hear them.
“Now Peter Pan let us again dance the steps of our killing game.”
“No!” a young voice echoed in the fire lit cavern of living wood, high with agitation. “Tinkerbelle I will not take a bath!” Peter Pan yelled jamming his hands onto his hips. Glaring at the tiny female that hovered before his face, her wings a blur of action Peter spun away from his fairy. He flew into the alcove that branched off from the main cavern and flung himself down onto his bed.
The grumbling Tinkerbelle zipped into her own home above him in a flash of light and slammed the pedal door behind her. Grinning at her antics Peter watched her shadowed form stalk around the bright bell flower until she settled in her own bed. As his constant friend fell asleep her shining light faded to a dim glow.
Flat on his back he folded his hands behind his head, wondering why he refused to bathe. He wasn’t opposed to baths in fact he quite enjoyed the feel of soaking in a pool of hot water until his fingers and toes shriveled up. Tink’s fluting voice echoed in his ears making him frown in sadness. ‘You smell like her!’ The fairy still felt the pangs of jealousy over Wendy and Peter knew it was the reason for their argument.
“Wendy.” Peter whispered softly turning on his side. He had taken her home weeks ago yet he felt as if a year had passed since he had seen her deep blue eyes staring at him from her creamy freckled face. Remembering the feel of her silken hair Peter groaned confused by the fluttering in his lower stomach. Wrapping his hands in the feathers of his blanket he rolled the soft warmth around him determined to forget the girl who had made his heart yearn for more than endless fun and adventure.
Blue eyes were replaced by green in his mind. The emerald depths glittering with malice stared out at him from the darkness of his thoughts taunting him. ‘I’m not the only one alone now boy.’ Hook’s voice resonated through Peter deep and sinister. Bolting up he was air born in a moment the feathered blanket wrapped around him.
A dark frown knit his sandy brows together as he flew to the main cavern and peered around his underground home. Letting the blanket drop to the floor Peter slowly lowered to hover just above the earthen surface. His lanky muscular body tense in the flickering light he stared into the shadows of his home. Laughing suddenly at himself he turned back to his bed.
“I may be alone Hook, but your still old and the next time we meet you will be done for.” He murmured slinging the leather and woven vine harness that hung across his chest over his head. He tossed it sword and all in to the corner of his room.
Grabbing the discarded blanket from the ground he started to climb into the beckoning depths of his downy bed. Posed at the edge of the feather and fur lined shelf he looked down at it remembering the nights he had spent at the door of this alcove watching Wendy as he slept here.
Shivering Peter backed away from the bed as tension coiled through his lower stomach. Panting his body warmed in a flush as he imagined Wendy, her slender legs twined in the feathered blanket the ivory skin of her calves visible where her night gown had shifted up. Licking his lips Peter pressed his thumb to the place where Wendy had given him her thimble. As the heat in his belly rose higher he spun away from the phantom image. He leapt into the air and flew out of the cavern and into the night air.
The cool wind that whipped around him only seemed to heighten the sensations tingling across his skin. Each touch of her hand blazed in his memory. The remembered innocent familiarity of a hand on his arm, a brush of her shoulder as they passed fanned the raging fire that now burned within him.
Moaning at the memory of standing behind her as he persuaded her to fly away to never land with him, Peter remembered the silken warmth of Wendy’s hair. The mahogany tumble had caressed his chest and cheek as he spoke to her, smelling of vanilla and lavender. Closing midnight blue eyes Peter flew high above Never land seeking the chilling winds of the racing clouds.
The crash of metal tearing though wood reverberated across the deck of the Jolly Roger making the crew, cringe away from the splintering tortured sound. The captain had been in a foul mood since his return. As soon as the terrible wounds crossing his body had healed he had ordered the pells dragged from the hold. The wood and rope course was now positioned on the aft deck above the captain’s cabin. The relief of not being his target was only half felt as they listened to the daily battles the dark hired man who ruled the ship inflected upon his wooden opponents.
Hook spun in a low crouch slashing at the wooden base of the dummy before him. Ignoring the flying piece of wood that caught him across the cheek he pushed off from the deck the muscles of his legs straining against the brown leather of his pants. Bringing his heavy practice sword down in a crushing over head blow he raised his hook to the back of the blade. Pushing with all the strength of his powerful shoulders he drove the sword through the thinner joint of the dummy’s shoulder. Satisfaction sang through his surging blood as the limb skittered across the deck to be lost overboard.
With out pausing Hook pivoted on the balls of his feet to attack the revolving staff that was completing its turn. His raven locks swirled around his head the bright sun glinting off of the curling mass as he lunged forward. Visualizing the shining face of Peter his blue eyes laughing, Hook swung his bladed hook in a rending blow towards the sand filled leather ball at the end of the staff.
The pale sky blue eyes beneath his hook flickered, replaced by the deep ocean blue of Wendy’s shining gaze. Crying out in shock he tried to stop his blow as the girl’s image swam into focus. Her soft brown hair fld ard around her pale face as her eyes widened in terror. The fear blazoned across her face as his hook tore though her image jolted through him sending him to his knees in pain.
Staring at the flying sand that streamed from the shredded leather as the pole spun away from him James T. Hook clutched his right arm to his chest. He could still feel the vibrations from the connecting blow reverberating though the hook and up his arm. The feeling made him nauseous as he again saw Wendy’s fear filled blue eyes staring up at him.
Dragging himself to his feet Hook stumbled to the railing leaning against the wooden barrier as his knees continued to try to buckle. Staring out at the passing water he tried to calm his ragged breathing. ‘Why now? Why at this moment did I think of her?’ he asked himself silently. It had been months since he had thought about the woman child who had abandoned Never land after his “defeat”.
“Why did you come to this land only to abandon this place that never lets go of what it finds? Wendy how did you, of all the people the boy has brought to this island, manage to leave?” He asked the silent sea remembering the near woman that he had had brought to him aboard his ship. He had planned on holding the girl hostage to bait Peter to his doom. But the sight of her sleeping face had… Shaking the thoughts from his mind he turned away from the normally soothing sea.
Stalking down the stairs he glared at any of his crew foolish enough to look his way, satisfied to note their hurried retreat from his notorious temper. Nearing his door he was approached by the only member of his crew with the guts or maybe stupidity to come near him as such a time. Staring balefully at the short pudgy old man he growled at the pirate irritated by his presence. “I don’t want to be disturbed for the rest of the day Smee!”
“Aye cap’in I’ll give the order cap’in. Yer meal ireadready waitin’ in the cabin sir.”
Grunting a response Hook tore the door open and stalked inside. Slamming the door in the face of his first mate he ignored the man. Striding to the laden table he glared down at the large meal that filled the space. The banquet that had become a daily routine sat glaringly alien before him now. Never had he gone hungry in the endless time he had sailed the waters of Never land. Sitting at the throne like chair he tore a leg off the nearest fowl and bit into the bird hungrily.
Grabbing a glass of whine he drank deeply trying to erase the deep blue eyes from his memory. “She’s a child man!” he yelled throwing the half full goblet across his cabin. The red liquid splashed over the seat opposite him and his anger stilled. She had sat there in that chair across from him the night he had stolen her from the forest. Shining blue eyes full of confusion and hurt Wendy had looked into his eyes sincerely listening to what he had to say. ‘Not so young in mind or heart though.’ his traitorous mind supplied.
Peter had hurt her that night in the forest his words cruel as he denied ever feeling more than friendship with the girl. He remembered the overheard conversation between the pair and growled. Staring at the empty chair he once again felt the burning anger that washed over him at the lost look in her eyes. At that time he had wanted so badly to take her into his arms while presenting her with the severed head of Peter.
Again scoffing at himself he stalked over to the rocking goblet. Standing upright with the sticky vessel in his hand he found he was face to face with his reflection. The smooth bronze skin of his face contrasted handsomely with the soot black tumble of curls that hung around his head reaching his waist. A neatly trimmed beard and mustache darkened his lower face adding menace to his full lips. Green eyes snapped back at him as he assessed his age. A youth he was not but the rigors of age were far from his features.
The image of Wendy’s young face floated before him causing his thoughts to darken. “A girl that age would see me only as an old man.” He mumbled. “I am old. I have lived here in this place for longer than I can remember wandering its waters in a never ending war with that.” r.”
Looking back at the mirror with the weight of those endless years weighing heavy on his shoulders he frowned at his reflection. As he watched silver spread from his temples staining his coal black hair. Smashing his hook into the glass the captain spun away from the changing image it had shown him.
Tinkerbelle watched the leaf clad boy who sat in the crook of the tree. His long legs hung on either side of the branch as he leaned against the trunk. Low hung clouds reflected in his dark grey eyes as he stared blindly at the sky. Glancing up at the clouds that threatened to spill chilling rain across Never land the fairy flittered from her perch on a nearby twig to land on Peter’s shoulder.
When he failed to respond to her chattered suggestion that they seek shelter before it rained she wrapped her tiny hands in his hair. Yanking back with all her strength she pulled on the sandy blond strands until her friend raised a distracted hand to swat her away. His eyes shone blue for a moment in agitation at her before he again turned his dull gaze to the heavens. Frustrated she flew in front of him landing on his nose. “PETER!” she shouted her face contorted with the effort it took to speak the human word.
Looking at the double image of Tink’ standing on his nose Peter sat up and put his hand out for her to land on. The sound of his name on her tiny lips pulled him out of his dazed musings. “What is it Tink’? I didn’t even know you could speak in human language.”
Sitting on his palm Tinkerbelle shook her golden head at him causing her ever changing hair to float around her. Chitterling at him she explained how hard it was for a fairy to do as she rubbed her raw throat. Her chiming voice spun from her lips as she asked him what was wrong. Tiny golden brows knit together and she controlled the spike of jealousy that threatened to consume her when Peter’s look again became distant.
‘He’s thinking of her again.’ She thought to herself, ‘Wendy Darling. How does that girl captivate him so?’ Tink’ sat on Peters hand staring up at the boy wondering why out of all the things Peter had forgotten over time how he could remember one girl who had been in Never land for less than a month. Even now the blue eyed child whose companion she had been for countless centuries had forgotten about the lost boys who left with Wendy. Yet after a year and a half Peter’s ever shifting memory remained focused on the only girl he had ever brought to Never land.
A large fat drop of rain fell on her drenching the fairy as the skies opened above her. Swinging her head up to stare at Peter she watched as the drops rolled off his up turned face masking the tears that triggered their decent.
A/N: So is every one still confused? I hope not and I hope I start getting reviews for this fic. Ok well I’ll go now. Bye.
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