Good Morning | By : lalaland Category: Anita Blake > Het Views: 4271 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Anita Blake series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
OK, people. Here's Good Morning Ch.2. No, it's not the original. I had to re-write. I ran out of space on my computer and went into a major deleting frenzy a while ago and accidently deleted some of my stories. Kinda pissed about that, but whatever. I spent a lot of time trying to get the re-write as close to the original as I could. Obviously I couldn't remember word for word.
Hey, on a side note, to celebrate that I have been rebuilding my stories on my personal computer, I decided to check out LKH's AB board, which I usually avoid b/c I like to rave about the books and have precious little to say otherwise. Berkley has an excerpt from Incubus Dreams posted on its website. Some chapter in the high 30s. Anyway, I post and 2 seconds later some little bint is bitching me out. Anyway, the funny thing is is that she said that if I liked the books so much I would be better off reading porn. Ahhahahahaha!!!! Little did she know that I write it. I know she was trying to insult me, but it actually just really made my day. So I decided I would post my "pornographic" piece. I know it's still not descriptive enough to be real porn, but I'm working my way up to it. No worries, my loyal readers.
On another side note, I was shocked and very pleased to see that so many of my stories had over 1,000 hits. That means that people must come back for more. And that is really flattering to me. And I hope I continue to live up to your expectations.
And I hope that I will not go insane waiting for Incubus Dreams to come out. The Berkley website made it seem dark and sexy. I hope there is some fluff too.
Onto the story:
Title: Good Morning II
Pairing: Anita/Micah
Rating: NC-17
Author: Lalaland
Disclaimer: AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I OWN THEM!! I OWN THEM ALL!!!! just kidding
A/N: Once again, if you don't like the pairing don't read it. Duh!
My alarm went off at 9:58AM. I guess I could have just gone for the 10 o'clock mark, but for some reason just seeing the 9 makes me feel like I have gotten up earlier, and therefore have accomplished more. I suppose it is a little strange, but Micah think is is cute. Actually he is always very careful to say "endearing", instead of cute. Being slim and permanently only a few inches above 5 foot has made being "cute" kind of a pain in the ass. Micah knows it and is therefore very careful to avoid the "c" word at all costs. I don't know if Richard would have found my clock habits cute. In the end, he hadn't wanted to stick around long enough to find out.
That thought made me reach out and turn off the radio. It was classical. Normally, I would have had the beeper on, but Micah had off from work today, and I knew that he would have woken me if I had slept in. I was all alone in the big bed... which wasn't actually a bad thing. I rolled into the center and stretched into a big X. My Sherlock Holmes t-shirt rode up to almost an indecent level but there was no one around to see. Maybe I'd just lay here and let Micah find me.
Breakfast smells came up from downstairs, which I didn't really find interesting. What did make me sit up in bed was the scent of freshly brewed roasted hazelnut coffee. Maybe I should go find Micah instead. With that happy thought, I was out of bed and down the stairs in a flash.
Micah was at the kitchen counter, putting strawberry jelly on toast. He was wearing dark green and blue plaid pajama pants. His tanned back was deliciously bare and smooth. Long dark waves came down a little past his shoulders. Feeling my eyes on him, he turned around and smiled at me through the locks that had fallen around his face.
True to my grumpy morning self, the corners of my mouth lifted half of a millimeter in greeting. "Morning," I rasped, about to head straight for the coffee. He looked hot, but when I first wake up, coffee is usually the main love of my life.
"Morning," he returned, his lips twitching. I wondered what he found so funny. His eyes were focused a little above my forehead. Shit. I had gone to sleep with wet hair again. I reached up and felt the 5 inch poof on top that had deved. Id. I glared at him and turned to the steaming coffee pot.
When I needed comforting, I usually added generous amounts of cream and sugar, but today I just needed to wake up. It was too hot to drink black so I added a tiny smidgen of cream.
6 huge sips later, I was feeling close to human, or as human as I could be as a necromancer with 3 vampire marks and a beast and succubus inside me. Just thinking about it made the leopard inside me stretch in a prickle of energy. I had to admit it felt good. A little while ago, if someone had told me I'd be able to stretch without moving a muscle, I'd have told them they were crazy.
I sat down at my pretty oak table. Across from me, Micah was quietly eating his toast, but his energy roiled around him. I stared down at the mug clasped between my handt hat had been 2 weeks since the hunger of the ardeur had faded to once every 24 hours. Oh, it still lurked constantly over the day and night, waiting for any moment of weakness to take control, but it was no longer as urgent. However, I still flmoslmost twice everyday. Just in case.
Micah had been quieter since the discovery. Our relationship had been built on my hunger, my need. Actually, it never would have started without the ardeur. Hmmm. That actually made me a little grateful to it. Balancing monster life with everyday life had been taking its toll on me. Micah helped a lot. And he never asked for anything in return. Except for me in hed. ed. I always wondered what had happened to him that made him so tolerant. Was it something horrible?
It wasn't in me to ask. The stereotype for women was that we wanted our significant others to spill their emotional guts. I must have been out at the shooting range when God was passing that generalization out. If he wanted to talk about it, he would.
I took another big gulp of coffee. "So what are you going to do today?" I asked.
"I figured I would do a little more electrical work in the basement."
We had been remodeling the basement so that Damian would feel more comfortable down there. Micah had been doing most of the work. I was just going to hire someone, but he had wanted to do it.
"But it's your day off. Why don't you go and do something?"
He looked up from his breakfast. "Like what?"
"I don't know. Go explore St. Louis. You haven't been here all that long."
Evidently that was the wrong thing to say. In true Micah fashion, he merely nodded, but a tightening of his lips let me know that he was unhappy.
"You're right. I haven't been here all that long."
Realization hit me. Micah was worried about our relationship.adn'adn't really thought about it all that much. Our beasts seemed to be linked together. I guess I had figured that meant that we were linked together as well. Why change if everything was going OK?
I decided to offer the relationship olive branch. "Well, whatever you decide to do today is fine. Do you want to go out to eat or something during my break between the office and the cemeteries?"
He smiled. "Sure. We can do Italian."
"Great." I looked at the clock. I would have to hurry if I wanted to force my hair down into a normal shape.
I went past Micah to put my cup in the sink when his arm snaked around me. He pulled me onto his lap.
"Micah," I protested. "I have to get ready for work."
"I just wanted a good morning kiss." He grinned.
I wiggled on his lap, a warm, hardness prodding my butt. "Sure you do. But I have coffee breath. And morning breath. Or do you want me to demonstrate?"
"I believe you." He buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. My throat tingled where his warm breath hit it. I guess I did have a little bit of time before I had to get ready.
I dug my fingers into his hair as he began to suck enthusiastically on my neck and shoulders, pulling at the t-shirt to get at more skin.
"Micah..." I whined, "I really have to go." But my fingers were already clenching and unclenching at his scalp.
"Come on," he cajoled. "Just a quickie." He mouthed the words against the skin of my neck. His hand, just as delicately formed as the rest of him with exquisitely long fingers, came to rest on my knee and began inching up my bare skin. I was dreadfully aware that I had no underwear on. The glide of fingers and slight rake of his nail against the delicate skin raised goose bumps all over my body.
Combining this with the warm wet suction being delivered to all over my neck, the words came out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. "OK." Shit. But I wouldn't take it back now, and if I opened my mouth again I was pretty sure that it would be a breathy whimper that came out instead of fully formed words.
His fingers traced the wet seam between my legs, no pressure, just a teasing gliding that made the laispsisps of reluctance fade to the wind like smoke.
I ran my fingertips up under his hair to caress the nape of his neck. His skin was even warmer here, kept warm by his thick wavy hair. He moaned. The nape of his neck was one of his spots as well. I ran my fingers over napenape as he kept kissing my shoulders, imagining that I was touching the even softer and smoother skin of his erection.
He suddenly bit down hard on my neck and scooped me up in his arms. I would have yelped in surprise but I was already sighing from the pressure of his teeth on my skin.
He dropped me down on the table a little more suddenly than I expected. My bare bottom came into contact with the cool, smooth wood, and I wriggled against it. But then Micah pressed his pajama covered erection between my legs and I canted forward, throwing my arms around his neck.
He pressed his lips to mine and pulled back so that I could stare into colocolorful eyes from inches away. He smiled. "You don't have morning breath, but you DO have a major case of coffee mouth."
But then he was nibbling at my lips again, and my hands eagerly pushed at his pajama waistband. The edge got caught on his erection, and he had to unhook in order to let my hands pull his pants down to his knees. He laughed while he righted himself, but it was a nice laugh. It would have been a low, intimate giggle if he was a girl, but he wasn't. His voice was too low and rough, and that noise that vibrated the air against my skin made me clench in need.
He tilted my hips against his, and I could feel the smooth, large head press against me. I lowered my hands to spread myself for him, and then he was tunneling inside me. I slapped my hands down on the table behind me for leverage so that I could help move.
If I wrapped my arms around him, pressed my body against him, I didn't think I would get the intensity of the thrusts I craved. I could feel him spreading me, and it was one of the best feelings in the world. Warmth, with pleasure and tingles and stretching all ro int into one blissful pre-orgasmic moment.
Micah looked surprised that I didn't cling to him, but smiled when he saw how as I leaned back, my breasts lifted up at him as a nice feast for the eye. He let go of my hips to push my t-shirt up to my shoulders so he could get a clear view, and then returned to the ever constant task of trying to fit into me.
I bit my lip as he reached as far he could go inside me, and looked down at where we were joined. I fluttered around him, and he moaned, pulling out to begin the fast, hard pace which was exactly what I wanted.
I tilted my head back and concentrated on meeting his thrusts. I caught him giving my jiggling breasts a proprietary smile, which made me want to give him a tiny smack, but then his hands tilted my hips even more, and I screamed as more pressure was suddenly concentrated on my clit.
He kept moving, and I was going to come, I was going to come, I was going to come, but Micah suddenly stopped moving and withdrew. I whined softly, too close to orgasm to really talk.
"Scooch further back on the table," he murmured urgently. His hands pushed me along, and then he was on the table too and suddenly back inside me. "I need to feel all of you."
"I can't believe that both of us can fit lying down on the table," I whispered in his ear. "But I guess if you pay $500 dollars for something it might as well be multi-purpose."
I wrapped my legs around his hips and was immediatrighright where I had left off.
Micah was moaning my name against me. My moans joined his as my stomach began to drop out from under me in orgasm.
A drawn sounsound that I had never heard Micah make before, almost a moan and kind of a creak, made its way to my ears, but contractions of pleasure had already burst over me, so with the rational part of my mind I decided that I didn't care about whatever freaky noises he made in bed.
From the stuttf hif his movement I knew that he was coming too, and I felt myself open even farther to him and I closed my eyes in bliss.
Creeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk. The sound came again and I opened my eyes in annoyance.
"Micah, I don't mind the growling, but the weird creaking moan has got to stop," I said a teensy bit pettishly. "It's not that I don't find your noises sexy, it's just that."
CRACK!! I shrieked as my stomach once again dropped, but this time due to gravity. My back and bottom slammed against the pieces of wood that used to be my table, except now they were resting on the floor.
"Oh my God," I said.
Micah rolled off of me as much as he could with the fragments of the split table. "Are you hurt Anita? Are you OK?"
"Oh my God," I said again.
Micah looked really worried. "Did you hurt your head?"
"No. I just can't believe I spent $500 on this table," I replied miserably. I stretched a little and sure enough everything was still in working order, even if my backside stung a little.
He laughed and rolled back on top of me.
"Oww." I murmured halfheartedly.
"The makers probably didn't figure it would be used in preternatural sex."
"Probably," I murmured sleepily, strangely comfortable lying in broken wood with my boyfriend on top of me.
"You're going to be late for work," he said softly.
I gave a squeak of dismay (not that someone as kick-ass as me could really ever truly squeak, seriously) and struggled out from under my boyfriend and over the rubble of my beautiful oak table.
I got into my work clothes in a jiffy and trotted to the front door past Micah, who was still lying on the wood and kitchen floor with his eyes closed.
"Are we still meeting for lunch?" he called out without opening his eyes.
"Yes," I grumped, but couldn't keep a tiny smile off my face or out of my voice.
And yes, the smile was still their, even when I got to work and realized that my forgotten hair had poofed out to Bobo the Clown proportions. Oh well, some people found clowns scary. Maybe the monsters would too.
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