Lost and Found | By : Valleygoat Category: Twilight Series > General Views: 5592 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or make any money from this story. |
Disclaimer: I do not own twilight
Lost and Found
A Twilight story
Pairings usual except for Edward/my character Bella/Jacob
It will change POV sometimes.
Senior year, Edward and Bella have split for good, but the Cullens haven't left.
Ch 25 Unexpected Occurrences
Edward's POV
It has been two weeks since Carrie's fever broke but she was still asleep in a coma like state. Carlisle believed that she was like this for her body is still trying to heal itself. But, it could also be her mind. I don't pretend to know what rape and torture victims go through emotionally but it has happened before. The mind is broken too much after such an ordeal that it shuts down to protect itself. With the trauma to both her body and her mind it shut down to protect itself from further harm.
As feared Carrie does have frost bite on most of her body the worst of which was her extremities and back. However Carlisle thought that it was a good sign that her back was bleeding which meant the damage may not be as bad as it was feared to be or her body was trying to fight against it. This was only proven each day when her bandages were changed the tissue and her skin began to look better as if it was healing. Even her eyes which have been wrapped and compresses applied to began to look better, but her sight was still questionable. Carlisle was surprised at her recovery so far when he saw the differences and noticed that her body was healing itself, but again everything is still questionable.
It was the weekend and we were all currently sitting in Carrie's room since it was dinner time. We are now able to get Carrie to eat about half a bowl of broth without her getting sick. Even though Carrie is not well we still get together around dinner time and we usually stay in her room for a little while.
Currently Carrie was sleeping fitfully as though she was having a nightmare. I concentrate on her mind to see what was bothering her so much. What I saw made me gasp in horror.
"What is it Edward," Jasper asked feeling the horror in my emotions.
"She's dreaming," I said shaking with rage at what her transgressors had put her through.
"Of what," Rosalie asked her voice and thoughts quiet.
"Of what happened to her," I responded my eyes watching her sleeping form.
"Can you show us," Carlisle asked softly.
"I can try," I told him. I received a nod in return.
I turned toward Carrie and closed my eyes. I was unsure if I am able to do such a thing because I have never done this before. Usually I just hear everything but concentrate on a single person for their thoughts and sight to be stronger and more clear than the others. First I tried to connect my mind with the others, it took a few tries but I finally felt as though there was a line connecting all of us and then I connected with Carrie's. First there was darkness then images started to appear. Parts of it were clear while others were blurry.
Things slowly started to come into better focus as I struggled to keep all of the connections together. I was still unsure of how and why I can do it but I brushed these thoughts aside as I continued to concentrate on the matter at hand. It appeared as if the dream started again for currently we were watching from her prospective as we told her that she couldn't come over to our home. It wasn't completely in color; there were patches of black and white. Also most of the time there wasn't any sound, but we caught occasional glimpses of conversation. There was also some slight murmuring in the background that was too fuzzy to make out.
We watched as things moved literally in fast forward to the last dinner that we had together and our walk together. I was saved some embarrassment when her dream jumped to the next morning as we said goodbye. I watched as my form slowly stepped away from her. It also appeared as if it was playing at different times for there was multiples of me backing away from her at separate times.
Again it fast forward to where she was digging a hole in the frozen ground and she was hit from behind. Then we watched her torture in black and white. The only color was her red blood, their eyes which shone dark black and a white gleam with hate, their breath came out like a yellow cloud, the whip a streak of green and the hot metal rod which burned a bright orange.
During the dream we could feel what she is feeling and we could also feel some of the pain that she went through. Even that felt like it was diluted, a faint echo of what it once was, but it still felt like heck. We watched as she was whipped then dragged behind a truck to the clearing in which we found her. Everything that occurred seemed to happen in a kaleidoscope like affect which was very dizzying. The continuance of her torture, her having to clean the clearing of snow when she couldn't even stay on her feet, her shivering at the freezing temperatures, we saw everything. We saw what she was being forced to relive in her dreams.
I could feel the anger build inside of me when we came to the part where she was raped; I wanted to turn away yet I wanted to know what happened to her so I could properly punish those involved. The things that stood out the most was the necklace which was pulled off of her neck, which glowed a radiant gold, and her tears that welled up in her eyes which were a teal blue and caused everything else to appear that way as well. Soon everything went black and cold but before it did we all heard "I'm sorry." When the dream appeared to begin again I pulled us out.
"Oh the poor dear," Esme said, sounding close to tears as she moved so that she was next to Carrie arms wrapped around her as best as she could. Rosalie stormed out of the room and Emmett followed her. She must have been reminded of what happened to her around the time that she was changed. The rest of us stayed near her for the rest of the night.
For the past week we have been attending school since Carrie was apparently out of the woods. Due to the cold infection couldn't set into her wounds so her body didn't have to fight against that as well. Some of the teachers have asked us where Carrie was at all we told her that she had fallen ill during break and that she would be back when she was better. We collected Carrie's homework and did it for her so her grades wouldn't drop, but she is going to need some major tutoring when she got better. During biology Bella even asked me about her.
"So why isn't Carrie here Edward," she asked.
"She is sick with pneumonia," I told her without bothering to look at her.
"When is she going to come back? Is she okay," Bella questioned her tone even sounded concerned.
"Why do you care? I thought that you didn't like her," I snapped.
"Well she didn't ridicule me or anything when she found out I was pregnant. In fact she was very helpful. I began to like her as a friend so naturally I'm worried," she said.
"She is being taken care of," I told her as I got up and left for lunch.
As what has become tradition we all head to the pay phone and call home to check to see how Carrie is doing. Esme seemed happier today for she said that Carrie appeared better and might be waking up soon. She also asked us to stop by the market on the way home to get some more broth and soft foods.
After we school we piled into my Volvo and headed to the market as requested then headed home. When we got home we were surprised to see Bella's truck parked in front of the house. I took a deep breath and could smell the wolf. I let out a groan, wondering why they were here, especially Black.
I got the bags out of the trunk while the others went in. I soon followed heading toward the kitchen to put the things away. I could hear Alice greeting Bella warmly then start chatting animatedly. When I finished I went to the living room where everyone else was to at least greet Esme. I briefly noted that Jacob was taller and more muscular but I didn't linger on the fact long.
"There you are Edward dear. How was school," she asked.
"Fine Esme," I replied standing next to where she was sitting.
"Now Bella dear, what have you come here to see us about," Esme asked.
"Well I came here to see Carrie. I tried asking the others about her but I didn't get very helpful answers," Bella replied while giving us a slight glare. I was mentally wincing at the barbs that Jacob was thinking about. He was calling us everything thing in the book. It wouldn't be so bad of he wasn't practically screaming them.
"What makes you think that she is here and not at home," Rosalie asked her with a bit of venom in her voice. She is still not too friendly toward Bella.
"I remembered the scars on her arms that night in the café. I also remember the way that she looked after Halloween. So don't insult my intelligence," Bella said her tone angry but lacking the venom that Rosalie had.
"You can tell that she hung around Carrie alright. She's sounds like her," Emmett said with a little chuckle.
"Or maybe she is getting a little backbone," Rosalie said. Jacob, who was sitting next to Bella on the sofa, gained a darker frown on his face.
"Now behave children," Esme said lightly chiding us. My siblings and I murmured an apology.
"Is she here," Bella questioned quietly after a short silence.
"She is," I said tersely.
"Can I see her," she asked. We all looked toward Esme who in turned looked at me. Apparently it would be my decision.
I let out a sigh then said, "Fine," and turned around and headed toward the stairs. I heard the others move to follow. When I came to her closed door I took a moment to compose myself. To be polite I knocked on the door before entering, just in case.
I walked into her room over to the curtains on the windows to open them up a bit more. I turned toward the bed and saw that Alice was pulling back the curtains around the bed so we could all have better access to Carrie. I took my usual place on her left side and Alice took hers at the foot of the bed against one of the banisters. Esme took her seat next to the bed, Emmett was standing at the foot of the bed and Jasper and Rosalie were over by the desk.
Bella slowly made her way into the room with Jacob right behind her. He was still looking at us in distrust and his thoughts were complaining about our scent and wondering why Bella wanted to come here, but there was curiosity as well for what had her so worried. When she was next to the bed and she saw Carrie she let out a gasp, bringing her hands up to her face. Even Jacob seemed somewhat shocked. "What happened to her," Bella asked looking to each of us. We remained silent unwilling to answer her inquiry.
"You don't want to know," I said.
"If I didn't I wouldn't be asking," she snapped back.
"Man she hasn't been pregnant for that long and she is already having mood swings," I heard Emmett mutter. Jacob must have heard for he sent a glare his way.
"Won't someone please tell -" she began before she was cut off by Jasper.
"She was beaten, tortured, starved and raped while others were enjoying the holidays," he said shortly. Bella turned to him in confusion but we remained silent so that what Jasper said could set in. We watched as her eyes widened and her eyes snapped back towards Carrie.
"Why didn't you guys do anything to save her? It is obvious that you care about her so why are you not doing anything about this," Bella questioned but it sounded more like an accusation.
"We couldn't," Alice told her trying to placate her.
"And why not," Bella demanded while looking between Alice and me.
"We couldn't because we had company," I said. I saw that she was about to protest again but I continued before she could interrupt. "We had a visit from the Volturri. You remember them right?'
"The vampire royalty," she said breathlessly as the color drained from her face. Jacob stepped closer to her and gently wrapped his arms around her so that she wouldn't fall all the while giving me the dirtiest glare and his thoughts got louder with anger and concern, but he was wise to not voice them. "How bad is it? Will she be okay," Bella questioned quietly after she gained some color back into her face.
"What you see on her face is basically the same as everywhere else, and for lack of better words her back looks like hamburger," a voice said coming from the door. Bella and Jacob turned around quickly to see Carlisle standing in the door way. When he comes home from work, which has been earlier than usual, his first stop is to check on Carrie. "Hello Bella. It has been a while since we have seen you around here. Is everything going okay with you and the baby," he asked.
"Oh hi Carlisle, I'm doing fine. This is Jacob Black my boyfriend and fiancé," she introduced. Carlisle nodded in his direction with a smile on his face and Jacob nodded back with a scowl still on his face.
"So you came to check up on Carrie right?" Bella nodded. "Well she is not completely out of the woods yet. She has been unconscious since we found her. She was in severe hypothermia which we had trouble warming her up from that. We had some scary moments when her temp spiked dangerously high. It was then that I diagnosed her with severe pneumonia, which she is still fighting; her fever broke only recently. We have only been able to feed her a little bit at a time. She most likely has frost bite and there is a chance that she may be blind," Carlisle finished as he came to stand next to Esme.
"Who did this," Jacob asked. We all looked at him in surprise for we did not figure that he would speak at all.
"Her father, step-mother, which is her aunt, and step brother and sister, who are actually her cousins," Rosalie said.
"That…is just plain wrong. Are you guys going to do anything," Jacob asked.
"What can we do," I snapped at him. "We can't change her, theres the treaty and the chance is still too great that she won't even survive the transformation. I can't do anything to the people who did this for I don't want to ruin the treaty. There is nothing that can make up for the pain that she has had to go through by their hands for her whole life." I had to stop before I became too upset.
I heard a light moaning sound coming from Carrie and I along with the others turned to look down at her. Her brow was furrowed and her head was slightly rolling side to side. "Carrie sweetie, can you hear me," Esme asked her as she got up and sat at the edge of the bed. We all moved closer to see what would happen.
Her lips were moving so I leaned forward to hear what she was saying. I pulled away when she finished speaking, a look of confusion on my face. "What did she say," Emmett asked.
I remained silent, staring at Carrie. "Edward," Esme quietly asked me.
"She said…that she was sorry. That is the only thing tht I was able to make out, the rest was mumbles," I told them. Carrie began to make the mumbles again but they were loud enough where we all heard them. When she finished Jacob seemed to stiffen.
"What's wrong Jacob," Bella asked. His response was saying something the way that Carrie had said, just a bit clearer so it was easily identified as an actual language.
"What she said something," Rosalie asked confused.
"What did she say Jacob," Carlisle asked curious.
"It's an old saying that sometimes goes along with the story of the sacrifice of the third wife of Taha Aki. Roughly translated it means something along the lines of 'sometimes with death comes true power.' If you lose something important and dear you can feel something that you have never felt before. In the legend when the third wife stabbed herself to distract a cold one, her sons in anger were able to take their spirit wolf forms even though they were not yet men," he informed us. "How would she know that?"
We had no idea. We stood there waiting for her to say something more but Carrie seemed to slip back into her previous coma like state. Some chatter was made but we were mainly silent. Bella and Jacob left about an hour later and we all went our separate ways. I as usual never left Carrie's side.
It has been a few days since Bella and Jacob had stopped by and Carrie has yet to wake up. Carlisle just finished her check up and said that Carrie was healing quite nicely, but she will still most likely be in pain when she wakes up. He was still uncertain about her eyes though, he said that we would have to wait and see. No pun intended.
I was laying next to Carrie on her bed when I heard the doorbell rang and I sat up in curiosity. I could sense that Bella and Jacob was at the door along with…Chief Swan? Why was he here? I got up and left the room, closing the door behind me. I walked so that I was at the railing that overlooked the living room.
I watched as Esme escorted everyone in and they had a seat. "What can I do for you this evening Chief Swan," Carlisle asked as he entered the living room. Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett came up and stood next to me by the railing. Alice was down below greeting Bella.
"I'm sorry to be bothering you like this but something has been brought to my attention. I received a call from my old pal Billy Black. He told me that he overheard a conversation between Bella and Jake when she was visiting and he heard something peculiar. He said that he heard something about a girl in your care here in your home that has been harmed by her family. He said that I should check up on it."
"When Bella came home later that night, I asked her about it and she said that she didn't know anything about it. I let it go because I want to trust Bells, but the next day I did some more investigating. My curiosity has been peeked and I learned about a girl at the high school hasn't been showing up."
"After asking some questions I found out that this girl is the same one that I met one when her and her family first moved here. That meeting has always bugged me. Something about the whole experience just didn't seem right and has been rubbing me the wrong way ever since. Then I remembered that Bella came to me once concerned about her, so I decided to check it out again."
"I went to the house just to find that no one was home. I looked around the property and I found some disturbing things, like chains and posts with blood on it. I came home to ask Bella if she knew anything about it. Again she said that she didn't know anything and left with Jacob. I went against what I normally do and I followed her here and I figured as long as I was here I would ask you what you knew about it since it was mentioned that you might know something about it and the girl is close to your family," Charlie said.
We all seemed to hesitate before Charlie continued, "You don't have to worry about getting into trouble, and I just want to get to the bottom of this." Carlisle let out a deep sigh before he began to explain to Charlie about Carrie. He started with how we became friends and Carrie's bleak life began to be uncovered. Carlisle explained how she became an unofficial part of the family.
When he came to how Carrie was injured after Halloween he took a folder out of the briefcase that he had with him and gave it to Charlie. I could tell that it was Carrie's medical folder from that time, x-rays and all complete with pictures. I'm not sure when he took those, maybe when they were bandaging her up. Carlisle told Charlie about how Carrie had stayed with us with her own room and everything.
When it came to the most recent part it was explained that we went to her house to see her despite the blizzard as it just finished passing through. He explained that we, his children, knew that she stayed somewhere in the woods and came upon the small clearing in the back and eventually came upon the clearing that she was in and brought her home.
"If you knew that all of this was going on why didn't you come forward with this information to the proper authorities," Charlie asked confused at out actions. 'The Cullen's are usually such responsible people so why have they tried to handle this themselves,' was the thought that I was able to pick up from him.
"She begged us not to. Carrie said that as soon as she turned 18 that she would get away from them. She was worried that she wouldn't be able to pay us back and stuff like that," Carlisle said, not exactly telling the truth, as he looked up at me and nodded. With that nod he gave us his permission to try to use our gifts to try and sway Charlie so that everything will work if things were to go south. Usually we don't do things like this but we have been doing a lot of things that are different from the norm so we need to do anything and everything to keep the identity of what we are a secret.
"So she is here, isn't she," Charlie half questioned, half stated. Carlisle nodded. "I would like to see her."
"Right this way then Chief Swan," Carlisle said as he stood up and held his left arm out to his side to show Charlie to the stairs.
When he got up to where I was Charlie said, "Edward," with a slight nod of his head.
"Chief Swan," I replied with a nod of the head as well. We all followed them to Carrie's room. We listen as Charlie questioned about her and Carlisle informed him on her condition since she was brought here. Carlisle even showed Charlie the wrapped injuries; Carrie was even place on her stomach and some of the bloody bandages were removed so Charlie could see some the damage done.
"I'm still wondering why she wasn't taken to the hospital or why she isn't there now," he said as he looked at Carrie.
"We were afraid of how we are going to explain all of this," Alice said quietly. She was in the room along with Esme to help Carlisle move Carrie around so he could more easily show Chief Swan her injuries.
"Her injuries and the state in which we found her were so severe that I decided that she needed immediate attention so I brought her here where I have some supplies and got to work on fixing her up. She was awake slightly, but not coherent of where she was at. She was begging and pleading to not let them find her and how she didn't want to go to the hospital, things like that," Carlisle explained with a little white lie.
Charlie let out a big sigh as he stood there looking down on Carrie's slumbering form. "I'll over look this part of the ordeal once. I would like to check out the clearing that you found her in. When I get back to the office I'll get an arrest warrant against her family. For now I am formally placing her under your care. I'll stop by afterwards to give you the paperwork and to update you on the situation."
After that Charlie, Bella and Jacob left, and Carlisle along with Emmett and Rosalie showed them the clearing in which we found Carrie. As promised Charlie stopped back later with the paperwork stating that Carlisle and Esme were Carrie's temporary guardians and to inform them that there was a warrant out for Thom's, Liz's, Howard's and Helen's arrest for child abandonment, child abuse, rape, sexual assault on a minor and attempted murder/manslaughter; if found guilty they were looking at possibly life in prison he told us. He stayed for a few minutes chatting with Carlisle and Esme to keep him informed then he left.
Esme was really excited about getting custody of Carrie, even if it was only temporary. She went to cook some dinner, which was still soup broth, with an extra bounce in her step. Carlisle was in a better mood with how everything went and even more so when we managed to feed Carrie a whole bowl of broth without her getting sick.
After dinner Esme, Rosalie and Alice gave Carrie a bath afterwards we took turns holding her while she was wrapped up in a blanket. During this time Esme was changing the sheets on the bed and when she was done Carrie was set on top of the sheets. Carlisle then began to flex her limbs so that there was some muscle movement and stimulation. He also checked to see how bad the damage of the frost bite is to her limbs. He was still surprised to see that it was slowly healing and improving instead of getting worse like usual; another miracle, quirk, whatever you want to call it. After that we all sat in her room and informed Carrie of what she had been missing in school, even though she was still asleep. During which Alice painted Carrie's nails and Rosalie did the toe nails. Emmett and I asked them why they did that, Alice replied that it was fun and that Carrie enjoyed it when they used her as a dress up doll for it reminded her of Halloween.
My brothers and I just left the girls alone and went off to do our own thing. I found myself sitting in front of my piano staring at the keys. I brought my hands up and began to play little odds and ends. I played a little bit of all of the songs that I have written for my family members.
I stopped what I was doing and let my head hang down to my chest. I closed my eyes and began to lose myself in my memories. Mostly I reminisced on the ones that had to do with Carrie. I brought my hands back up and let them glide across the keys on their own as I concentrated on those memories.
I thought of how she was so confusing at first then how slowly she began to bloom in front of my eyes. I recalled how at first she didn't want anything to do with us then how she finally gave in and opened up to us. I remembered how she made me feel on Halloween and on our date. I recalled how I felt when I found out about her past, when she was injured, the things she did during Thanksgiving.
The music I played was confusing, sad and slow, painful, happy, everything that I have felt toward her and what she must have felt as she grew up. When I began to feel tired, which can happen even though I do not sleep, I stopped playing.
"That was beautiful Edward," I feminine voice said. I turned to see Esme standing behind me. She came up and wrapped her arms around me like a mother would.
"I was thinking of Carrie and how she must have felt growing up, and how I felt around her since we first met. I'm still surprised at everything she has gone through and that she has survived and remained strong," I said quietly.
"You love her don't you," she asked me as she sat next to me on the bench.
"Of course, more than I even thought possible. I didn't expect to fall in love so soon after Bella. I didn't expect to fall in love again at all," I replied. I was wondering why she would bring this up.
"I thought something similar to that when I met Carlisle so to speak. But sometimes I think that there is a reason for everything. I think that Bella was brought into the picture so you could learn that you could love someone as your own, that you didn't have to be afraid. Carrie might have been sent here for us to rescue her, to free her from her prison, so you could be there for her. I call it fate that she is here with us now," she said.
I looked at her in confusion, wondering why she would have said something like that. She just turned to me and gave me a bright smile. "Come on Edward, play something with me. We haven't played anything together in a while," she said. I just nodded and turned back facing the piano and we began to play a song.
Around and hour or so later I found myself standing next to Carrie's bed side watching as she slept. I was a bit concerned that she hasn't woken up yet, but Carlisle assured me that she was fine and that she will wake up when she was ready. I tried not to think about that as I stood there.
I watched as she appeared to sleep peacefully through the curtains that lightly moved in the breeze that was moving through the room. The curtains on the window were wide open and the moonlight was shining into her room. I watched as the shadows made by her bed curtains danced across her face. Despite her injuries she still glowed in the moonlight, but not as brightly as before.
I slowly walked toward the door and closed it before I made my way back to the bed; my eyes never once moved from her face. I slowly parted the curtains so I could move on to the bed. I lay down beside Carrie for a while just watching her as she slept. I brought my hand up and gently traced the marks on her face.
I was surprised when she moved her face slightly from side to side. "Eddie," she whispered out quietly and almost sounded like painfully.
"I'm here Carrie. I'm here," I told her stroking her left cheek with my right thumb. Was she finally waking up? Was she coming out of it? She began to move slightly as if she was trying to turn toward me. I used my arm to help her move so that she was facing me and brought her close to me. I watched as she cuddled into me and I wrapped my arms around her.
When we were settled we were on our sides facing each other. Her face was buried in my chest and my arms were wrapped around her, my nose buried in the knit hat that she was still wearing on her head. I felt as she slipped back into her deep sleep, her body felt heavier. I ran my hand gently up and down her back while softly telling her that I was here for her. I closed my eyes and relaxed my mind and body to do my version of sleep.
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