Not Old, Alone, Or Done For | By : onecelestialbeing Category: M through R > Peter Pan > Het Views: 9425 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Peter Pan, books, movies or any of its characters, and make no money from this story. |
On her last night in the asylum, Wendy was slightly under the influence of the sleeping potion as she'd spat out the majority of it soon as the night nurse turned her back and was dreaming of Neverland. Unbeknownst to her, she'd been chanting out loud, "I do believe in fairies," her words muffled by the pillow beneath her head. Her dream felt so real, standing on the Jolly Roger with her nightgown billowing in the wind, chanting those powerful words with her brothers and the Lost Boys as they tried to revive Tinker Bell.
What Wendy didn't realize is that way beyond the stars; anyone that believed in fairies had the ability to summon them at will. Usually this happened with small children or in this case, a young woman still in touch with her childhood dreams.
Maila was the fairy that happened to hear Wendy's chanting that night, and she flitted through the night sky, through the high window of the room and onto the bed. Seeing the young woman's half closed eyes fluttering about as she continued murmuring, Maila stepped forward and bent towards her face expectantly.
Wendy grew quiet and shifted slightly in bed, stirring out of her sleep. Gasping in shock at the four inch high glow that hovered over her head, she forced herself not to scream. "Am I dreaming?" Wendy whispered to herself. The dark-haired fairy cocked her head, looking at the apparently confused young woman. Giggling, she then cupped her hand and blew at Wendy's face, startling her briefly.
Wendy's eyes widened, fighting to remember what she was supposed to do. As if trying to help, Maila flitted back and threw her arms up in the air, gesturing for Wendy to do the same. Nodding emphatically, Wendy hastily threw the covers off of her body and stood up in bed with her arms outstretched. Bobbing in the air with frustration, Maila desperately wished that she was able to speak so that she could tell Wendy the final thing she needed to do to levitate.
Her wings fluttering wildly, she flew a few inches away from Wendy's nose and smiled widely hoping that the girl would understand her. "Oh thank you!" Wendy gasped and her face broke out into a grin, something that she hadn't done since being forced into the horrid place at Gavin's insistence.
Closing her eyes tightly, it took a second for Wendy to come up with a happy thought and before she knew it she was floating in the air, her head nearly touching the ceiling. "I don't remember the way," she told her fairy guide who was flying about joyfully next to her. Maila gestured for Wendy to follow her and flitted over to the edge of the window.
Because of the tight corset and lack of proper meals, Wendy's small frame had diminished even more and she was able to fit through the small window without any difficulty. As soon as they were in the brilliantly lit night sky, Wendy took in a deep breath of fresh air and giggled. Her enthusiasm made Maila smile and without further delay the fairy led the way back to Neverland.
For the first time in a long time, Wendy felt free as a bird as the two soared through the sky. 'I don't care if I'm dreaming, I'll take what I can get,' she thought to herself as they whizzed past the illuminated stars. The skies suddenly grew murky and dark as they flew through a large cluster of clouds and Wendy began panicking for a moment when Maila's light grew dimmer. Thankfully seconds later the skies broke clear and Wendy saw the lagoon surrounding Neverland.
Maila caught her eye and motioned for Wendy to fly lower. Following the tiny fairy's lead, Wendy swooped down, twinkling lights in the distance growing larger the closer they got to land. 'Oh no!' Wendy thought, panicking when she realized that they were still hovering over the water, which inhabited those wretched mermaids and that oversized crocodile. Maybe it was childhood naiveté that kept her fear at bay when she'd first visited, but now great trepidation overtook her causing Wendy's body to grow heavy as it pulled back towards the ground.
Maila saw the look of horror on Wendy's face and grew alarmed, motioning for her to try to stay afloat. 'It doesn't matter anyway, Neverland isn't real and this is just a dream. I'll go back to sleep and I'll awaken in my bed,' Wendy tried to convince herself as she closed her eyes. Maila yelled something indistinguishable in her tinny fairy voice, squeaking when she saw Wendy's body careen out of the sky and fall into the dark murky water below them.
Smee was asleep at the wheel of the Jolly Roger when the large splash startled him. The portly man heaved himself up and toddled to the edge of the ship, trying to see if Pan had flown over to try a sneak attack. However, to his consternation he saw a figure emerge from beneath the water a few inches away from the ship, and then what looked like a white nightgown floating about.
After yelling for a few deckhands to go take one of the smaller boats to see what or whom fell out of the sky, it was then that he noticed the mermaids watching the ship from a few feet away, their beautiful yet sinister looking forms floating completely still in the water.
"Hurry lads!" he yelled, not wanting anymore bloodshed at the hands of those deplorable creatures. The crew seemed to move at a glacial pace and unfortunately the mermaids beat them to the floating body in the water. One of the men yelled up to Smee that they had a man overboard and were trying to grasp the edge of the floating nightgown, yet didn't foresee the mermaids swimming underneath their dinghy and trying to tip it over.
The men yelled and panicked, crying out that they didn't want to die when the sound of a gunshot suddenly pierced the night air. The mermaids hissed and swam away as they tried to avoid being hit, and the men were finally able to pull the body of a young woman into the boat.
"Damnation Smee, what the hell is all of this shouting?" none other than a ruffled looking Captain James Hook asked as he lowered his smoking pistol, staring at the men over the edge of the ship.
"Sorry to wake ya Cap'n," Smee began apologetically. "I heard something hit the water and I thought it might be Pan but it doesn't appear so."
Hook appraised the man, sneering as he went to raise his pistol again. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe that wretched boy is trying to distract us? He probably-"
"Cap'n!" one of the men yelled as they dragged their waterlogged package onto the main deck of the ship. "It's a lady! In 'er nightdress!" he added gleefully.
"Buffoon," Hook grumbled pushing the cluster of men out of his way. Smee followed behind, eyeing the unconscious and soaking wet woman on the floor speculatively through his round bifocals.
"Yep, it's a lady alright," he interjected.
"Back to work!" the captain roared, thrashing his right arm about. Wishing to avoid the captain's wrath the men scattered away save for the bosun. "Smee, help me bring the girl into my cabin," Hook told the man.
"Cap'n?" Smee asked, looking at the wild man questionably.
"Well we can't bloody well leave her out here can we? A woman on a ship with a pack of rutting dogs in heat? There'll be fights left and right!"
Nodding in agreement, Smee helped hoist the young woman up in the captain's arm and ran ahead of him as fast as his short legs would allow him. Holding the door open to the captain's private quarters, Hook hastily pushed past the man and lay the dripping wet girl on the floor. Half heartily ordering Smee to light more candles, the captain knelt before the young woman and used the tip of his hook to push back a few strands of wet curls that covered her face.
He didn't know how long she was in the icy water for, but surmised that it had been long enough as her lips were starting to turn blue. The mermaids had obviously planned on doing away with her into their dark, watery depths had he not shot his pistol at them.
"Cap'n?" Smee asked, walking over to Hook and placing a candle on the floor. "Is it me or does she look familiar?"
His eyebrows shooting up to the wild mass of tangled curls, the captain pulled the rest of the girl's hair back from her face. "No! It can't be!" he exclaimed. "Could it be? Our little storyteller has returned to Neverland? Oh this is too perfect! I can finally use her for my revenge on that…Pan!"
"Cap'n," Smee interrupted. "Not to say that your plan isn't a good one, but is the lass even alive?"
Realizing that the older man had a point, Hook bent down towards Wendy, trying to feel air coming from her mouth. Moving much more quickly now, the captain used the razor sharp end of his hook and quickly slashed through the thin material of Wendy's gown to expose her breastbone. "I'll beat the life back into her if need be!" he exclaimed, thoughts of exacting revenge on Peter Pan fueling his anger.
Seeing the tightly laced corset, he ran the sharp tip down the laces in front and yanked the constricting garment open. Using his left hand, the captain found the spot below Wendy's now bared breastbone and pressed down hard. After a few chest thrusts water spurted from the girl's mouth causing her to cough furiously, gagging and inhaling sharply desperate to get air back into her lungs.
"Well lookit that," Smee said dumbfounded as he watched agog.
"Fire, light a fire," Hook told the man without taking his eyes off the young woman. The color was now returning to her face although her eyes remain closed. After a few minutes she began to breathe more freely, seemingly unaware of her surroundings.
The captain moved back a few inches from Wendy and took in her appearance. She was dripping wet from head to toe, her nightgown and corset mangled and exposing a good amount of her upper body. Despite the fact that the corset had been laced so tightly it seemed there were permanent red marks and bruising on Wendy's torso, it had most likely aided in her survival as in the mermaids attempt to drown her they'd clawed at her arms and legs, but the corset saved them from being able to get a grip on her middle.
The mermaids had a sort of paralytic poison in their claws that they used to subdue their victims and if the proper antidote wasn't used within time it was fatal. Being on water for much of his time Hook kept many different potions and poisons on hand, knowing that they'd be used at some point or another.
Erratic thoughts flew through the captain's head as he contemplated the young woman on the floor across from him. As a child she'd taken part in his capture to that bedeviled crocodile, yet Hook was surprised to find that he felt no anger towards Wendy right now. No, he would keep her alive and comfortable until the time was right that he could use her to defeat Pan.
The now blazing fireplace lent the ornate cabin a warm, nearly stifling heat. Taking great pains to not accidentally mar Wendy's pale skin, Hook gathered her body up into his arms and laid her on chaise two feet away from the fireplace. The long, angry looking red scratches on her still clammy skin caught his attention. The captain walked over to his glass chest and searched through the many small amber bottles. After finding the one he was looking for he walked back over the barely conscious girl.
"Wendy, open your eyes," he prodded, lightly slapping at her face trying to rouse her. "Wendy - oh hell, Mr. Smee! Get over here and help me hold her up, I can't give her the antidote and keep her up at the same time."
The now exhausted looking man shuffled away from the doorway and stood behind the chaise, using both hands to prop Wendy to a half reclining position and Hook managed to pour a few drops of the foul tasting concoction down her throat.
Feeling liquid hitting the back of her tongue, Wendy stirred briefly thinking that she was drowning again. She brought her hands up to her throat and began tearing at it, only for the captain to grasp both of them with his one sturdy hand. "None of that, Ms. Darling," he chided.
The raspy voice did little to rouse her, and Wendy's eyes opened and stared up unfocusedly, seeing a blur of dark curls and a pair of familiar blue eyes boring into hers. Relieved that she wasn't drowning, she swallowed the bitter taste down and stop thrashing about. "Good girl," she heard the voice say as the death grip on her hands slackened. Wendy's eyes then closed again as her head lolled slightly to the side. Hook gestured for Smee to lay her back down and excused the bosun for the night.
"Are you sure you don't need me to stay?" he asked, hoping that the captain would do just the opposite and allow him to crawl back into bed.
"Go!" Hook all but shouted, already stalking back over to his table and slamming the little glass vial down.
After Mr. Smee scurried from the pirate captain's cabin, Hook went through the short motions of preparing the poultice for Wendy's injury. When he was done he walked over to the chaise and sat on the edge. Placing the stone mortar on the floor next to his foot, Hook turned his attentions towards Wendy making a mental note of where to place the poultice.
Unconcerned with preserving her modesty, the captain ripped the rest of the still wet fabric off of Wendy's body briefly wondering why she bore a plain sleeping gown of crude material. Despite the fact that the captain was also a healer, a position that he'd been forced into as a result of pirating, he was still a man and found himself unable to ignore the fact that he had an unclothed, shapely young woman lying unconscious in his private chambers. True Hook carried malice in his heart and rarely had good intentions to someone if the outcome didn't benefit him, yet taking a young and most likely innocent girl against her will even if she was unable to say yea or nay was a low thing, even for him.
So with a slightly trembling left hand he applied the poultice to her wounds. Between working with one hand and one hook he managed to cover them up with pieces of clean cloth serving as bandages. Realizing that he had no suitable garment for young Wendy to sleep in, the captain looked around his cabin until his eyes fell upon his dark, blood red velvet cloak with black satin lining. Draping the too large cloak around her slight frame, Hook managed to pick Wendy back up and carry her to his bed. After depositing her on the side closest to the wall, he single handedly wrestled the worn leather and metal contraption off of his right arm and chucked it onto his desk. Sighing with relief at the riddance of his cumbersome burden, the captain then lay face down on his bed and fell into a deep sleep moments after.
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