Hook's Wendy | By : MarianTheBlackadder Category: M through R > Peter Pan > AU/AR Views: 4220 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Liam had gone back into the cave, and sat on a rock stitching up the cut to the side of his eye where he had been struck with the rock. He couldn’t believe he had been that stupid, nor that he had acted in such a way towards Caitlin. Something about having her alone without fear of the Captain discovering them must have taken his senses. Now she had run off, and only God himself knows where she went and what she might run into.
Danny made his way back to the cave, having gotten away from his brothers safely and without suspicion. He carried with him a small bundle of green apples, since Caitlin seemed to genuinely enjoy them so much. Quickly he dove into the entrance of the cave and crawled through it, standing when he came to the other side. Caitlin wasn’t there at all. It was just the man he had brought back with him, blood on his face, doing something strange with a needle and thread. Liam cut the thread and placed a bandage over it before he realized he was not alone.
When he turned Danny just silently starred at him. “Danny . . . Danny she’s run off. I did somethin’ really daft and dimwitted and she ran off . . .” The young red head just stood there a moment before taking a step back shaking his head. The doc quickly got to his feet and walked towards him. “Don’t run, ye must help me find her before somethin’ bad happens to her. She’s not well, she’s still very weak.” The boy was young, small, and very quiet but he seemed to be mature beyond his years when it came to knowing what was going on. He stepped back again taking one of the apples and throwing it at Liam before diving back into the cave entrance heading out as fast as possible, leaving the doctor behind.
Aurora watched from James’ desk as he went about the cabin, taking out his weapons and making sure they were loaded and prepared to fire. Adorning his sword and dagger his eyes turned to the small fairy, “You are going with us to shore Miss Sun, and you will help me seek out this lair, for you are able to see from the air whilst we travel on the ground. There had better be no mishaps or walking around in circles, or you and the ‘good’ doctor will be sharing your first requiem mass together.” Walking over he unhooked her leash from the desk, slipping her into his pocket as if she were nothing more then a watch. Picking up his pistols, he added them to his person before turning and heading for the door.
The crew was on deck, assembled and ready to go ashore. You would think that the pirate crew would want to protect one of their own, but they all seemed rather eager to hunt down a man and execute him. This only proved the saying “Idle hands are the devils workshop”. Aside from their daily capture of a creature that was to be searched, disemboweled, taken apart, and prepared in the same manner as fish, there was nothing much else to do but sit around and wait. Now they would span out across the island searching for one who had brought death upon himself in the Captain’s eyes.
Caitlin kept moving, unwilling to stop even for a moment to rest. Everything in this entire place seemed to be after her for one reason or another. Is every marriage like this one? Or is this one just a special case that seemed to be condemned from day one. There was a time Caitlin thought she could take on anything, but now she wasn’t so sure. Mermaids, a wild band of children, the pirates aboard the ship, a doctor whom she had counted as a friend until just recently, everything seemed to be against her. Everything except for the man who had brought her here, married her, and seemed to want her above anything else. It seemed like the entire world had fallen into madness, and she tried to figure out what sort of offense she had made for so many to be angry with her.
Cat stopped at the top of a hill looking down to see a sight that seemed somewhat familiar, but she couldn’t recall how. The ruins of the Black Castle. It didn’t look like a particularly desirable place to hide from the world, but something about it seeming familiar to her was intriguing. Quickly she headed down the hillside towards what she hoped would be her salvation.
James stood onshore. After taking a brief moment to survey the different paths, he broke the pirates up into small groups and sent them down each one. “I want him alive! He is of no use to me dead!” Immediately the pirates dispersed and started to invade every path of the forest. James Hook flicked his pocket rousting his small fairy captive. Aurora quickly flew up and looked at him. “You, take to the air but stay in my sight Miss Sun. It is not the day to disobey my orders or try any fairy tricks.” Aurora nodded and quickly flew upwards above the trees, looking down at him to make sure he could see her before she began her task.
Hook reached into his pocket taking out the small vile of poison he always carried on him, less he should be taken alive, looking into it a moment. “Perhaps once my revenge is completely my dear Caitlin, I will join you in the afterlife, that we might not suffer eternity on our own, and stay together for ever.” Tucking the vile back into his pocket he set out to find the doctor, keeping an eye on Aurora all the while.
Danny was unsure of which way Caitlin had run in, but he was afraid that his brothers might happen upon her before he did. They were extremely rough with her as if she was just another pirate and not even a lady, but Red knew different. He was glad when she escaped, and had hoped that she would stay with him once he found her a good place to hide; where she wouldn’t be discovered by anyone. Then she could read him stories and hold him when he was afraid, and teach him how to read and write like he had seen her do during the time they had spent together on the pirate ship.
There was only one person who knew where Caitlin was, she had been absent for sometime but always close by watching her. Tinkerbell had not left Caitlin alone or unchecked since she was left onshore by the mermaids. Not even Peter knew of this as it was Tinkerbell’s own idea. She thought that perhaps staying close to the one person who was out of place in all of Neverland, that this strange and criminal fairy would present herself before very long. Also there was a possibility that Caitlin could have been the very fairy they were searching for. All good fairies knew better then to use black magic and stayed away from it. However very few knew its capabilities and it was indeed possible she could have made herself the size of a human and still possess all the power to wield black magic.
The doctor emerged from the cave carrying his kit with him. The bandage on his head was beginning to stain with blood even though he had stitched it up tight. It would need to be changed but he didn’t have the time to see to it now. He had to find Caitlin before something terrible happened to her. Liam still couldn’t understand his actions or why he had done such a foolish thing as attack her, or even confess his true feelings towards her when he knew it was better to keep them to himself. Now she was frightened and feeling completely alone, with no friends in the world that could help her and it was completely his fault.
The lost boys had regrouped back at their hideout, and were listening as their leader instructed them which way they were to go and what they were to do when the pirate lady was captured. “She might be the very fairy we have been searching for, if she has really been using dark magic she could have transformed herself into a bigger female. How else could she have escaped so easily as if she wasn’t even being guarded at all and then disappeared? Everyone take your weapons and split up into groups of three. You don’t want to be caught alone if you are the one who finds her. She might cast a spell on you . . . .” Peter stopped his words as his eyes searched over the faces. “Red?” He took a few steps forward into the crowd trying to find the smallest lost boy.
“Where is Red!?!” They each looked around at each other before shrugging their shoulders looking back at Peter. Pan floated up from the air a few feet suddenly, “She must have taken him! He’s always so concerned with her, she must be the fairy and has cast a spell over him. We must find him and save him!!” All the boys gave a shout and armed themselves flooding out of their hideout and into the forest.
Nothing about this situation could be considered a good thing. Each knew a bit of information that the other was not privy too. Hook knew of Aurora being the fairy that was being searched for, but had no idea Peter Pan was the one doing the searching. Peter Pan knew of Caitlin being alive, but suspected her of being the evil fairy they were looking for since she sprung out of nowhere and lived with Captain James Hook aboard the ship. Liam knew of Caitlin, but did not know he had been missed aboard the ship and the entire crew had entered the forest looking for him. Danny knew about Caitlin and didn’t care about anything else except for finding her before anyone else did. Aurora had no idea about Caitlin, but knew she was being hunted for breaking the laws of her kin; as well as knowing why Caitlin had been driven nearly mad over the past few weeks before she had jumped over the railing of the ship trying to save the small human child. Caitlin had been questioned about the evil fairy, ran into the doctor, and was soon informed that she was thought dead after her disappearance, she also knew she was being pursued by the overzealous doctor who had taken their relationship out of context, and a band of lost boys who seemed to merely want to capture her and torture her to their whim.
Caitlin merely wanted to get back to James and the ship where she felt safe, and to let Hook know that she was not dead and still very much alive. But from where she was on the island, she couldn’t spot the ship to head in that direction. Instead of wandering about until she was found and recaptured, she planned to hide and rest until she got her bearings or until Smee or some of the other pirates came ashore to get supplies.
One close call after another seemed to occur with all of these souls wandering the island for different purposes. Just after James passed by the tall oaks going west, three lost boys passed the very same spot going north. The brush and shrubbery were hindering Aurora’s vision otherwise she would have spotted the others nearby. Just as Smee and his group of pirates with him passed the waterfall going south, the doc missed them going by the very same spot heading east.
Aurora flew down into James pocket, just as Peter Pan flew overhead missing the small fairy yet again as her presence was still unknown to most of Neverland. Aurora had spotted the doctor heading off in a certain direction and quickly pointing the way out to James. Pan saw a few of his own lost boys waving him down and quickly flew to them. “We saw him Peter, we saw Red. He was heading towards the castle.” Peter flew a few feet up in the air to see if he could still see anything, and spotted Red just before he disappeared.
“Quickly, go get the others. We’ll capture her, and use Hook’s own method of questioning her that he’s used on our brothers and Indians in the past.” They all nodded and headed off as Peter took to the air once again, flying fast for the castle. He drew his sword intending to finally find out what they wanted to know, and been trying to find for quite sometime.
The doctor stumbled and fell to his knees, but grasped his kit and got back to his feet heading down the path that seemed to have fresh footprints in them. If she was successful in making it back to the ship before he did, and told the Captain of what he had done he could never return to the ship again, or keep his life. Perhaps he wouldn’t anyway, but he just had to talk to her first, before the chance was lost completely. He didn’t want to die leaving her thinking he was a mad man who didn’t think anything more of her then a common tramp; far from it.
Caitlin was exhausted, having run half way across the island afraid to slow down or stop. Once she made her way into the castle she moved down to the water and sat on the rocks that formed a sort of ledge. She slipped her feet into the cool water and rubbed them clean then left them there leaning back. “Once I make it back to the ship, I will give James anything he wants in this world that I can give him. It’s taken me long enough to see this world and all of its inhabitants for what they are.” She said with a sigh looking down into the water.
Tinkerbell watched from a rock above keeping quiet and hidden watching all that was going on. Her ears perked up as she saw the young red head wiggle in through a lose brick checking to see if the coast was clear before going inside the rest of the way. Caitlin wasn’t exactly hard to spot. Her nightgown was a bit grungy and dirty, but was still white and shown out quite clearly as if she had been painted bright orange. Danny ran down to her and slipped, crawling the rest of the way to her side. “Danny . . .” Caitlin said quickly sitting up wrapping her arms around him hugging him tight.
“Danny . . . how did you know I was here? How did you find me?” She asked pulling back to look into his eyes. He leaned over and looked down into the water before pointing to her feet letting her know it was her footprints in the dirt and mud that had lead him to her. Giving a sigh she looked into his eyes, “Does this mean your brothers know how to follow footprints as well?” She asked softly.
“Of course we do, who do you think taught him.” Cat felt a sharp point embedded into her skin in the tender part of her back causing her to arch forward. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Peter walked around to where he could see her better, mercilessly pressing his sword into her skin, having learned better then to trust she was as stupid as the other pirates aboard the Jolly Roger.
“What a clever leader you are, following your youngest boy to your prey. I’m sure you’re quite proud of yourself.” She said looking down into the water not even bothering to look up at him.
“Get up lady. Make this easy on everyone.” Caitlin was at her wits end and too tired to fight back anymore when there was no hope of salvation in sight. James wasn’t going to suddenly show up and rescue her this time, she knew that from what the doctor had told her. He thought she was dead. Now she might just end up like that after all. Giving a defeated sigh she slowly rose to her feet stepping out of the water and turned to face Peter.
“Now what do you intend to do? Run me through and then maybe cut off my hand as a prize?” Peter gave her an extremely dirty look; there she went again referring to his prize he had taken from Captain Hook when he was defeated. What was it with this lady? Didn’t she know this was how things were done? The pirates would do the same, why should he be any different.
“Lady, it was only fair! I won the fight, I took my trophy! Why do you keep bringing this up? Get over there!” He said pushing the blade further into her skin causing her to back up faster and fall against the rock wall. Danny quickly ran over next to Caitlin and wrapped his arms around her waist, looking up at Peter shaking his head. Peter grew frustrated and reached up pulling Danny away. “Stay out of this Danny, you don’t know what your doing! She’s cast some sort of spell on you.”
Caitlin clinched her jaw and smacked Peter’s sword away nearly knocking it out of his hand when she saw the rough way he handled Danny. “I have cast no spell on that child, he came to me. I can’t believe you believe there is such a thing as magic! You’re old enough to know better then that, and quite old enough to know not to treat someone smaller then you so roughly!” Peter turned and kicked her hard in the stomach throwing her against the wall again. In a matter of moments the area around them was filled with the group of other lost boys. Caitlin coughed and tried to catch her breath looking up at Peter.
“You have to be her, your not afraid of anything and you should be afraid of me! Don’t you know who I am? I’m Peter Pan, and you are a pirate and we kill pirates!” Caitlin’s jaw quivered slightly but she quickly stopped it looking at her juvenile captor.
“How can you kill someone who’s already dead? Or haven’t you heard the rumor?” Peter just looked at her a moment before reaching out and grabbing her shoulder throwing her into the other lost boys. Usually she would have been able to resist and fight him off but she was weak and unarmed. Tinkerbell was still in her hiding place watching quietly not moving from her spot. She wasn’t entirely sure that Cat was the one they were looking for; so far there had been no signs to prove it. But there were also no signs against it. She tapped her fingers against the rock continuing to watch.
Outside of the castle the foot prints the doctor had been following stopped when the ground turned from dirt into rock. As he looked up he saw the ruins of the castle, and remembered when the Captain had brought her back to the ship over his shoulder, informing the doctor of what had happened in his search for an explanation. “She would know this place. Perhaps she thinks it would be safe since it’s a fortress.” Picking up his kit he started down the hillside, keeping a quick pace.
Aurora flew back into the air to keep a check on the doctor’s movements and flew down to James whispering in his ear and making small signs and sounds. “The Black Castle you say? The fool, he shall be trapped with no way out.” Aurora took her place in her Captains pocket and James took a gun from one of his own group. Loading it he pointed it upwards firing a flare into the sky, to let all the others know to halt their searching and to gather. James slammed the gun back into its owners gut waiting for it to be taken back before walking forward a few steps. “You will pay dearly for competing with me for something you had no rights to.”
Down below, they had used the chains that had held others before, to strap Caitlin to a rock. Like the little monsters they were they stood around cheering and shouting insults as Peter drew his sword standing over Caitlin pointing the tip to her chin raising her head. “We have to find her. Captain Hook has turned her to using dark magic. You were the one in our hide out, and escaped when the spell was cast and the black dust was used. You have to be her.”
Caitlin pulled against the restraints again and again, finding they had a little give, but no release. “Why don’t you just kill me, you’re going to do it anyway? I’m sure it would be great sport for you and your playmates.” She said defiantly looking up at him. Peter couldn’t believe this, she wasn’t playing the game right! She wasn’t even afraid! He took out his dagger looking down at her, he would make her afraid of him.
Outside, Liam searched for a way in. Finding a door not too far away over a pile of rocks, he began to climb over them. However his advance came to a sudden halt when a rope was thrown around his neck and he was jerked off of the pile of rocks falling hard onto his back. Reaching up he tried to pull the tightened rope away from his neck enough so he could breathe. As he looked up he saw familiar faces looking down at him. “Come on Doc, we’ve been lookin’ for ye. Ye have been made the guest of honor to a party we be havin’.” He was pulled to his feet the rope staying around his neck. They turned him around and Liam found himself coming face to face with Captain Hook.
James just looked at him in silence for several moments, an evil smirk on his face. Liam could only imagine what sort of terrors would be in store for him, and tried to speak but the rope was too tight around his neck for him to be able to get a sound out much less words. Hook raised his good hand in front of Smee, who instantly stepped forward and removed Hook’s glove. James walked up slowly looking into the doctors wide and fear filled eyes. “I do believe I owe you for the ‘services’ you offered to my late wife. Do I not?” Faster then anyone could even see, James doubled up his fist and hit Liam hard enough in the face to drop him to his knees before falling on the ground.
Hook kneeled down next to him grabbing the man’s hair and pulling his hair up roughly, “She was the only thing that kept you alive, for she was in desperate need of medical care. Even with a surgeon nearby at her beck and call… it was not enough to save her from a more horrible fate then she could have imagined.” James teeth began to grind as he spoke the words, releasing Liam’s head and standing to his feet. He turned towards the rest of the crew.
“Well Fellows, it has been quite a while since we removed the creatures that attach themselves to the hull of our ship. Would you not say?” They all shouted in unison in agreement. James turned on his heel looking into Liam’s eyes as he spoke his sentence. “I think it is long past time for a well earned keelhauling.” Every bloodthirsty pirate that surrounded them gave a loud cheer anxious to watch the most feared pirate execution there was for entertainment.
As James walked back next to Smee, his ever-vigilant first mate couldn’t help but point out a small detail that he had noticed. “Capt’n, where do ye suppose he got that cut on his face? The blood is still fresh, it happened not long ago.” Hook turned and looked seeing he was right, there was indeed a bandage and the blood was still red as crimson.
“What does it matter to me? It will not matter to him for long.” He said with an evil smile and a bit of a chuckle. Aurora smiled and looked up at the Captain, this was the man that she adored so much, returned at last with all of his magnificent power and glory. She was right! All that was needed was for that human to be gone, dead forever-vanished into thin air for her legendary Captain James Hook to return. The small gothic looking fairy snuggled down happily into his warm pocket.
“BACK TO THE SHIP!” James shouted turning on his heel leaving their ‘Guest of honor’ to be brought with them by his comrades. He would be sure that the rope would be pulled hard and fast so that the doctor would take an extra long time to die, and suffer each and every moment he lasted.
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