Beneath the Moonlight | By : KittyTheCookie Category: Twilight Series > Slash > Edward/Jacob Views: 16363 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or make any money from this story. |
Ooooh, cliffhanger! I know you guys probably hate crap like that. And sorry to the people who read my typo. It was Jacob’s phone, not Edwards. I know, I’m an idiot. Don’t hurt me..I bruise easily..-sniffle-
Beneath the Moonlight
Chapter 5 - Darkness is the Light
Both boys stared at each other for a moment in silence, trying to register what the hell was making that sound. Slowly, Jacob reached into his bag on the floorboard, a might feat trying to get around Edward who was still sitting in his lap. It was his cell phone.
“You have a cell phone?”
“Uh..yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”
Edward shrugged, letting Jake flip open the surprisingly fancy, expensive-looking phone.
“Hello? Oh..hi. No, I’m fine. I’m kinda shocked it took you this long to call me.”
Some slow chatter, causing him to roll his eyes.
“Yeah Dad I know, but Sam doesn’t fucking own me! He’s not even part of the pack anymore damnit! I can do what I please!”
Loud chatter.
“Fine, fine. I’m coming home soon anyway. I’ll see you then. No, I don’t know exactly when, but it’ll be soon. “
A bit more chatter, calmer this time.
“Okay. I love you too. I promise everything’s okay. Bye.”
He snapped the phone closed, letting out a frustrated huff as he did so.
“Your dad, I take it.”
“Yeah, the usual. Yell, yell, get home, tribal pride, blah blah.”
“Well, what are you going to do? We’re headed in that direction anyway.”
“Yeah, I just.. I just don’t know if I can face the others right now. This entire situation has just got my head all messed up. “
“Yes, I can agree with that. I still have no idea how I’m going to confront Jasper. Ah well. Lets just keep moving.”
Jacob began to chuckle.
“What?” There was that cute look again. Like a curious kitten. ‘Imagine, a kitten with a puppy. Oh god, now I’m calling myself a puppy.’ This caused Jacob to start laughing harder.
“What are you laughing at?!”
“You. You want to keep going.. But that would mean someone has to be in the driver’s seat.”
If vampires could blush, Edward would be about the color of a tomato. In one deft move, he had pulled back on his pants and was sitting in the other seat. Jacob continued laughing.
“You know-” Edward gave him a cross look. “I wouldn’t be laughing so hard if I was covered in ‘liquids’ and my pants were still undone.”
Now it was the werewolf’s turn to blush, and boy did he. Cursing slightly underneath his breath, he used a rag from in his bag to wipe himself off, and tucked himself back into his pants. Now, they were both at least halfway clothed. Hopefully they could drive fast enough so no one would have to wonder why there were two teenage boys driving down the interstate without shirts.
“Ready?” Amber eyes ran over the other tan body next to him. ‘Gotta stop thinking like that..’
Jacob stretched out in his seat, stiff joints crackling as he did so. “Yeeeeah I’m ready. Lets go beat up your creepy brother.”
He sighed. Yeah, it was time to go question his ‘creepy brother.’
Somewhere around the southern side of Washington it started raining. When or where exactly, neither boy knew. Nor did they care. It was a comforting scene, reminding them that they were finally home after a fruitless journey. The road was almost impossible to see, the rain pelting down as if someone had just dropped a bucket through the clouds. Edward didn’t seem to mind though, being able to see in it regardless. It just seemed fitting to how he felt right about now.
Jacob had fallen asleep as soon as the storm started, lulled to sleep by the constant sound of droplets hitting the car. This left the immortal teen more time to himself to think than he really wanted. This wasn’t right. It really wasn’t. He was rushing home at break-neck speed, a home which he knew he was going to have to leave soon afterward; it all depended on Jasper’s explanation. Well, that and whether Bella showed up there again. Edward had a horrible feeling that she would, knowing he would return looking for answers. Beside him, a mumbled plea for a donut. How wonderful it would be if life where that simple, but he knew that was selfish wish. It wasn’t like life was simple for Jacob either. Since this trip had started, he had thrown everything just to help find the girl he had admitted to not loving anymore.
Nothing made sense anymore, not even why he was driving back to Forks. So what if Jasper had turned her? So what if he had filled her head with bullshit? Did it even matter anymore? His heart did not lie with her anymore, no matter how much he tried to tell himself otherwise.
Edward sighed for what seemed like the millionth time, noticing lights in the distance. A city. Probably Olympia. Which means his exit would be coming up soon. The signs directed him towards 101. Almost there.
Jacob woke with a groan, stretching again. The rain was still coming down in sheets, seeming to never end. However, he did realize that the car was no longer moving.
“Why are we stopped?” Sleep-clouded brown eyes looked over at the pale boy in the driver’s seat, who had seemed to acquire a shirt during his nap. He supposed he should do the same.
Edward waited while the other boy found a tight fitting t-shirt, looking out at the pouring rain, testing the distance from the car to the door of the restaurant they had stopped at.
“You kept asking for donuts in your sleep, so I figured you were hungry. Best face this kind of thing on a full stomach.”
“Thanks for the thought, but the same could go for you.”
The other teen shook his head. “I hunted while you were asleep. So, now it is time to feed you.”
“Sounds good to me! Waffles!” That said, he bolted from the car, running (at a human speed) for the door of the Waffle House. (A/N: Look, they’re everywhere.) This left Edward to merely chuckle and follow him running through the rain.
It all seemed to move in slow-motion for those few precious moments. Them both laughing, running through the sparkling afternoon rainstorm. He took the time to appreciate every detail, Jacob’s long black hair sprinkled with water drops, flying behind him. He knew he would have to cherish this, since he had a feeling that this would be the last time things would be this simple.
It seemed like an eternity later that he was pulling off the main road, onto the long driveway to his family home. The rain still hadn’t stopped, keeping steady in its attempt to drown the earth.
He was already waiting on the porch. Jasper.
The car came to a stop, Edward pulling the parking brake and moving to get out. Jacob grabbed his hand before he could open the door.
“You don’t have to do this Edward. We can just leave.”
He shook his head. “No, I have to. I must know what his place is in all this. Don’t worry about me love, I’ll come back. “ Without giving the wolf time to react to his statement, he was out of the car, instantly soaked in the downpour.
Jasper walked off the porch, sharing in his drenched state, a cold smile on his face.
“So, come home finally? Alice has been worried about you.”
“Don’t give me that bull Jaz! What did you do to her?”
The older vampire snickered. “Nothing little brother. I just gave her what she wanted. A second chance at her. It was about time someone could have that without you running away.”
“Cut the crap! You know damn well there was nothing there! You have Alice, and I have…had Bella.” His voice gave out on him at the end, leaving him wishing for once he could just cry and get it over with.
“No, you cut the crap! Is this what you do?! Use people and then move on to the next warm bed? Does he know? Does he realize you’re the prize no one can have? Maybe he would like to learn he’s just another pawn in your pathetic existence. “
At this point, Jasper was inches away from him, standing a bit taller, his sun-kissed hair hanging wet over his raging scarlet eyes.
“No Jaz…what have you done?”
Those eyes turned away from his, bangs shading his face from the other’s gaze.
“Nothing Edward. I’ve done nothing. Don’t try to shift the blame to me. It’s nothing compared to the pain you’ve caused everyone else.”
“Everyone, or just you?”
Moments was all he had to jump backwards, a hard swift kick coming straight for his chest. Now, it was his turn. Blows were thrown at such an incredible speed, it was almost as if they weren’t moving at all. All the boiling anger over the last couple of days was coming out in an all-or-nothing battle between the two. This was nothing like fighting with the newly changed Bella. No, Jasper was a seasoned veteran, as was Edward. Though, probably not enough to beat the older immortal. Soon, Jasper had Edward pinned to the ground, his knees on his shoulders.
“So, now you’re flat on your back again. What to do? I should just save everyone the sorrow and end your-” Jasper was flung, throwing earth everywhere as he skidded to a stop. The huge wet wolf stood over Edward’s body, teeth bared at the other teen.
‘Are you alright?’
“Yeah, I’m fine Jacob. Look, go back to the car. This is my fight.”
‘No, it’s not. This has now become my fight too.’
‘Because I love you.’
With that, Jacob was charging full force towards a recovering Jasper, his mouth open in a snarl.
The loud booming voice caught everyone involved off-guard. Jasper stood up straight, looking towards the porch, Jacob sitting on his haunches back next to Edward, his eyes directed towards the source of the voice.
There stood Alice, a look of pain and angry all over her features.
“Please, Edward, Jasper. I can’t see you two fighting like this. Just.. Just stop please!”
Jasper hung his head, trying not to meet her gaze, Edward mimicking him. Jacob ducked behind the car and phased back, grabbing his shorts from the front seat and making himself somewhat decent.
“Now, lets all four of us go inside and talk this out. “
All three of them cast a glance at each other, and turned to follow the smaller vampire into the house. For once, she didn’t care that they dripped dirty water on the carpet, or stained the white sofa with the mud on their bodies as they sat down.
“I think we should talk about this like responsible adults. Calm responsible adults.”
Jacob sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know what we’re fighting about. I just know I wasn’t going to let him hurt Edward.”
Jasper growled at him, earning a growl in return.
“Enough! Edward, you came here seeking answers, and I think you deserve them. So please, you two try to be civil while I explain this entire thing..”
“But you have to help me Alice! He’s going to leave me, I know he is. Our love just isn’t what it used to be.”
“Sorry Bella, I’ve done all I could. The future is very clear now, he just seems to want to be alone.”
Tears streaming down her face, Bella took off out the door of Alice’s ‘bedroom’. It was as she bolted down the stairs that she ran into Jasper. (Crashing, to be more accurate).
“Easy Bella, what’s the matter?” Those curious topaz eyes blinked, probably out of habit. How weird that they looked just like Edward’s.
“It’s okay Jasper, its just a little problem between me and Edward.”
“Little? It doesn’t seem little.”
She sobbed harder, and rushed past the older vampire, taking off outside. Soon the sounds of her faithful truck drifted towards him, and with that she was gone.
“Oh Bella..if only you had been warned about how Edward was. He just can’t help but love and run.”
Jacob huffed impatiently, shifting his weight around.
“That still doesn’t explain why Bella was suddenly turned into a vampire, only that Jasper loves Edward.”
Both boys coughed.
“What, it was obvious? But you seem to be getting over it. “
“Whatever mutt.”
“Oh shut up you two so I can finish the other part of the story. Geez, teenagers.” Alice crossed her arms and continued.
Screams shook the dark walls of the pitch black room, bouncing at every angle, amplifying the sound. Red eyes glowed in the darker shadows of the room, watching and waiting for the screams to subside. Why he had even agreed to this was beyond him. He should’ve just eaten the foolish girl, but some sort of sick curiosity kept him from doing so.
Soon, it was quiet except for some light sobbing in the darkness.
“So, was it worth it little lady?”
A growl echoed, red eyes opening to this new world.
“Go. Just go. You’re job here is done.”
“Hey, hey now. I was just seeing how this would work out. I’ll go. Hope you find who yer lookin’ for.”
With that, the mysterious voice was out of the room, leaving just the one occupant. She stood from the floor, dusting off the simple jeans and t-shirt. Now it was time to go find him.
“Jasper, just tell me where the hell he is! “
“Look, just forget about him you crazy girl! Look what you’ve done to yourself! He doesn’t love you anymore, get that through your thick skull!”
She threw the white chair against the wall, more snarling than sobbing. This wasn’t right. He had gone off with that damn werewolf, and they weren’t coming back.
“Just, tell me why they left together. Please.”
Jasper grinned, more out of malice than amusement. Now it was his turn to get back.
“Why? Because you had finally walked out of their lives. They had a chance to be together. Didn’t you realize that earlier? He just loves and runs. And now Jacob is the object of his affection. I’d just give up. “
Bella looked absolutely defeated. She didn’t know quite how to comprehend this, what with the thirst slamming down on her in her anger.
“Any type of clue would be helpful. I need to talk to him one last time.”
“Fine. California, heading south.”
With that, she had thrown the door off it’s hinges, gone within a matter of seconds. From the top of the stairs, a pair of eyes looked sadly upon the broken door, the future soon turning bleak.
“Oh Bella, don’t be stupid.”
“So, now you know the truth Edward. I know that probably hurt, but at least you know.” Alice’s eyes glowed, almost looking like tears would start falling if they could. Edward reached over and embraced her, feeling good about being home for the first time in so long.
Jacob and Jasper sat silently, not wanting really to ruin the moment, and more-so for a lack of something to say. Finally, the brother and sister let each other go.
“So, is everyone okay now? I mean, no more fighting right-?” The young native was suddenly enveloped in a hug from the tiny vampire. He blushed bright red, not sure what to do. Finally he decided just to hug her back ,glad for the bit of affection. Alice stepped back with a large smile on her face, looking between Edward and Jacob.
“You know, I do have some news for you both. Jacob has started showing up in my visions for some reason.”
“What?!” All three of them exclaimed.
“Yeah, it seems he’s finally gotten close enough for that fog to disappear. Now I can see him.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. What have you seen?” Edward looked genuinely curious.
“Um…well…yeah. About that. “ She shuffled from foot to foot. “You see, I see quite far into the future, and it seems there are going to be a lot of scary-SCARY things happening. “
Both blinked. “Like what?”
“Oh, you’ll see…”
Somewhere in the house, Jasper started drawing faces on his toes. No, I don’t know why.
A/N: Yay! Another chapter done. There’s one more, and then the story is over. Thanks to all the people who’ve been with me since the beginning. And a sequel is in the thinking process. I might need some opinions as to if I should indeed write the sequel. Read and Review!
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