Hook's Wendy | By : MarianTheBlackadder Category: M through R > Peter Pan > AU/AR Views: 4220 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
James rested for a while and woke to find the doctor sewing up the wound in his shoulder, with Caitlin close by holding James in place so he did not jump or turn while the doctor worked. “Yet another sight I loath to wake to.” Hook grumbled referring to seeing the doctor anywhere near his person.
“It was a good thing he looked at your wound James, it needed stitches and I couldn’t do it.” Caitlin said quickly trying to keep him calm and not let him become angry when he was still weak.
“Aye, but there is no infection and she kept ye from bleeding to death.” Liam said, letting James know that Cat was watching over him and taking care of him while he was asleep.
Hook closed his eyes for several moments as Caitlin reached for a cool cloth that was nearby, gently dabbing his face with it. “How long?” He said, feeling as if some amount of time had gone by since he fell asleep.
“Two days.” Liam answered him, his eyes looking towards the Captain’s wife as she cared for her wounded husband. Deep inside he felt his very heart cringe at the sight but turned his eyes back to Hook’s shoulder.
“And what, may I ask, have you found to occupy your freedom in the time I was left in darkness.” He said accusingly as he glanced towards Caitlin, who was wringing out the cloth she used to touch his face, before looking back at Liam. The doctor wished above all else that Hook could at least give Cat the respect she deserved, as she had thwarted his every attempt to woo her and made it crystal clear she was not interested in his advances.
“Misses . . . .could ye go down to the galley and ask the cook to boil some more water? This water has grown cold and we do not wish the Capt’n to get an infection.” Caitlin nodded and dabbed the cloth over James face once again before putting it back in the bowl and hurrying out of the cabin closing the door behind her so a draft did not find its way in. Liam reached up, cutting the thread he used to sew the wound closed and knotted it well. “She hasn’t left yer side since ye fell asleep Capt’n. She’s been watchin over ye trying to make ye as comfortable as possible.”
“And I suppose you have been watching over her in turn.” Hook said wanting nothing more then to be wearing his hook at this particular moment. Liam half sighed and started to wrap James wound with clean bandages.
“I’ve been ashore Capt’n, payin’ a visit to the Indian’s village. Yer misses stayed here with ye, her and Smee taken care of ye while I was away.” James reached up, pushing the doc away as he sat grasping his arm feeling the stiffness from its being immobilized the past few days.
“Ah yes, the first thing any inmate who has been condemned to a prison would do is make the only unmarried women in all of Neverland a priority.” Hook glared at Liam as he pushed him away again, reaching for a bottle that sat on the table next to his side of the bed. “Of course . . . . married or unmarried, it seems to make no difference to you.” James hissed at him before pulling the cork from the bottle with his teeth, spitting it to the floor, and taking a long deep drink.
Liam could say nothing. He could do nothing. Even though his instinct was to fight and perhaps kill the one making such accusations, it was unheard of with Captain Hook, and an extremely foolish idea in the first place. All he could do was eat all the crow James felt the need to dish out, while kissing the Captain’s feet as he abused him. Other wise he would die, and Caitlin would be left with no competent person with medical knowledge to look after her. “I was payin’ a visit to the elders of the tribe. We have an agreement, them an I. I never ask them for information on Pan, and they never ask me anythin’ about the pirates, ye or the ship.”
“How quaint.” James said taking another deep drink. Honestly, there was nothing this man said he cared to hear. The only reason he was still breathing was because Caitlin was found alive. Liam swallowed back the anger that was emerging and kept his composure as he continued.
“We exchange medical knowledge, remedies, and treatments. As I have always done since we first were brought here to the Neverland . . . . wounds, illnesses, fevers . . . . and now . . . pregnancies.” Hook stopped and pulled the bottle away from his lips as he glared up at the doctor. James eyes shifted towards the door before looking back at Liam, flashing a warning to hold his tongue less she hear. Liam would have normally fallen silent but he could not keep quiet with the knowledge he held. Putting down his case he got up and quickly went to the door, pulling the latch across it so it could not be opened from the outside.
“I should kill you now, and hang you from the crows nest!!! How DARE you discuss such things with those savages!!!!” He roared standing from the bed and taking a few steps towards the doctor, he was still a bit weak and tired from the loss of blood but his anger always seemed to give him strength when there should have been none.
“I mentioned no names Capt’n!” Liam protested in his defense. “I only inquired as to what could be done about birthing here in Neverland!” Hook couldn’t believe this, was a learned man of science so daft?
“All of Neverland knows the number of persons aboard this ship by name and face! Whom do you think they supposed you were inquiring about you moron?! Mr. SMEE!?!” Liam instantly felt a bit foolish at the realization. Still he forgot at times this world was secluded and cut off from any other. Of course they knew who he was talking about. Perhaps that was why they were able to give him such specific information as they had done.
“The point is Capt’n . . . . they told me a lot about the way here in Neverland . . . and it’s . . . . not good news.” Liam said solemnly. Hook stopped a moment and narrowed his eyes.
“What do you mean?” The doctor seemed hesitant to continue and said nothing at first. James was not in the mood for this, it was obvious they were in the middle of attacks both unseen and rather unnatural and now there was more? “SPEAK!!!” He roared at Liam.
“They can not be certain, but they feel it… the elders of the tribe. They sense things about Neverland, the way it thinks and moves about. There is a chance they could be wrong, but it is very slim and unlikely. . . .” Liam paused a moment not sure how to impart such morbid and grim information. “As long as she is in Neverland . . . . the child cannot be born . . . it will grow inside of her until term . . . and then they shall both die. This cursed place will not let the child of evil come into existence . . . . .and now that you have pointed out my folly, . . . they were speaking of you. Captain James Hook.” James was in shock for a moment at such news, what horrid. . . .ugly, disgusting, vile, and putrid ways this place had. This place that PAN and brought them too so long ago. He had not wished to be a father it was true, but when someone was threatening to take them both, his wife and his child that BELONGED to him . . . it was unacceptable. Unimaginable in every sense of the word. What gave THEM the right to destroy his family piece by piece?
“Capt’n . . .” Liam approached him cautiously. Too many thoughts were running through Hook’s mind at this particular moment and still he looked away from the doctor. “She must be taken back to the mortal world.” James turned and looked at the man.
“What?” Take her back!?! That she might remember all, hate him for lying to her, and suffer as he did when he tried to leave Neverland? “Absolutely NOT!! Under no circumstances! Are you insane!?!”
“Capt’n . . . . If she stays here, she’ll die. They both will. I believe that they would have a chance if she was taken back and perhaps . . . .”
“STOP your incessant foolery! She is not going back to the real world! She knows nothing of that world and there is nothing there for her except misery and more confusion!” Liam couldn’t believe his ears, did he care nothing for her health and well being? His stubbornness would be her death.
“Didn’t ye hear what I said? They will DIE Capt’n, both of them will!” James had had quite enough and reached up grabbing the doctor’s collar, throwing him across the room against the double doors. Liam got to his feet just as James picked up his sword and held it to the surgeon’s throat. A few moments passed before Hook could regain his composure to form words without tearing out Liam’s throat in the process.
“Get out of my cabin immediately. Not a word of this is to be spoken to anyone, not even the crew and especially not Caitlin. Do not show me your deceitful and coveting face anytime in the near future or I shall peel it from your skull!” Liam took a breath and reached for the lock on the cabin door, quickly pulling it open and exiting. Once the door was closed, James gave a deep sigh as the tension seemed to escape his body and he lowered his sword.
Outside on the deck Caitlin saw Liam heading for his quarters below deck and caught him before he could pass. “Is he going to be alright? Is he mending well?” She asked hoping he held good news. The doctor’s eyes quickly passed around the ship to make sure he was not being watched nor could he be heard and quickly reached out grabbing Caitlin’s arm pulling her close. His words were quiet and swift.
“I must see ye tonight Caitlin, ye must come to me after the second bell.” Cat looked up at him and frowned, as she quickly looked around to make sure no one heard such a request.
“Liam you’re insane. James will kill you if I do any such thing. You know what he thinks and the rest of the crew as well . . .”
“Caitlin I don’t have time to stand here and argue with ye. I feel ye are in danger and spoke to the Capt’n about it. He doesn’t seem the least bit concerned with yer health but I am . . . .” Both turned at the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Liam released her arm and looked at her. “Come to me Caitlin, as soon as you can. My door will be open.” Without another word, he turned and started down the stairs, passing Mr. Smee as he went by.
Smee could sense something was up and watched the doctor pass by before turning his eyes back to Caitlin. Cat wasn’t sure what to do with the demand that was just given to her. He could be lying and there would be one man on watch at the time of the morning he wanted her to come, the rest of the crew would be asleep, and James . . . the pharmaceuticals he was given always made him sleep through the night.
“Was he botherin’ ye misses?” Smee said taking a few steps towards her seeing how pale she had become and how nervous she seemed. Cat shook her head and managed a smile.
“No. . . thank you Mr. Smee. I’m . . . it’s quite hot out today isn’t it?” She said wanting to take the heat out of his question. Smee just watched her silently for a moment, waiting to see if she wanted to tell him what she was keeping. Caitlin couldn’t continue to look at him and her eyes went downcast. “I need to check on Captain Hook . . . he was awake when I left.” She said quickly pushing past the first mate carrying the hot water she had retrieved from the galley heading towards their cabin. Smee watched after her for a moment, trying to silently figure out what was going on.
Cat opened the door of the cabin and found James sitting on their bed starring off into the abyss. She closed the door and walked to him putting the water down as she reached up feeling his forehead. Hook’s eyes shifted up towards her, being pulled out of his trance. “Caitlin . . . .when did you come in?” She pulled her hand away from his forehead and looked into his eyes.
“Just a moment ago, didn’t you hear me?” Hook half smiled and nodded looking up at her.
“Of course I did. You’re not exactly quiet when you enter a room dear.” He said quickly trying to cover up. Caitlin smiled, deciding he was alright and there wasn’t anything wrong with him. “Have there been any more sightings? Any other disturbances?” Cat sighed a little and nodded.
“Yes, the crew is still having horrid nightmares. Few are getting very much sleep and they are getting very cranky. I can hardly blame them, as tired as they are.” Hook gave a bit of a sigh reaching up and rubbing his temples.
“Of course they are. It is a rather annoying tactic when an enemy is trying to wear you down so you become slow and quite easily defeated in battle. Apparently they decided they attacked too soon and are waiting until the crew is half mad with exhaustion and fear.” Caitlin looked at him for a moment before laying him back down on the bed, reaching for a cloth pulling the warm water closer. James looked up at her a moment forgetting about their plight for a moment. “May I ask what you are doing my dear?” he asked curiously watching her. Cat dipped the cloth into the water and twisted it to get rid of the excess water before sitting next to him placing the very warm cloth against his chest.
“Following the doctor’s instructions.” She said softly as she began to move it slowly over his chest in gentle circles. This was a rather unexpected treat. Honestly, since it was Caitlin who was giving him such attentions while he was awake, he didn’t mind in the least bit. In fact, he was beginning to enjoy it very much to have her care for him in this way. James watched her, fascinated beyond words. Caitlin kept her eyes away from his as she dipped the cloth in the water again.
Later that night, well after James had been asleep, Caitlin adjourned to her closet and retrieved her cloak before silently making her way out on deck. She was very unsure about all of this but it seemed like she had to know the truth about what was going on. Once she was outside of the door, she checked to be sure her dagger was close at her side and in easy reach before pulling the cloak around her tightly and carefully making her way down below decks.
“Good evening Misses.” The watch said as she moved past him, she smiled and returned the greeting as she continued on her way. The watch thought nothing of it, she was probably just hungry and heading down to the galley to find something for a late night snack.
Once Caitlin was below deck, she looked about to make absolutely sure that there was no one who could see her as she approached the doctor’s door. It seemed his confinement had come to an end since the door was not locked nor barred. Cat just stood there for a moment, wondering how on earth she had gotten here. It was pure foolishness to be anywhere near this door by herself after what had transpired on the island. No, she shouldn’t be here. Deciding that perhaps it was best to return to James’ cabin, she turned around hesitating a moment, still wanting to know what it was the doctor wished to tell her.
Before another thought could enter her mind, Liam’s door opened and she was pulled inside as the door was quickly closed behind her. Caitlin turned about taking a few steps back as she watched Liam lock the door. “What is it you want of me?” She said taking another step back as her hand found the hilt of her dagger beneath the cloak. The doctor turned around and froze in place, seeing her stance and the way she looked at him.
“Cat . . . I’m just concerned for ye is all. I know the last time I saw ye alone, we didn’t leave on good terms.”
“Good terms? . . . . You turned into a monster and tried to . . . .” Her words stopped and she shook her head. She shouldn’t have come down here.
“Ye don’t understand. Ye are in serious danger, and I don’t think the Captain is going to do anything to help ye. I don’t want to see ye get hurt.” Caitlin was usually very pleasant and tried to be understanding of everyone, but this one had lost her trust by threatening to violate her.
“James would never do anything to hurt me intentionally. It has happened sometimes in the past, but it isn’t his fault. He has problems and we are working through them. You are a doctor, you know with certain illnesses ones actions can’t be controlled.” Liam shook his head looking at her.
“That be the same excuse of every other woman who was being abused.” Caitlin’s look darkened at his words. “I have never thought ye to be foolish Cat, but right now that’s what yer bein’. Don’t ye think I know? I know he attacked ye, and hurt ye those weeks ago when ye locked yourself in that little room of yers. What makes ye think he won’t do it again?”
“You claim to be my friend and here you stand, calling me foolish and throwing a rather hurtful memory into my face. He has made himself pay for what he has done, more then I ever would have asked.” Liam just looked at her not believing a word. For some reason she was defending him, perhaps in denial of what had happened. Not wanting to believe she was attacked in such a brutish way by the one whom she trusted most. Cat took a step forward. “You have no idea! I saw what he did to himself, and I stopped him from doing it!”
“Rape is Rape Cat! If one of the crew had treated a woman in such a harsh and cruel manner the penalty would have been death! Seeing as how he’s not dead, I should think he still has the devils price to pay!” Caitlin turned from him taking a step away. Why was he talking about this? Why was he bringing it up? James had promised never to speak of it as did she and they were well on the way to forgetting the incident all together. Liam wasn’t finished yet, “Ye didn’t deserve it Cat, and for some reason it’s as if ye think ye did.”
“This is none of your concern Liam, it’s between me and Captain Hook. It has nothing to do with you.” Turning back she looked into his eyes, “And James has done me the courtesy of agreeing not to speak about it, which is more then I can say for you.”
Liam just looked into her eyes for a few moments before speaking softly, “How is it ye can forgive him for actually assaulting ye, and hurting ye so badly ye refused to come out of your room for days and days . . . . but ye still stare at me with fire and anger in yer eyes?” Caitlin furrowed her brow as he said this, looking away for a moment, thinking about why that might be. Liam’s eyes wondered over her as he tried to figure out why she could forgive such a dangerous and heartless man.
After thinking for a few moments, she gave him the only reason that she thought it could possibly be. “You have control of your actions Liam, or at least you claim to. James doesn’t. I don’t know why he gets so angry and violent at times, but there are other times when he is as gentle and kind as can be. I am trying to do as I should, to be a wife to look after him and care for him; for if not me there is no other.”
Liam’s eyes narrowed, why did she always defend the Captain like this? He had tried to tell her, and was sure she had seen it herself several times, but here she stood still ready to fight anyone who would speak the truth to her about Hook. “So because ye are his wife, ye don’t mind being treated like his whore? A toy? Nothin’ more then a doll dressed in a fine away and played with at it’s owners own leisure. Because that’s what you are Cat, that’s ALL you are!” Cat’s _expression changed at his words. This conversation was over and she had no intentions of staying a moment longer. Seeing the change Liam knew he had crossed several forbidden lines and wished he had never said such words.
Pushing past Liam, Caitlin headed for the door. The doctor quickly caught her wrist to stop her. “Caitlin please . . . ye must listen to me.” Before he could say another word she turned around and slapped him hard across the face causing him to instantly let go of her.
“I must do nothing of the sort. There are only two I have to listen to. One is God and the other is James. I’m sorry but you are neither of them.” With that, she unlocked the door and opened it, storming out as she slammed it behind her. Liam starred after her, holding his hand to his cheek. It would seem that he had burned all bridges of trust to spend time alone with her. The doctor had been blaming Hook for being careless with her health, but somehow he had managed to be just as careless. If something happened to her, he would be just as guilty and responsible for it as the captain was.
As Caitlin walked slowly across the deck, she felt sick to her stomach. Always, she began to feel ill shortly after having such an argument with someone, and winning for the most part. It never made her feel good for she was one who preferred to be kind a gentle to all rather then anything else. It was true, she could defend herself when need be, and stand as stubbornly and defiant as possible, yet fighting was not something she anxiously or openly searched for. It came to her. She never went looking for it.
With all of these thoughts roaming about in her mind, it was no wonder she didn’t notice the small flash of light that flew up behind her and dropped down into the hood of her cloak that hung about Caitlin’s shoulders. Aurora peeked out quietly, carefully, her wings flitting a few times, anxiously wanting to see her Captain. Cat went inside the cabin and closed the doors locking them up for the night. Unclasping her cloak, she took it into the closet and put it away before changing into her nightgown.
It seemed rather strange that the Doctor would call her down to the infirmary in the middle of the night, break the rules, and put his life itself up for forfeit just to tell her she was a whore. But no one acted normally in this place and she had come to accept strange things were going to happen.
Aurora quickly slipped from the folds of the cloak and into the cabin before Cat came out of the closet. The small fairy slipped over to the bed and peeked down, seeing James. Her heart sank as James seemed very pale and almost weak even though he was asleep. Flying down she pulled some dust from one of the bags she carried with her and whispered a quick incantation before blowing it into his mouth. Aurora watched for several moments anxiously to see him healed, but she heard the door of the closet closed and quickly flew into the rafters, hiding herself so she wouldn’t get caught.
Caitlin walked around and crawled into bed beside James, watching him sleep in silence, thinking about the doctor’s words. Hook was her husband after all and she should be anxious to forgive him for anything that might happen. It was why she defended him so quickly and passionately that was nagging at her mind. Shaking her head she lay down pulling a blanket over her, wanting to at least try and get a little bit of sleep.
On shore, in the lost boys hide out, Peter walked amongst the beds of the lost boys, looking over them as they slept. Now it had been longer and the crew of the Jolly Roger had been worn to the point they were brawling with each other over the smallest things, annoyed and frustrated by exhaustion. Tomorrow would be their next attack, and at last the evil fairy would be brought to justice, and everything in Neverland would return to how it was; Captain Hook and the Pirates against Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. Peter finally went to bed as well, and Neverland was silent except for the sounds of night.
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