Hook's Wendy | By : MarianTheBlackadder Category: M through R > Peter Pan > AU/AR Views: 4220 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Hook came out of his cabin once the storm had died down and only the cold wind was left. Leaving Caitlin to rest once again. When he came out on deck, he turned to see his entire crew gathered at the bottom of the stairs looking up at him. It was a strange occurrence, most of his men did their absolute best not to look at him less they call attention to themselves. His eyes narrowed at the crewmembers, and they quickly moved and scattered going back to their duties, removing the ice from the deck and the ships railings. The Captain, whose mind was troubled with volumes of thoughts, was in no mood for nonsense at this given time.
He couldn’t understand where things went so horribly wrong in their first encounter. Why it was she reacted so badly towards his confession of his intentions. All he could come up with, was that she was tired and worn and her nerves where still rattled from the strenuous and rigid testing she’d been subjected to the weeks before. It was a great disappointment, for who in their dreams would imagine the object of their affection’s would so quickly turn away from them. In all dreams, the one you want comes to you freely and of their own will. Perhaps even anxiously with an unmatched eagerness, that caused a feeling of unexplainable joy at the thought of someone desiring you so much.
Deep in his thoughts as he crossed the deck to the railing looking out towards the frozen tundra that Neverland had turned into. Pan had gone again, leaving Neverland for who knows what amount of time. Hook’s brow furrowed, the growing feel of eyes upon him caused him to turn to one way and then the other. On both sides, every eye on deck was cast in his direction. As soon as his men realize they’d been caught staring once more, they quickly went back to work turning their eyes away from him.
Taking out his spyglass he looked out over the frozen land. A desolate white desert the entire world had become. On the shores of the small island, all the plants and trees where asleep, gone into hibernation just like the animals. He continued to survey the landscape, giving a sigh of annoyance as he felt eyes upon him yet again. At once, without removing his spyglass from his sight, he slammed his hook down into the railing, causing everyone on deck to jump.
Turning he looked at all of them, his eyes narrowed. “Is there a problem, gentlemen? Have I been painted in bright green whilst I was not looking!?!” He shouted at them all. The men’s knees began to knock at the first sign of the Captains anger. Looking about at each one of them, waiting for an answer. “WELL!?!” One man stepped forward in a bold move. Reaching up and quickly removing his hat as he stood before the Captain, trying to get his courage up.
Hooks eyes narrowed at the man’s audacity to actually step forward and waited to hear the complaint. “Well . . . Captain Hook sir. . . . . We just. . . . it’s about . . . well . .” The captain sighed, why must he be surrounded with blundering idiots 24 hours a day. You would think that the whole of his crew would have had a brain betwixt them.
“Speak up, speak UP! Out with it!!” He ordered in a roaring tone, his patients seriously diminishing as the moments went by. The pirate stood strait immediately as if coming to attention for a moment before continuing to speak.
“It’s about . . . the . . . guest you’ve brought on board with you.” The fact that one of his crew even mentioned the girl that he’d brought back with him, when his mind was still raging with wonder about the night before, just fueled his temper that much more.
“Yes, YES what of her!?!” Removing his hook from the railing jerking it up from the wood as he turned to face the man.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he spoke as fast as he could to get it out before his fear struck him dumb, and unable to speak. “It’s frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard a ship, Captain. She’ll bring the evil eye on us for sure.” Knowing inside he was right, and what he said to be gospel truth to pirates everywhere he found enough confidence to look his Captain in the eyes.
Hooks left eye twitched at those words. “Really . . . that’s what you believe.” He said with a sort of laugh. Looking around to the rest of the crew as he started to laugh out loud. The men looked at each other a moment, before starting to laugh nervously as well. Hook continued to laugh encouraging the rest of the ships crew to do the same. It didn’t take them very long to be in a full range of laughter, smacking each other on the back. Hook keeping the smile on his face walked towards the crewmen who stood forward, clapping his hand on the mans shoulder.
The only one aboard that wasn’t laughing along with the rest, was Smee whose eyes were on the Captain the entire time. His continued his own nervous laugh, having seen this before on a few occasions. Hook looked at the man, a moment as they both laughed, but all at once he brought the sharp talon that replaced his lost hand into the mans side. His face turning dark and a look of pure evil replaced the light exterior he’d seemed to have just moments before. The crewmen’s eyes went wide as he gasped looking down at his body a moment.
“You could have counted yourself extremely fortunate if the ‘Evil Eye’ was the worst thing you encountered, you wretched idiot.” Hook hissed into the frightened face, before tearing his hook across the mans belly, ripping his body open wide. Jerking his hook from the bloodied corpse that had been lately a man, he watched it fall to the ground as dead silence over took the ship.
The man’s crimson blood still hot and dripping down their angered leaders terrifying extremity, hook turned to his crew. “What is the matter with you fools!!! How many curses do you think can be bestowed on us in one go!! If it can be trusted that none of you realize it, the evil eye is already UPON US!!!! Why do you think we cannot reach this godforsaken spit of land?” His eyes were cold, almost a silver tint to them as he spoke. “The next man to speak and try to place blame any misfortunes we suffer on the woman who sleeps above, if they look at her, or whisper her name, your blood will be the next that is mopped off of the timbers of this deck!!!”
His eyes scanned the men’s faces to make sure they all understood. None of them moved and it seemed as if they were to frightened to breathe. Sighing in annoyance he shouted, “GET BACK TO WORK!!!” Instantly they all scrambled and scurried falling over each other to get back to their duties. Thankful for the chance to get out of the path of his rage.
Smee quickly walked to the captain holding out a handkerchief, that hook snatched away from him. Using it to clean the red stain that had tainted his steel. “Captain, how are we to go about things until Pan returns to Neverland?”
“The same as we always go about things while he’s gone, do you think that would have changed this time. As if it were different then any other.” Throwing the now bloodied handkerchief back at his first mate who immediately caught it putting it behind him, hook turned looking out towards the island. “She must open her eyes, I want to see that look in her eyes for me, that I saw in that girl’s eyes for Pan.” Thinking out loud, the last few words spoken through tight clinched teeth.
“Of course she will Captain. Just give her a bit of time. She is much older then Red Handed Jill was. It’s harder for her to accept fairy tale things as children do. To her stories are just that, stories. There’s no truth to them, they’re just flights of fancy someone wrote down.” Smee said, trying to calm the Captain before yet another body would be ready to toss over the side.
These words sent hooks mind to think in a different way then he had before. It was certainly true, he could not argue with that. He’d grown used to all the strange fairytale like occurrences from this place, there was no surprise or doubt for himself, he’d lived here and seen it all. “Perhaps I should have introduced her to this world more gently.” His eyes casting back out towards the frozen block of ice that was at times a sea, his mind rolling thought after thought around in his mind. “You would think that a grown woman’s mind would be less fragile then a little girl’s, apparently maturity has the same benefits as a deadly disease.”
A few hours later, Caitlin opened her eyes with a slight groan. She moved her hand to her forehead as it fell sore somehow. Beginning to wipe the sleep from her eyes, as she turned to lay on her side feeling very uncomfortable, she must have stayed in the same position for a long time. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the Captain, once more sitting at his desk. Only this time he was not writing, he was reading a book. She was still not dreaming, this was the third time she woke up and all three times she found herself in the same place.
She lay still, watching him in absolute silence. It was easier for her to take the time to give him a good look, now that he did not know she was watching him. Her eyes wondered over his form slowly taking in everything about him. He wore what seemed to be an old fashioned robe that a wealthy man would put on over his other clothes once he was home for the evening, replacing whatever jacket he’d worn during the day. Beneath he wore a garnet romantic shirt scroll jacquard with swirling designs beneath it. She could clearly see the ruffles that adorned the shirt’s sleeves peaking out of the robe on his arms. Her eyes wandered down a bit, as she could see a long gold and garnet colored sash that wrapped his waist. The black pants just below it seemed skin tight and very complimentary to say the least.
Her eyes wondered slowly back up to his face, really looking at him. He’d not shaved today nor trimmed, and had a five o’clock shadow in parts of his cheeks and neck that had not been there before. Caitlin could feel her breath catch in her chest, seeing those stained glass blue eyes of his once more. They were perhaps the most dazzling eyes she’d ever seen in all of her life. Her eyes wondered down another moment, to his chin and the fine lines of his neck that seemed as if they’d been chiseled by some artist skill into pure perfection. His hair was a mass of long curls that hung about his face and draped down like curtains over his shoulders. She could not see his hook at this moment, for it rested at his lap beneath the desk. But when he reached up to turn a page, that was when it came into view.
It looked absolutely horrifying in every single sense of the word. Caitlin had seen many strange things in her studies, and saw things in England that she never even dreamed of back home. Yet this sight seemed to stand out as the strangest of them all. Why on earth would anyone want a hook of such a size to replace there hand? Wasn’t there something else, of a better shape that had more practical uses? What did he need such a thing for. Even though this strange mechanical looking appendage concerned her a bit with questions and confusions, she could not fight her eyes wanting to look upon his handsome face once more.
Her eyes moved down to look away from him for a moment, as she thought about how she’d acted towards him from the first moment she saw him. She didn’t really give him much of a chance to explain himself, in fact as she recalled, she just continued to question him accusingly. After he’d given her clothing to wear and fed her more then she’d eaten in quiet along time. Caitlin’s eyes moved towards the Captain who sat quietly indulged in the literature he was reading with such intense interest.
Slowly she moved to sit up, then she stood frowning feeling the bear fur against her skin again. Looking down she saw that the boots she’d been wearing had been removed. Most likely so that she would be more comfortable as she slept, but still it was un nerving. Moving quietly she walked to the bed post at the foot of the bed, reaching up resting her hand on it. He seemed not to hear her or notice any movement. It was frustrating a bit, how was she to know if he was still infuriated at her for her scene the night before. If she were to call out to him, he might grow angry again and attack her. But still, she didn’t see much else she could do. Reaching up and covering her mouth with her fist, she cleared her throat.
Hook closed the book instantly, reaching down and opening a drawer in his desk sliding it across the top and down. Much like a guilty party being caught doing something he shouldn’t. Caitlin spoke softly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” With absolute sincerity in her voice, as she looked to him.
The Captain was a bit in shock at the sudden change in her manner. He half expected upon her awaking, that she would try to sneak out the door and escape, rather then call his attention to her. He starred at her a moment, before snapping out of his awe. “Oh, you didn’t startle me, of course not. I was just about done.” He closed the drawer quickly, as what he’d been reading was the journal that he saw her write in day after day. He’d brought it back with them, when his eye caught a glimpse of it lying beside her book bag, right before they left her room. He’d moved so quickly when she cleared her throat, she’d not seen nor recognized the ledger.
She stepped cautiously down the steps, towards his desk. He quickly rose from his chair not sure what was going on. Perhaps what Smee said was true, she just needed time for things to sink in. “I’ve been thinking and . . . . well . . . perhaps we started off on the wrong foot yesterday. You can only imagine why I felt like that, waking up . . .” Her eyes wondered about the cabin a brief moment before returning to him. “ . . . here when I fell asleep in my room . . .”
He looked at her suspiciously for several moments, he’d already seen several signs of her being as crafty as himself. But he’d watch, and wait and play this scene out with her to see what would happen. “Of course, anyone would be dismayed to find themselves moved to a new place.” He stepped from behind his desk and took a step towards her, watching to see what she would do. But she stood still, and didn’t dodge away from him just yet. But there were still several steps between them.
“So, I was hoping. . . .we could start anew. Perhaps with proper introductions?” This caught him off guard, formal introductions would seem a bit awkward. He had another name once, but it was now officially Captain Hook. He’d forgotten what his family name was. Caitlin decided since it was something she wanted, she should begin. “My name is Caitlin Wendy Amore.” She stated.
Hooks brow raised for a moment, “Wendy . . . really.” He said at this. He did not know what the initial W. had stood for before this very moment. It was ironic, but perhaps fate had a hand in this as well. He half laughed at this in disbelief, before regaining his sense realizing she was waiting to hear from him next. “Captain James Hook, at your service. But I must insist that you call me James.” He said sincerely, already he liked hearing her voice when she said his name. It gave him a slight thrill each time he heard it.
Caitlin swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded, “Of course, James.” She repeated to be sure she got it right. A brief genuine smile swept his face at this. Yet the Captain was still on his guard. She was cleaver and had wit, unlike the crew and others he’d found in this cursed world. He took another step towards her, and still she did not shy away. “Please. . . . explain to me why you brought me here again. That we may discuss it like civilized human beings?”
“Of course dear lady, anything you wish. Would you like to sit down?” He asked to be polite, but she smiled nervously and shook her head.
“Oh no, I’ve been in bed for the past two days, I think I would like to stand awhile.” She said with a smile. Hook gave a slight nod of understanding letting her know she enjoyed the freedom of standing or sitting if she wished, after all, she was his guest.
“Very well, as I told you last night, I searched for a very long time. Looking for someone, whom might be a companion to me. Yet with all my years of searching, I found no one that held my interest for very long, until I saw you. A year ago. You were on a trip with your classmates to a museum in London. You were going from shop to shop looking for trinkets to buy so that you could keep some small memory of your trip.” He watched her face, taking another step towards her as he spoke. The distance between them closing rapidly. Although they were successfully hiding it from each other, both of there minds where on the distance between them. He continued on with his words, “I saw you. You and two of your companions where enjoying each others conversation and I heard your laugh for the first time. You were the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen in all my years.”
Caitlin was listening to his words, looking into his eyes that seemed to cast a spell over her. She’d never had someone speak to her in such a way. The things he said and his voice that carried them seem to lure her into a sort of trance. He was so breathe taking, and attractive to her. Yet still, her common sense was all that kept her from falling into the trap of his handsome looks and charming manner. Hook was not blind, he could see the way she seemed to sway and the blush to her cheeks as he continued to speak. It was encouraging him, quickly bringing his hopes back to life.
“I had to follow you, I knew I would not be able to rest or live with myself if I let you slip from my grasp. It was as if an angel had slipped from heaven and captured my senses.” Taking yet another step towards her, their gaze locked on one another’s. He could feel his heart catch in his chest, as there were only perhaps four steps separating them now. “I watched, and waited trying to find a time when I could approach you, speak to you just to be in your presence and be showered in your attentions just for a few moments. I knew then, I had to have you. I could not bare it if another claimed you as his own.” Another step, only three left now.
Caitlin felt as if she was being carried on clouds listening to the melody of his voice, and nearly drowning in the blue of his eyes. Her head tilted to the side as she could almost feel her body being pulled towards him with each word. He took another step, two more. “You were intelligent, kind and graceful. But at the same time strong willed and courageous, something that is beaten down out of many through there younger years.” His breath got a bit deeper, taking yet another step. Almost to her, one more step. He could barely control himself. He felt it deep inside, he knew that this was it. It was what he’d dreamed of these past months.
“I want you for my wife Caitlin, I want you to be part of my life, I want to share my life with you, my heart with you . . . . .” He reached up slowly with his good hand intending to touch the blushing rose of her cheek, and feel her soft skin against his fingertips. “ . . . . my bed with you . . .” However, right as she fell the warmth of his hand near her face, the spell was broken. Her eyes went wide, not knowing when he’d gotten so close to her. She drew back away from him several feet, breathing hard her body moving before he could touch her. A look of utter disappointment and frustration crossed his face watching her. It was quickly replaced with anger as he growled at her, “I knew it. It was a trick, you were trying to deceive me so you could attempt an escape.”
His rage started to grow as he walked quickly over to her, no hesitation this time. She tried to back away before he could reach her but, he moved to quickly catching up her arm pulling her back into the room and throwing her to the floor. “ You should not have tried that with me Caitlin, now you have no choice.”
She quickly tried to speak in her defense, as she had no hidden agenda as she was being accused of, “No, that isn’t true. . I wanted a new start. I wanted to understand!”
“Who do you think your fooling woman, I’ve watched you use the same tactics I have before.” He shouted harshly standing over her. She trembled, fear corseing through each and every part of her body, she was paralyzed to frightened to move. He reached down pulling her up roughly with his one hand. She tried to turn her face away from him, but he pressed the flat cold steel of his hook against her face forcing her to look at him “You ARE to be my wife, the time that you had to make a decision has come and gone, and now it has been made for you.” He threw her again as she landed in a large chair, more startled then anything. Her eyes looked up at him in complete horror.
He looked darkly at her a moment, his rage at his peak and she could see it in his eyes. A murderous anger, and anger that had most likely lost some their lives. He turned on his heel walking to the double doors as he opened them turning around looking at her, “Prepare yourself Caitlin Wendy Amore, tomorrow is our wedding day.” He hissed at her with a look of pure malice adjoining his words. He slammed the double doors shut locking them tight.
Caitlin couldn’t believe what had just happened. She stood quickly hurrying over to the doors, trying them several times finding them once more locked, with no give in them what so ever. “I wasn’t trying to deceive you!!!” She cried in desperation at the door, not knowing if she could be heard or not, but she had to try.
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