Lost and Found | By : Valleygoat Category: Twilight Series > General Views: 5592 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or make any money from this story. |
Ch 8 really getting to know you
Carrie POV
This morning was the same as yesterday morning, Edward was waiting for me at the end of the drive way. “You know if we are going to keep on doing this you should either bring your car so we don’t have to walk through the snow or you are going to have to bring me hot chocolate.”
“I’ll remember that.” he told me with a smile.
Today I was eating a banana and crackers. I offered some crackers to Edward which he refused. “Don’t you ever eat? I’m starting to think that I eat more than you do.” I said.
“I have eaten already.” He told me in that quite voice of his.
We continued walking in silence. I was lost in thought when this crazy idea suddenly popped into my head. I decided to share it with Edward. “Would you mind if I have a silly moment right now?” I asked
“Go ahead this might be amusing.” He told me.
“Ok I’m just warning you. Sometimes I can go pretty far out there. Ok here it goes. You and your family could be vampires. My reasoning, you are all really good looking so that would draw people in, your voices are very pleasing to the ears also, and your skin is cold to the touch, as if there is no blood flow. But I don’t believe you guys are normal vampires, probably vegetarian vampires. That would be cool, a vegetarian vampire.” I put the vegetarian part in because from what I’ve heard the Cullen family is vegetarians.
“Don’t think that I am crazy, I believe vampires exist or did at one time. If there are still vampires around they would have to adapt in order to survive, drinking the blood of animals is one way, especially since human blood is so dangerous now a days. I believe that they were around once because there is always a grain of truth to every myth. Also there is a myth of vampires in several cultures across the globe. What do you think about that?”
I turned to look beside me but Edward wasn’t there. I looked back to see that Edward was back a ways. He had a shocked look on his face. “Edward…Edward… Eddie!” I called. He looked up at me still slightly dazed. “Come on we have to go to school.” He still didn’t move. I walked back to him. “See I told you that it was pretty crazy, you’re so shocked that you stopped moving. Come on we need to get to school.” I grabbed his wrist but he just moved so that he was holding my hand and tugged him down the road. He eventually started walking beside me again. He didn’t let go of my hand as he did so. The rest of the walk to school was quite. When we got to school I told him sorry, let go of his hand and went to my first class. Something happened and I’m not sure what.
Edward’s POV
I was just sitting around in the living room, waiting until it was time for me to go to school. I decided that I was going to walk Carrie to school like I did yesterday, so I told the others what I was going to do. I put on my jacket, grabbed my bag and ran to Carrie’s home. When I arrived I stood next to a tree that was at the end of the drive way. I could hear Carrie‘s soft foot steps as she came down the drive. “You know if we are going to keep on doing this you should either bring your car so we don’t have to walk through the snow or you are going to have to bring me hot chocolate.” she said to me as she came up to walk beside me.
“I’ll remember that.” I said I told her with a smile.
We were walking along in silence and she offered some crackers to me which I declined. “Don’t you ever eat? I’m starting to think that I at more than you do.” she questioned. I’m glad she doesn’t know how right she is.
“I have eaten already.” I informed her and in a way I have. I hunted earlier this morning so I wouldn’t be as tempted to tear her parents apart for what they have done to her. We were walking in silence and Carrie’s appeared to be deep in thought. I tried to listen in to her thoughts but I still got nothing.
“Would you mind if I have a silly moment right now?” she asked.
“Go ahead this might be amusing.” I told her. I was curious as to what she was going to do if she referred to it as a ‘silly moment’.
“Ok I’m just warning you. Sometimes I can go pretty far out there. Ok here it goes. You and your family could be vampires. My reasoning, you are all really good looking so that would draw people in, your voices are very pleasing to the ears also, and your skin is cold to the touch, as if there is no blood flow. But I don’t believe you guys are normal vampires, probably vegetarian vampires. That would be cool a vegetarian vampire.”
I was in shock at what she was telling me. I froze the moment the word vampire slipped through her lips. ‘How does she know? How did she figure it out? I didn’t even realize that I had stopped walking. Carrie didn’t notice either for she was staring at the sky with her hand to her chin.
“Don’t think that I am crazy, I believe vampires exist or did at one time. If there are still vampires around they would have to adapt in order to survive, drinking the blood of animals is one way, especially since human blood is so dangerous now a days. I believe that they were around once because there is always a grain of truth to every myth. Also there is a myth of vampires in several cultures across the globe. What do you think about that?”
Again I was shocked at what she said. She believes in vampires? That might make things easier if we ever tell her the truth. I was in such deep thought that I barely registered Carrie calling me. “See I told you that it was pretty crazy, you’re so shocked that you stopped moving. Come on we need to get to school.” I felt her grab my wrist and led me down the road. It was silent the rest of the way and I turned over what she said in my mind. I didn’t realize that we were at school until I heard her mumble a sorry and let go of my hand. It was then that I realized that some time during our walk that we were holding hands.
I walked to where the others were standing next to Rosalie‘s car. “What’s wrong Edward,” Rosalie asked.
“It’s something that Carrie said to me on the way here.” I said.
“Well what did she say,” Emmett asked.
“Well she had what she called a silly moment.” The others stared at me in confusion.
“Well she had this crazy idea about why she never sees any of us eat.”
“What was her idea,” questioned Jasper.
“That we’re vampires, and not just any vampires, vegetarian vampires.” I told them. They had the same look of shock on their face as I probably had. “She also said how she believes that vampires still exist somewhere and that they did exist at some point for them to appear in so many cultures.”
“You’re kidding,” said Rosalie. I shook my head no. We all took this moment to soak this information in. We were silent and unmoving as we contemplated what I told them Carrie said. The bell rang and we moved to start the day. As I reflected on the walk to school, I chuckled.
“What’s so funny Edward,” Alice asked.
“She called me Eddie.” I told her. With that we departed to our classrooms.
Carrie’s POV
I felt bad about what happened this morning. Maybe the way I was acting was too much, or maybe I shouldn’t have called him Eddie. I knew I shouldn’t have done that. It’s too personal, almost as if I was staking a claim. He wouldn’t want me like that, no one will.
“I didn’t see Edward’s car again today, did he walk you to school this morning?” Jessica asked.
“Yeah,” I replied. She walked away to her group of friends but I could still hear what they were saying. “He must like new girls. First it was Bella and now it’s her. That has to be the only explanation. I mean come on, Bella was somewhat attractive, but look at her. She even wears the same filthy rags everyday to school.” They continued saying that he could do so much better. I just did my best to ignore them for the rest of the class.
As I walked into Latin class Emmett called to me, “Hey there short stuff, ready for another day of translations.”
“Hi Emmett,” I responded quietly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “If it’s about Edward, don’t worry, he was just kind of
shocked at what you said. He wasn’t expecting something like that from you.”
“I have always been told that I was very observant of things. I was unsure of what to say so I tried to be funny. I guess it didn’t work though,” I said.
He was quite for a moment then he asked, “So is it true?”
“What?” I asked. “That I believe in vampires? Yes I do.”
“No not that.” he said. “Did you call Edward ‘Eddie’?”
“Yeah, I kept calling his name to get his attention. He didn’t respond so I tried to call him that to if he would do come out of whatever was wrong with him. That didn’t work either,” I told him.
“This is perfect, you called him Eddie. I have some blackmail now.” Emmett and I spent the rest of the class time doing our assignment then working on our translation. It wasn’t due for a while but we wanted to get it done.
He walked me to my next class where Rose asked me pretty much the same thing. She also chuckled at the Eddie part. “I think you are the first person to give him any sort of nickname. We always call him Edward; we never use any variation of his name.” She actually surprised me when she leaned over and whispered in my ear. A grin came across my face and I gave a nod to her plan.
As Rosalie and I left chemistry we saw Edward leaning against the lockers across from the door. Rosalie and I decided to put our plan into action. When we approached him together we said, “Hi Eddie.”
“Rosie, Shortie,” he said nodding to the both of us. So the plan didn’t have any of the results we were expecting. We were hoping for a little embarrassment.
“I’m not short y’all are freakishly tall.” I told them both. They laughed at this and we headed to class. Edward put his arm around me.
“You know that they are going to be talking about this right?” I asked.
“Let them think what they want. Besides, you didn’t flinch as much this time. I am getting you accustomed to touch.” he said.
“Is that it?” I questioned him.
“More or less.” he said while sending me a crooked smile. I blew him a raspberry, which caused him to laugh. By this time we have arrived at our Biology class. I looked up and noticed that Bella was glaring at me. I told Edward that I don’t think that she likes me very much. He told me that I was just imagining it.
The teacher told us to sit with our partners and write out a vocabulary list pertaining to the project so Edward came back to sit with me and I mean right next to me. We were practically touching. I thought I felt someone watching me so I look around the class room. I see Bella staring at me so I send her a tentative smile and went back to my work.
I noticed then how nice Edward’s hand writing is. It is so neat, elegant, and so perfect. I never met anyone who wrote everything in calligraphy. I looked at my writing which was big sloppy cursive. I’ve always hated my writing and compared to his it just looks even more inadequate.
“What’s wrong Carrie,” Edward asked. He must have noticed my drop in mood.
“Even your handwriting is perfect and beautiful. Just look at mine, it‘s terrible while yours is suitable for framing,” I said with a small pout. We looked at each others writing, he seemed to study mine closely.
“Well if that is all that is bothering you let’s just fix that,” he said. Before I could even ask what he meant by that he scooted his seat even closer to mine where he was sort of sitting half behind me. I felt him put his left arm around my waist and grab hold of my right hand which was holding a pencil. My face felt a little warmer than usual. “Now just relax your grip on the pencil, you are gripping it way too tight. You shouldn’t force the pencil, just gently guide it. Relax your arm also, your way too tense,” he said softly next to my ear. I sure hope that he couldn’t see my face because I could feel it burning as if it was on fire.
Bella’s POV
I hear a familiar heart warming laugh so I look up to see Edward coming into the class. I was shocked to see that he had his arm around the new girl, Carrie, and she was smiling also. What did she do to make Edward laugh, I hardly heard him laugh when we were together. Edward takes his seat next to me, “Hi Edward.”
“Oh, hey Bella.” he said.
“What was so funny?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he told me. Were they sharing a private joke? I turned my attention to the teacher so I could hear our assignment. When the teacher told us to sit with our partners Edward practically jumped out of his seat to sit next to Carrie. I slowly went to the other side of the classroom to sit with my partner. I looked back at Edward; he was sitting so close to Carrie she could have sat in his lap. I watch as she looks around the class room, when her eyes come to me, I can’t believe that she smiled at me. She smiled!
I looked away. It doesn’t matter; she could never actually be with him. She doesn’t even know that Edward is a vampire. I am the only one that could accept him; I am the only one that he can truly be with. I may be with Jake but I hardly get to see him since he has been busy with his pack lately.
I look back to them; they seem to be comparing hand writing. Edward scoots even closer to Carrie as she picks up a pencil. He wraps one arm around her waist and grabs the hand holding the pencil into his own and he starts writing. His head is over her shoulder looking at the paper they are writing upon. He never did that with me! Just what is she to him?
Carrie’s POV
Edward walked me to lunch as usual. I sat down to try to get some homework done before he takes it away from me, no such luck. He sat down next to me, pushed my books away from me and told me to eat. He even held a slice of pizza up to my mouth. I grabbed it and told him I can feed myself. He just laughed at that.
We just spent the time getting to know each other. We asked each other the usual questions like favorite colors, books, movies, music. I couldn’t really tell them much of any thing since I haven’t been able to read or anything. I told them more about me, they told me more about them. I learned from them about where they are originally from and I told them that I believed I was born in Ohio and I lived there mostly. When they asked what I was doing here I responded that I wasn’t sure. Thom and Liz were probably hiding for a while or something.
“Carrie, why don’t you come to our house this weekend?” Alice asked.
“I don’t know Alice. I’m usually given a list of chores that I am supposed to do. Thom and Liz leave for the weekend most of the time, but I’m never really sure when they come back, and I’m supposed to be there in case they want me to do something.”
“What are you supposed to do this weekend?” asked Emmett.
“Well, that I know of, I’m supposed to do their laundry, plant the bulbs they bought. I was also hoping to get ahead on my school work so I won’t be so overwhelmed later.” I told him.
“They want you to get all that done this weekend?” Edward asked.
“Yeah, they won’t have me clean the house until Thanksgiving though, which is good. It is hard to clean a house that I’m not allowed to step foot in. Only when the house gets really messy is when I’m allowed in it for to them it is not fit for human habitation.”
“What do they view you as, if not a human?” Rosalie asked.
“Garbage, trash, beneath the dirt on the bottom of their shoes, any adjectives like these,” I said placing the half eaten slice of pizza on the plate and crossing my arms across my chest. Edward scooted close to me and put his arm around me. I jumped at the contact, not expecting it and I was going back into my protective shell.
He grabbed the pizza and held it up to my mouth again. I looked between it and him sighed and went to reach for it only for him to pull it away. When he brought it up again, I reached for it and he pulled it away again.
“Do you want me to eat it or not,” I asked him in aggravation.
“Yes,” He replied.
“So why do you keep pulling it away?” I asked. He only smiled at me. I looked to the
others for help. They were watching us in amusement. It finally dawned on me what he wanted. I could not prevent the blush that spread across my face. Edward want or was trying to feed me.
“Awe look, she’s blushing. She’s even cuter when she blushes.” Jasper said.
“Really Jasper I would have expected that from Emmett, not you,” Alice said. I went to say something but Edward put the pizza in my mouth just as I opened it. I glared at him, while the others laughed. I took the pizza out of my mouth, chewed and swallowed the piece he had caused me to take.
“I am able to feed my self and I will do so for as long as I am able.” I told him.
“Does that mean I’m free to do so if you cannot,” he questioned with a small smile on his face. I blushed even more and mumbled a whatever, he just laughed. I finished lunch and allowed Alice to drag me to math then gym. In gym I was told that a more appropriately sized uniform will be in by Monday. Emmett picked me up after that and started whining that I wouldn’t be so adorable then. Everyone laughed at that statement and I was starting to think that I was going to have a blush permanently tattooed on my face.
We all went to study hall together then hung out until I had to go to work. They even stayed at Maria’s while I worked. I sat with them during my breaks; Edward even ordered something for me to eat during my hour break. I walked home with Alice and Edward. I couldn’t keep my excitement in when I saw that the porch light was off. That means I could go straight to my den which I did. That night I went to bed at eleven, I slept well that night. I felt as though things were finally looking up for me. For once in my life I was glad that we moved.
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