Alex Rider shorts | By : Neckar Category: A through F > Alex Rider Series Views: 6673 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Alex Rider is owned by Anthony Horowitz and othersm, not me and I make no money from this |
NOTES: This story, Alex Rider: Gold Paint, and Alex Rider: By My Eye I Spy A Sleeping Spy are set during the FIFTH Alex Rider book SCORPIA.
A house on the edge of Regent’s Park. A shabby bedroom with a bathroom attached.
“I think you’ll be amused by the climax,” Julia Rothman, the liar, one of the twelve (although the number kept changing due to murder—mostly among themselves) heads of the evil organization, the hire for murder group SCORPIA, had told him. He wasn’t sure which climax she had meant but he would soon find out.
Nile was wearing a loose light tan jacket, trainers, and a white sweatshirt. The African man was handsome. Or rather, he would have been, had it not been for vitiligo, a skin disorder, his skin lacked pigment cells. He was born black but he’d be white by the time he died. His eyes were the best part of him, plus he was overtly muscled and quick. He had huge biceps and his shoulders bulged. His abs were cut. But his face had blotches of white people skin. Some tanned and some albino colored. He had told Alex he knew they would be close friends. He had ordered the best clothes for him in Venice before his very first meeting with Julia Rothman. Nile had told him he had a good eye for sizes…at the time, Alex thought the man meant it for judging how the clothes would fit him.
Alex was lied to by Rothman. He was told his father was an assassin, that he would be valued just because of that and that he was trained in Positano, near Venice, to be a Scorpia member. He had bought into all her lies. She had a videotape of his father being shot in the back by MI6 on orders of their second in command, Tulip Jones. Julia had sent him to kill her. He couldn’t. As they had found out on their training island, Malagosto, he didn’t have the killing instinct in him but they had sent him anyway. They had also given him an injection, an inoculation they had said. It was leading to his death. Such injections, coupled with a terahertz beams fired from satellite dishes, would soon unleash nanoshells, shells protecting round bullets of gold. That the shells would dissolve, would in turn unleash gold bullets of death in the hearts of thousands, perhaps millions of children in London, Alex being one of them. Alex returned to helping MI6, to stop this. He had to have Julia and Nile lead him to where the real satellite dish was. MI6 would follow. How? Alex had a clear brace wire that would fit inside his mouth, the clear part over his teeth. It was a looped aerial that will transmit once he activated it with his tongue. He couldn’t activate it before he was in the vicinity of the dish or dishes. If so, MI6 would never find or be able to stop the dishes or the deadly transmission. He hoped no one from Scorpia would find the brace and he had to be careful because his speech was a bit slurred and he was sure he might lisp. Alex had been a good actor from the beginning. He had insisted, upon re-contacting Scorpia, that he wanted to see Nile.
Julia told him they were going to have to search him. She said she trusted him but, of course, she didn’t. Having been taken by MI6, Alex could have been bugged without his knowledge she said. “So before I leave here, I want you to go into the bathroom with Nile. He’ll give you a thorough examination. And we’ve got you a complete change of clothes. Everything has to come off, Alex. It’s all a bit embarrassing, I know, but I’m sure you’ll understand.”
Alex did. One thing that bitch didn’t understand was that he wasn’t a bit embarrassed about how he looked, naked or dressed. He was very well formed and knew it. He didn’t flaunt it and wasn’t conceited by it, but he knew he was blessed with great looks, a great body and he worked to keep it the best possible shape. He didn’t eat junk food, or rather, not too much of it, anyway. He was also blessed with a great metabolism.
“I’ve nothing to hide,” Alex said, but he couldn’t help running his tongue over the brace.
“Of course, you haven’t, I’m just being overcautious.”
“Let’s do it,” Nile jerked his thumb in the direction of the bathroom. He seemed amused by the whole idea.
He led Alex up to the bathroom, which seemed immaculate compared the rest of the house. Nile told him about the killing or rather the killing Alex was supposed to have done, “It was the same for me the first time. You’ll learn to enjoy it.” Now, as Alex stripped and had some trouble getting the black assassin one piece off him, Nile said, “Let me help you with that…”
“I can do it,” Alex said but Nile helped anyway, the back of his white/black knuckles hitting and rubbing Alex’s bare hip and on purpose, Nile slid the knuckles down Alex’s hip past the bone and down to the leg and around that entire area of the leg and torso, nearing his dick. Alex flinched and felt good at the same time. He realized Nile had hit an erogenous zone. This immediately forced a reaction into his foreskinned penis and blood filled it and made his erection grow more than it already had. Wet quickly, too. “Don’t worry about that. You’ll learn to enjoy this, too.” Nile watched as Alex kicked off the black outfit. He wore nothing beneath. The sneakers were already off. Nile put both hands on Alex’s shoulders. “Top to bottom, Alex…and inside…and more…” From behind, Nile felt the shoulders, let his hands drop down to Alex’s arms, under his arm pits, “Lift.” Alex raised his arms and Niles felt beneath the pits. It tickled and Alex tried to hold back his laugh. He couldn’t. He could face terrorists, madmen, armies, resist torture but this….he jerked his arms back a bit involuntarily.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right.” Nile removed his own shirt. The rippling muscles that Alex had already noticed in Venice, seemed to be popping out. Nile discarded the shirt onto the towel rack. Nile went back to the rubbing up and down. He rubbed under Alex’s arms, down his sides, across with each hand across the ribs.
“What do you expect to find there?”
Alex sweated. His eyes darted from side to side as behind him, Nile leaned in close. Too close. He could feel Nile’s ab muscles leaned in on his back and buttocks. Nile shut his eyes and sniffed Alex’s smell, his hair, his neck. He rubbed his nose on Alex’s neck. He breathed in. The sweat smelled good to him, from when Alex was in the car accident, from when Alex tried to kill…or Nile thought had killed Mrs. Jones. Nile spread his fingers on Alex’s sides from ribs to lower, his pinkies were down by Alex’s penis and the rest of the fingers from both hands were spread evenly up and down the body from there, the mound of abs. The thumb was up at the ribs again and the fingers in between were all over Alex’s hard abs. Then Niles took the pointing fingers and poked them, nails hurting Alex’s belly button into Alex’s unbiblical scar—his belly button. The three piece tripod effect took it in. Alex jumped and jumped back into Niles, who had taken off his pants and a long, thick, hard shaft dangled out, poked Alex from behind. “Niles, what…what’re…re you doin?”
“Having some fun.” Nile gripped Alex’s button with both fingers and poked. Alex’s dick was hard and out of his foreskin, pre cum messing it up, webbing around it and in it. Alex gulped. He moved forward. Niles gripped him harder, and Alex could feel the massive hands pulling on his bony hips. “Stay still, if you can…” Nile lead him to the sink and said, “Hold the sink. Both hands,” he added when Alex’s head turned slightly to question this order. “You see, the main search hasn’t even begun…” he took his fingers out of Alex’s now red and sore belly button and moved them down to his sack and kneaded them, “They can hide something anywhere…” he felt all around Alex’s balls, which swelled and swishes. And hung. Then from underneath and ahead, Nile took the foreskin and uncurled it and put his fingers down it, stickiness and all. As he cleared it, he then took both hands up and fingers out of the foreskin but both hands gripped Alex’s thick member and jerked up on it, let go, let it hang, dangle, it coming up to attention on its own. Then Nile jerked down with both hands and hard. Alex gasped and sucked in air. “ready for the hard part…” Alex was about to ask him what that would be but something inside him knew what it was. He was about to make some sarcastic comment when Nile took one finger on his left hand, putting his hands back behind Alex…and poked it into Alex’s puckered asshole! Right in. And Nile said that, “Right in!” He couldn’t get it in there and so he forced. Alex’s rosebud pushed back and tried to resist. “OH, man, you ain’t getting me out of that.” Alex wasn’t sure what Nile meant but Nile, soon, used his own dickhead to wet down Alex’s hole and then Nile shoved the dick in and took it. Alex screamed. Then, Nile took his finger and it in. He searched all around inside and Alex grabbed the sink. It creaked.
“I’m gonna break the sink! It’s gonna give!”
“So are you, little man!” Nile shoved another finger in with the first and his fingers probed. They hit Alex’s prostate gland and send chills through him. He felt invaded and a large object was in him. He felt vacated when Nile finally took it out.
“Are you…”
Then three fingers. Alex felt the three fingers rub all around inside. Nile smiled, “You are certainly a clean boy.”
“I have gadgets…” Alex said and then felt he may have given away too much. He gasped. “For that kinda thing…”
Nile hit Alex’s thin line inside and Alex squirted. Alex felt himself turned around, vacated by the fingers and his dick shot over and over again and again. “Whatta load, my man!” Alex’s cum made new drapes across the bare windows. If anyone was watching from the outside, which they weren’t, they would have seen what looked like peach colored, white colored rain from the inside drawing over the formerly transparent windows. Alex gasped and a huge cloud of cum sprayed on the window and dripped, creating a blemished effect from outside.
“OH GOD!” Alex gasped, “OH GOD!”
Nile used one hand to hold Alex’s pelvis, an open five finger hold while his other hand probed inside Alex’s asshole…Alex jerked violently…Pre cum dripped now mixed with white cum itself, thick creamy salty foaming bubbling…Nile held the jerking Alex and he had to hold his hand deep inside Alex’s skin on the front, the area just to the side of the hip and where leg meets pelvis, to the side of navel…and he felt the bones of Alex’s pelvis and the tight intense muscles there…he had to ball his hand into a fist and dug that in to hold the boy, who’s hair was wet and flying…
“AHhh, fuck!”
Finally, the three fingers came out.
“Nothing in there,” Niles said, “You’re clean. Very clean. You’re very clean.” Nile gripped Alex’s shoulders and put his cock inside and let it rip open Alex some more. Alex grabbed up and held the window’s curtain rod. He gasped and as he held it, his strength made it fall. It fell and he jumped back, Nile in him. Nile nearly fell. “What the?” He steadied himself and took himself out of Alex and cam all across the wide, British back! It rose all the way to Alex’s long blond hair. Nile turned him around, roughly, holding his shoulders and the boy could feel the Jamaican cum slide down his back in huge clumps of white manhood! He could feel it drip all the way down the small of his back and pool around the top of his butt bone. Then it cascaded down from there in small amounts, a dripping facet.
Nile smiled and took Alex to him, front to front. The man’s biceps were bigger than Alex’s legs. He held Alex and moved to the sink. “I think I looked all over but one place…your mouth…”
This was where the brace was. If Nile rummaged around in there…
“My mouth but there’s no…”
Nile shoved his tongue into Alex’s protesting mouth and moved from side to side. If he moved it up or around, he might find the brace or even activate it! Alex decided the only thing to do was to move his tongue around also…distract Nile or move his tongue away from the switch or the wire. Nile was moving his head from side to side and moaning. Alex moaned as well, “MMmmmmmmmffffffffff….”
A knock on the door. “What’s going on in there?”
“Shit,” Nile whispered, “Shit.”
Then he said louder, “Nothing. Almost done.”
“You’ve been in there 15 minutes…”
“I want to be thorough, Mrs. Rothman….”
“Yes, I’m sure you do, Nile,” Rothman said with guile from the other side of the door.
“I’m cumming in…”
“No,” Alex gasped, “Don’t do that!”
“Oh, my dear Alex, there’s nothing I haven’t seen before…”
Nile already had his designer pants up. As he dressed, Alex hesitated. He jerked toward Nile, who was caught unaware, threatened by Julia coming inside.
“It’s locked. Open up. At once.”
Alex jerked toward Nile and smacked him with a big kiss again and threw his tongue into Nile. He broke the kiss and smiled at Nile’s scared look. Nile’s mischievous glance returned, then dropped. He raced to the door and not caring if Alex had finished dressing, opened it. Julia opened the door, looked inside and said, “You’ve got five more minutes, then come down…we ARE on a deadline.”
“Yes,mame,” Nile said. He closed the door. “We have five more minutes….wanna?”
“Yes, sure,” Alex said, “Like you said, the first time… soon, you get to enjoy it…”
Nile smiled. Alex smiled. Nile hadn’t found the brace…or…or had he? Perhaps he fell in love with Alex and wouldn’t betray him? Or more likely he was so taken with Alex’s sex and bod and mouth, he became sloppy and didn’t even feel the brace. Alex hoped the hot twenty something year old wouldn’t end up like most of his other enemies….he sort of liked Nile and wanted him to live…even if. Naw, Alex knew that if push came to shove and there was a lot of pushing, shoving, and thrusting going on again…Nile would have to die…
Alex turned as his shirt was taken off again… “Nile, Nile, what are you doing now?”
A thin but pointy knife was in his belly button. Right dead center of the three way tripod that was in his huge navel. “One thing I didn’t check was that sometimes, they can put a device deep into someone’s belly button…”
“There’s nothing in my belly buddon, cept your knife point and it kinda hurts…” Alex looked down. Exactly perpendicular to his navel was the knife point. He could feel the cold of it against his throbbing skin. He sucked in.
“Don’t do that,” Nile said as he shoved the knife in deeper.
“Ow, Nile that hurt!” Alex said. “That….hurt…” his dick was engorging all over again. Truth is …he liked it that feeling of the blade in his belly, ready to rip in. “If you move your arm or hand some more, you’re gonna stab me deep, Nile. Is that what you want?”
“I wanna feel you,” Nile put his face into Alex’s and snorted. Alex took it and faced him, staring him down. “My blade will see …feel if there is anything that’s there that shouldn’t be…”
“They didn’t have time to operate on me or anything, I’m sure of that…so…” Alex grunted as the blade sunk in. A bit of blood dripped from his navel, “Nile, you’re gonna kill me?”
Nile took the blade out and put it up between their faces, the very tip red with Alex blood. “Naw, nothing there but hot boy meat…”
Alex knew now that if the time came when he could kill Nile, he just might do it. All the death he caused, was mostly accidental but if he could, he knew now that Nile’s death by his hand wouldn’t be…then he looked down and saw dripping from, squeezing out of his dick slit, almost of its own accord, more cum. Nile got under it and opened his mouth wide and let it blob down into his mouth. Alex smiled…Nile got up and embraced him…hugged him close…Alex felt warm in the grip of a muscular man.
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